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Added Packages

dev-vcs/git-credential-managerSecure Git credential storage supporing GitHub, Azure Repos, and other services
dev-python/lxml-html-cleanSeparate project for HTML cleaning functionalities copied from lxml.html.clean
sys-apps/intune-portalMicrosoft Intune Company Portal to access a corporate environment
sys-auth/microsoft-identity-brokerMicrosoft Authentication Broker to access a corporate environment
acct-user/microsoft-identity-brokerUser for sys-auth/microsoft-identity-broker
acct-group/microsoft-identity-brokerGroup for sys-auth/microsoft-identity-broker
net-misc/email-validatorBasic syntax and deliverability checks on email addresses
net-misc/geckodriverProxy for using WebDriver clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers
dev-python/importlib-resourcesRead resources from Python packages
app-text/feathernotesLightweight Qt Notes-Manager for Linux

Updated Packages