
The mail-filter category contains email filtering software.

afewInitial tagging script for Notmuch
amavisd-miltersendmail milter for amavisd-new
amavisd-newHigh-performance interface between the MTA and content checkers
bmfA fast and small Bayesian spam filter
bogofilterBayesian spam filter designed with fast algorithms, and tuned for speed
courier-pythonfilterPython filtering architecture for the Courier MTA
couriersrsSRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) wrapper for the courier MTA
dccDistributed Checksum Clearinghouse
dkimproxyAn SMTP proxy server for adding DKIM headers
exim-geoipThis is an IPv4 and IPv6 capable GeoIP dlfunc library for Exim
exim-p0fThis is p0f version 3 dlfunc library for Exim
gldStandalone anti-spam greylisting algorithm on top of Postfix
imapfilterAn IMAP mail filtering utility
libmilterThe Sendmail Filter API (Milter)
libopensmtpdLibrary for creating OpenSMTPD filters
libsieveA library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail
libspf2implementation of Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
libsrs2libsrs2 is the next generation Sender Rewriting Scheme library
maildropMail delivery agent/filter
mailfilterMailfilter is a utility to get rid of unwanted spam mails
MailScannerFree Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam Filter
mapsonA challenge/response-based white-list spam filter
milter-regexA milter-based regular expression filter
mimedefangAntispam, antivirus and other customizable filters for MTAs with Milter support
normalizemimeHelper program to normalize MIME encoded messages
opendkimA milter providing DKIM signing and verification
opendmarcOpen source DMARC implementation
opensmtpd-filter-dkimsignOpenSMTPD filter for signing mail with DKIM
opensmtpd-filter-rspamdOpenSMTPD filter for putting emails through rspamd
policydPolicy daemon for postfix and other MTAs
policyd-weightWeighted Policy daemon for Postfix
popfileAnti-spam bayesian filter
postforwardPostfix Sender Rewriting Scheme forwarding agent
postfwdVersatile Postfix policy server with a flexible ruleset based configuration
postgreyPostgrey is a Postfix policy server implementing greylisting
postsrsdPostfix Sender Rewriting Scheme daemon
procmailMail delivery agent/filter
pyzorA distributed, collaborative spam detection and filtering network
razorDistributed, collaborative spam detection and filtering network
rblcheckPerform lookups in RBL-styles services
rspamdRapid spam filtering system
scmaila mail filter written in Scheme
sieve-connectSieve Command Line Interface
spamassassinAn extensible mail filter which can identify and tag spam
spamassassin-botnetSpamAssassin plugin that attempts to detect messages sent by a botnet
spampdA program to scan messages for Unsolicited Commercial E-mail content
spamprobeFast, intelligent, automatic spam detector using Bayesian analysis
spf-enginePolicy daemon for Postfix SPF verification
sqlgreyA postfix policy service implementing a grey-listing policy
zdkimfilterDKIM filter for Courier-MTA


Packages: 50

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