Enable ocamlopt support (ocaml native code compiler) -- Produces faster programs (Warning: you have to disable/enable it at a global scale)

Packages describing “ocamlopt” as local USE flag

Package“ocamlopt” Flag Description
dev-ml/ocaml-fileutilsWhether the OCaml native code compiler is used. Must be set globally and match dev-lang/ocaml.
dev-ml/ocaml-gettextWhether the OCaml native code compiler is used. Must be set globally and match dev-lang/ocaml.
dev-ml/ocaml-gettext-camomileWhether the OCaml native code compiler is used. Must be set globally and match dev-lang/ocaml.
dev-ml/ocaml-gettext-stubWhether the OCaml native code compiler is used. Must be set globally and match dev-lang/ocaml.
dev-ml/stdlib-shimsWhether the OCaml native code compiler is used. Must be set globally and match dev-lang/ocaml.

All packages providing a “ocamlopt” USE flag (6)