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Added Packages

media-libs/lercLimited Error Raster Compression
dev-cpp/cpptomlHeader-only library for parsing TOML
dev-cpp/fb303Core set of Thrift functions querying stats and other information from a service
dev-cpp/fbthriftFacebook's branch of Apache Thrift (C++ bindings)
dev-cpp/wangleA framework providing common abstractions for building services
dev-cpp/mvfstAn implementation of the QUIC transport protocol
dev-cpp/fizzC++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
app-admin/kio-adminManage files as administrator using the admin:// KIO protocol
sec-keys/openpgp-keys-apache-pdfboxOpenPGP keys used by pdfbox.apache.org
app-portage/time64-prepA tool to prepare for (comparatively) safe time64 transition

Updated Packages