Packages describing “tremor” as local USE flag

Package“tremor” Flag Description
games-engines/scummvm-toolsEnable tremor, a fixed-point version of the Ogg Vorbis decoder
media-libs/sdl2-mixerUse media-libs/tremor instead of media-libs/libvorbis for OGG Vorbis support
media-sound/cmusUse libivorbis from media-libs/tremor instead of media-libs/libvorbis
media-sound/gogglesmmEnable support for media-libs/tremor, a fixed-point version of the Ogg Vorbis decoder
media-sound/mocBuild vorbis support using an integer implementation of the vorbis library (media-libs/tremor)
media-sound/snapcastBuild with TREMOR version of vorbis
media-sound/xmms2Support Vorbis using an alternate fixed-point decoder with media-libs/tremor
media-video/mplayerEnable internal support for Vorbis
media-video/vlcEnable tremor, a fixed-point version of the Ogg Vorbis decoder

All packages providing a “tremor” USE flag (9)