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Added Packages

dev-db/duckdbhigh-performance analytical database system
dev-python/dependency-groupsA tool for resolving PEP 735 Dependency Group data
app-i18n/gnulib-l10nLocalization for gnulib
sec-keys/openpgp-keys-nicholaswilsonOpenPGP keys used by Nicholas Wilson
dev-lang/pypy3-exe-binPyPy3.11 executable (pre-built version)
dev-lang/pypy3-exePyPy3.11 executable (build from source)
dev-vcs/blackboxSafely store secrets in a VCS repo
dev-python/ipython-pygments-lexersPygments lexers for syntax-highlighting IPython code and sessions
www-apache/mod_tlsA module that uses rustls to provide a memory safe TLS implementation in Rust.
app-emacs/llamaCompact syntax for short lambda

Updated Packages