Packages describing “binary” as local USE flag

Package“binary” Flag Description
dev-haskell/natsenable binary instances
dev-haskell/parsersYou can disable the use of the `binary` package using `-f-binary`.
dev-java/sbtInstall from (Gentoo-compiled) binary instead of building from sources. Set this when you run out of memory during build.
dev-lang/ghcInstall the binary version directly, rather than using it to build the source version.
dev-lang/mltoninstall a binary version
dev-lang/scalaInstall from (Gentoo-compiled) binary instead of building from sources. Set this when you run out of memory during build.
sys-firmware/edk2-ovmfUse pre-built binaries
sys-firmware/ipxeUse pre-built binaries
sys-firmware/seabiosUse official upstream pre-built binaries
sys-firmware/sgabiosUse pre-built binaries
sys-firmware/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafwUse official upstream pre-built binaries
sys-firmware/vgabiosUse official upstream pre-built binaries (only default and cirrus images)

All packages providing a “binary” USE flag (6)