
The app-office category contains 'office' (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation) software packages.

abiwordFully featured yet light and fast cross platform word processor
abiword-docsFully featured yet light and fast cross platform word processor documentation
auto-multiple-choiceCreate and manage multiple choice questionnaries, including automated marking
calcurseA text-based calendar and scheduling application
calligraKDE Office Suite
denaroA personal finance manager
diaDiagram/flowchart creation program
dia2codeConvert UML diagrams produced with Dia to various source code flavours diagramming and whiteboarding desktop app
endeavourPersonal task manager
glabelsProgram for creating labels and business cards
gnucashPersonal finance manager
gnumericThe GNOME Spreadsheet
grisbiGrisbi is a personal accounting application for Linux
gtgPersonal organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
homebankFree, easy, personal accounting for everyone
impressiveStylish way of giving presentations with Python
joplin-desktopSecure note taking and to-do app with synchronization capabilities
kmymoneyPersonal finance manager based on KDE Frameworks
kraftSoftware to manage quotes and invoices in small enterprises
ktimetrackerTodo management and time tracker
ledgerDouble-entry accounting system with a command-line reporting interface
libalkimiaLibrary with common classes and functionality used by KDE finance applications
libreofficeA full office productivity suite
libreoffice-binA full office productivity suite. Binary package
libreoffice-l10nTranslations for the Libreoffice suite
libreoffice-voikkoFree Finnish spell checking and hyphenation for LibreOffice
lyxWYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) document processor based on LaTeX
magicpointX11 based presentation tool
mdbtoolsSet of libraries and utilities for reading Microsoft Access database (MDB) files
merkuroCalendar application using Akonadi
moneydanceA cross-platform personal finance application
multitalkNew type of presentation program
naps2Document scanning application with a focus on simplicity and ease of use
onlyoffice-binOnlyoffice is an office productivity suite (binary version)
orageA calendar application for Xfce
plannerProject manager for Gnome
projectlibre-binOpen source desktop alternative to Microsoft Project
sc-imNcurses based, vim-like spreadsheet calculator
scribusDesktop publishing (DTP) and layout program
skroogePersonal finances manager, aiming at being simple and intuitive
texmacsWysiwyg text processor with high-quality maths
texmakerPowerful LaTeX-IDE
texstudioFree cross-platform LaTeX editor (fork from texmakerX)
unoconvConvert between document formats supported by LibreOffice
worklog-assistant-binHassle-free time tracking for JIRA self-hosted and OnDemand
wps-officeWPS Office is an office productivity suite


Packages: 47

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