app-containers/buildah | Enables dependencies for the "btrfs" graph driver, including necessary kernel flags. |
app-containers/containerd | Support for BTRFS snapshot driver |
app-containers/cri-o | Enables dependencies for the "btrfs" graph driver, including necessary kernel flags. |
app-containers/docker | Enables dependencies for the "btrfs" graph driver, including necessary kernel flags. |
app-containers/podman | Enables btrfs support (graph driver) in Podman |
app-containers/skopeo | Enables dependencies for the "btrfs" graph driver. |
app-metrics/prometheus-podman-exporter | Collect metrics for btrfs filesystem |
dev-util/schroot | Enable support for chroots using btrfs snapshots |
sys-boot/refind | Builds the EFI binary btrfs filesystem driver |