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Bug Reports
dev-python/dbus-python: builds tests with FEATURES=-test (PATCH)
226347 - Assigned to Freedesktop bugs
dev-python/pyxattr-0.5.0 fails tests on system without xattr support
315267 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/matplotlib: bundles x11-libs/agg
456766 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python smtplib.SMTP.__init__() fails to catch "Resource temporarily unavailble" unavailable
457990 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy fails to detect ATLAS
469116 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/wxpython leaves orphaned[co] files in site-packages
481488 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/wxpython: does magic on top of Python script wrapping
484420 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-lang/python: add USE static-libs
487640 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jsmin may be non-free
548296 - Assigned to Licenses team
dev-python/selenium-2.46.0 dev-ruby/selenium-webdriver-2.53.4-r1 - file collision with FEATURES="splitdebug"
593912 - Assigned to Gentoo Ruby Team
dev-python/pypy3: investigate distutils C compiler calls
602444 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyperclip-1.5.27 No protocol specified : cannot connect to X server :0
629262 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-lang/python builds fail with "-fopenmp" in CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS
634064 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyxattr-0.6.0 : FAILED (errors=18)
635952 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/pbr-3.1.1 access violation with pypy3
637160 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/bcrypt-3.1.4 fails test tests/ - UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-7: ordinal not in range(128)
637228 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyzmq-16.0.2: upstream marked Gentoo QA notices as RESOLVED/WONTFIX
641040 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jsonrpclib-0.3.1 fails test: FAIL: testJoin (tests.test_threadpool.ThreadPoolTest)
641532 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/binaryornot-0.4.3 fails test: ERROR: test_never_crashes (tests.test_check.TestDetectionProperties)
644444 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.13.3 - src_compile(): don't know how to compile Fortran code on platform 'posix'
648988 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python fails test_fsize_ismax (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) on alpha
653850 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyphen: bundles a lot of dictionaries, in multiple copies
656488 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apispec-0.35.0 fails test: _ ERROR collecting tests/ _
662676 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/pbr-3.1.1 fails to compile when unrelated python modules don't exist (e.g. bleach) for given python version
662928 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/tornado-5.1 - ERROR: test_future_write (tornado.test.iostream_test.TestIOStream)
663490 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
=dev-python/pbr-4.2.0-r1 fails test pbr.tests.test_packaging.TestPackagingWheels.test_generates_c_extensions
664966 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/paramiko: Patch out server functionality behind a masked USE flag
666619 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.15.4 USE=mkl - fails at either build time or run time for multiple undisclosed reasons
672464 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python-3.6.5 - Add conditional support for --with-dtrace for profiling
675470 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.14.5 - RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
676976 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.6: python3_4 reference in /etc/python-exec/python-exec.conf
681660 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycairo-1.17.0-r1 fails test with pypy3: "undefined symbol: PyOS_FSPath"
682870 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/m2crypto: respect arch in CHOST for swig
688668 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.6.? USE=ncurses with sys-libs/ncurses[tinfo] - .../work/Python-3.6.5/python: symbol 'LINES': can't resolve symbol
692128 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pymdstat-0.4.2 - ERROR: Package installs 'share' in PyPy prefix, see bug #465546.
693584 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/odfpy-1.3.6 : error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
694570 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-neutronclient-6.12.0 USE=doc - OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'doc/build/html/.'
696132 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
app-eselect/eselect-python-20190417 - eselect python set python3.6: Couldn't find a man page for python3.6; skipping.
697152 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tornado-5.1 USE=doc - src_compile(): loading intersphinx inventory from Warning, treated as error: failed to reach any of the inventories with the following issues: []
697638 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.7.4-r1 fails test_ctypes test
697862 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tldextract: package writes to system location
698202 - Assigned to Patrick Lauer
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.6: <built-in>: fatal error: when writing output to : No such file or directory
699046 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/hypothesis: Enable more tests
700224 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/strict-rfc3339-0.7-r1: test_strict_rfc3339.TestTimestampToRFC3339UTCOffset, test_strict_rfc3339.TestTimestampToRFC3339UTCOffset fail
702996 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7 - Mandatory dependency to gstreamer via x11-libs/wxGTK[gstreamer]
704268 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.6.6 - src/common.h:161:2: error: #error No routines for aligned memory
704298 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python - Cross-compiled python installs wrong version of lib2to3/Grammar pickle
704816 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pylibacl-0.5.3: testEquivMode fails
709782 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/cffi-1.13.2: test_func_as_funcptr fails because of -Werror
711090 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypiserver-1.3.1-r1: test_partial_authed_open_download fails
712524 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.14.0[doc] RuntimeError: unable to read the version from
714784 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-2.7.17-r2 fails test test_bdb - FAIL: test_skip (test.test_bdb.StateTestCase)
716310 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/requests-2.23.0: test_use_proxy_from_environment[*https] fails with TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '_socks_options'
716614 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pylibacl fails tests
718914 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-lang/python-3.8.2-r1 fails test_ctypes test
719026 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-distutils-extra: removal?
719788 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.8.2-r2 : hangs at install phase (related to multiprocessing, maybe related to qemu?)
720050 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/docker TCPSocketStreamTest.* failures
720060 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib GUI front end USE flag required
720196 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/zc-lockfile fails tests
720258 - Assigned to William Hubbs
dev-python/python-dbusmock-0.18.2: test failures
720834 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/pycurl- fails tests (libcurl/*.so: cannot open shared object file)
722284 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.8.2-r2 fails test test_localtime_timezone
722656 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython fails tests
722716 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/secretstorage-3.1.2: test failures: secretstorage.exceptions.SecretServiceNotAvailableException: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying
723340 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/flit fails tests
723550 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/cffi calls cc directly
723558 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-jose fails tests
723616 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/mediafile fails tests
723652 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pycurl- failed configure with mbedtls
726306 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7: test hangs (lib_agw_piectrl_Tests::test_lib_agw_piectrlMethods)
726812 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/cherrypy-18.5.0: test failure
726820 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/blosc-1.11.1 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
727396 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
<dev-python/numpy-1.19.0: pypy3 fortran tests fail
729966 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python-3.7.8-r1 fails tests: ERROR: test_session (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests)
731766 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python - add USE=doc and RDEPEND = doc? ( app-doc/python-docs )
731790 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scikit-build-0.11.1: needs Fortran for tests
732180 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/llfuse fails test test_rounding: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
733298 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/m2crypto-0.35.2 fails datetime and timeout tests
736302 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/black: needs pypy3 port
737620 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/selenium-3.141.0-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies
737878 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/selenium-3.141.0-r1 installs files with broken symlink
737880 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zope-i18nmessageid-5.0.1: error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('coverage')
737968 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mediafile-0.2.0 fails tests
738006 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pycurl: replace USE=curl_ssl_* with USE={gnutls,libressl,nss,openssl}
738604 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyyaml-5.3.1 fails tests
738686 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
=dev-python/pycurl- Installation of a regular file is blocked by a directory: /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycurl-
738798 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/whoosh-2.7.4 fails tests
738878 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/py-1.9.0 fails tests with python3.7
741384 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pbr-5.5.0: test_capitalized_headers, test_get_kwargs_corner_cases, test_invalid_tag_ignored, test_non_canonical_tagged_version_bump fail
741550 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/line-profiler-3.0.2 fails to compile
742635 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/cffi-1.15.1 fails tests: test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef
743181 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy fails test test_bisplev_integer_overflow Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
743295 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/lz4-3.0.2 fails tests (hang)
743451 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/lxml-4.9.1 fails tests
743457 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dateutil-2.8.1-r2 fails tests
744082 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dateutil-2.8.1-r2 fails tests with sys-libs/timezone-data-2020b and slim bloats
749594 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/webob-1.8.6[doc] failed to emerge (pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'webob' distribution was not found and is required by the application)
750083 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 fails to compile: source.c:(.text.startup+0x8c): undefined reference to `cblas_ddot'
750320 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyzmq: partly ignores *FLAGS, results in cross-compile failure with multilib-portage
751622 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.9.0 fails test_ctypes test
753302 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.10.0_alpha1 fails tests: ERROR: test_connect_capath (test.test_ssl.SimpleBackgroundTests)
753359 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-forked-1.4.0-r1 fails test_xfail_behavior tests
754165 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/passlib-1.7.4 fails tests with PyPy3
756103 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/numpy: automagically linking against
757510 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/lxml-4.6.2: Segmentation fault while building on armv6l
759268 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyglet-1.5.14 fails to save images in alternative formats
763171 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/xcffib-0.11.1: fails tests (xvfb)
764278 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 installs pre-stripped files
765214 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.9.9-r1 fails tests (hang)
768438 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.3.4 bundles huge amount of fonts
772947 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pandas-1.2.1 fails test TestTimestampProperties.test_is_leap_year
773610 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/autobahn-21.2.1 collides with other packages
778422 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.10.1 - /.../ld: cannot find -ltomcrypt
779715 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-swiftclient-3.10.1 calls commands that do not exist (line 2816: flake8: command not found)
784626 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/djangorestframework-3.12.4 fails tests
785715 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-1.2.3-r1: fails one test on x86 (test_rolling_quantile_interpolation_options)
786594 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/matplotlib-3.4.1: fails two LaTeX tests (test_minus_signs_with_tex[lualatex-pdf], test_pdf_pages[lualatex])
786600 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/iminuit bundles sci-libs/minuit
787275 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
=dev-python/numpy-1.20.2 fails to built with CFLAGS="-O2 -Wextra" (build system uses -Werror)
788250 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.6.2: fails 1 test on ppc64 (TestNoData.test_nodata)
788652 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/strict-rfc3339: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration when emerging with pypy3
788826 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/amqp-2.6.1 failed to emerge with USE=doc - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vine.five'
789462 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/imapclient with dev-lang/python-3.9.5_p2 - ssl.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure
793884 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy: builds with SSE2 support on CPUs with no support (RuntimeError: NumPy was built with baseline optimizations: (SSE SSE2) but your machine doesn't support: (SSE2).)
794187 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/cfn-lint-0.49.2 fails tests
794742 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-lang/python-3.9 - installation failed due to bug in some modules -
795960 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cfn-lint-0.51.0 setuptools warnings detected
796152 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/fsspec-2021.05.0 setuptools warnings detected
796197 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.15.2 setuptools warnings detected
796200 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apsw-3.35.4_p1 setuptools warnings detected
796239 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
app-arch/brotli-1.0.9-r3 setuptools warnings detected
796281 - Assigned to Craig Andrews
dev-python/feedgenerator-1.9.1-r1 setuptools warnings detected
796293 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/joblib-1.0.1 setuptools warnings detected
796296 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-0.75.0 setuptools warnings detected
796299 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/debtcollector-2.2.0 setuptools warnings detected
797481 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/oslo-config-8.7.1 setuptools warnings detected
797484 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/oslo-context-3.1.1 setuptools warnings detected
797538 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/oslo-serialization-4.2.0 setuptools warnings detected
797547 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/oslotest-4.4.1 setuptools warnings detected
797550 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/testscenarios-0.5.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797559 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/blinker-1.4-r2 setuptools warnings detected
797757 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lockfile-0.12.2-r2 setuptools warnings detected
797763 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyclipper-1.3.0 setuptools warnings detected
797766 - Assigned to Pacho Ramos
dev-python/apipkg-2.0.0_rc1 setuptools warnings detected
797775 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aws-sam-translator-1.40.0 setuptools warnings detected
797784 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/bandit-1.7.1 setuptools warnings detected
797787 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/bashate-0.6.0 setuptools warnings detected
797790 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/commonmark-0.9.1 setuptools warnings detected
797799 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/keystoneauth1-4.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
797817 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/os-service-types-1.7.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797820 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/testresources-2.0.1 setuptools warnings detected
797826 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/decorator-5.1.0 setuptools warnings detected
797829 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/deprecated-1.2.12 setuptools warnings detected
797832 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-3.2.9 setuptools warnings detected
797838 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/doc8-0.9.1 setuptools warnings detected
797844 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/dogpile-cache-1.1.4 setuptools warnings detected
797847 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/django-filter-21.1-r2 setuptools warnings detected
797868 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/openstacksdk-0.50.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797910 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/fastimport-0.9.11 setuptools warnings detected
797913 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fixtures-3.0.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797916 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/fqdn-1.5.1-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797925 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/genson-1.1.0 setuptools warnings detected
797928 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/github3-py-2.0.0 setuptools warnings detected
797934 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/gsd-2.5.0 setuptools warnings detected
797937 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/logfury-0.1.2-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798057 - Assigned to William Pettersson
dev-python/mock-4.0.3 setuptools warnings detected
798069 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lark-0.11.3 setuptools warnings detected
798081 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/os-client-config-2.1.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798153 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/osc-lib-2.4.2 setuptools warnings detected
798159 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/parameterized-0.8.1 setuptools warnings detected
798168 - Assigned to Amy Liffey
dev-python/pbr-5.8.0 setuptools warnings detected
798171 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/munch-2.5.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798174 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ply-3.11-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798177 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/progressbar2-3.55.0 setuptools warnings detected
798186 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pyproj-3.1.0 setuptools warnings detected
798216 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-utils-2.5.6 setuptools warnings detected
798219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ntplib-0.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
798246 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/openstackdocstheme-2.2.5 setuptools warnings detected
798255 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-3.2.8 setuptools warnings detected
798333 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyghmi-1.5.22 setuptools warnings detected
798369 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/python-ironicclient-4.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
798396 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/podman-1.6.0 setuptools warnings detected
798540 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/python-swiftclient-3.10.1 setuptools warnings detected
798543 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/pyusb-1.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798549 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-keystoneclient-4.3.0 setuptools warnings detected
798564 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/requests-mock-1.9.3 setuptools warnings detected
798570 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.2.0 setuptools warnings detected
798573 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling-7.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798582 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/urllib3-1.26.7 setuptools warnings detected
798606 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798612 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/libevdev-0.9 setuptools warnings detected
798627 - Assigned to Gentoo X packagers
dev-python/python-neutronclient-7.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798636 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/python-novaclient-17.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798642 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/thriftpy2-0.4.14-r1 fails tests
799806 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/requests-mock-1.9.3 fails tests
801136 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.15.2 - Configuration error:
801319 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pythran-0.9.12_p1 fails tests
802264 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.8.10_p2/3.9.5_p2 Default-to-TLS-1.2: break some libs: urllib3/httplib2 cause DH_KEY_TOO_SMALL
802345 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python: do not override dev-libs/openssl defaults
804894 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.15.3-r1 fails tests (tests.test_tcp.Test_AIO_TCPSSL hangs)
805155 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tables-3.6.1-r1: fails tests: tables.tests.test_index_backcompat.Indexes2_*
805995 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
>=dev-python/sphinx-4.0.3 - fails,
806193 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/weasyprint-53.0 doesn’t support woff fonts
807070 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.4.2: test failures on hppa and sparc
807679 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/aioresponses-0.7.2 setuptools warnings detected
808504 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-1.3.1: tests fail with "ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int64_t' but got 'int'" and similar
809854 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/weasyprint-53.0 - sandbox issue
810421 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/google-auth-oauthlib-0.4.6 fails tests
811405 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/watchdog-2.1.5: error in one test (tests/ on s390
811873 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-bootstrap-theme-0.8.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
812662 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyzmq-22.1.0: fails tests on arm64 (on one machine)
812764 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/u-msgpack-python-2.7.1 setuptools warnings detected
812890 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lxml-4.6.3-r1: QA: compile python_is_python3 is deprecated, as Python 2 is not supported anymore
812992 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paramiko: ~/.ssh/known_hosts is overwritten and comments are lost (upstream bug)
813007 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyspf-2.0.14-r2 ignores Domain_Whitelist_PTR option in policyd-spf.conf
813414 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scikit-build-0.12.0 setuptools warnings detected
813804 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 does not respect LDFLAGS
814950 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 installs pre-stripped files
814953 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/lmfit-1.0.3 fails tests
815073 - Assigned to Pacho Ramos
=dev-python/pythran-0.10.0 fails tests
817188 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-localserver-0.5.0 fails tests - [SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:4081)
818271 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/utidylib-0.7-r2: fails tests
818526 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/indexed-gzip-1.6.4 fails tests (hang)
818895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jschema-to-python-1.2.3 setuptools warnings detected
822105 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sarif-om-1.0.4 setuptools warnings detected
822108 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tornado-6.1 fails tests: - FAIL: test_localhost (tornado.test.netutil_test.CaresResolverTest)
824522 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
app-admin/awscli-1.22.10 fails tests: - _ ERROR collecting .../ _
825250 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tubes-0.2.0-r1 - ValueError: Newlines are not allowed
825558 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.10.1 test failures: test_bdb test_doctest test_import test_importlib test_pickle test_runpy test_support
828998 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/krb5-0.2.0 fails to compile: _creds_opt.c:2261:3: error: tp_print is deprecated [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-declarations]
829852 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 does not respect CFLAGS
829853 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/tables-3.7.0 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bRELEASE_NOTES.txt
830219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.22.1 fails to compile: error: Command "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc ..." failed with exit status 1
831228 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pypy-exe-bin-7.3.9 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies
831237 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohttp-3.8.1 - Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.towncrier (exception: No module named sphinxcontrib.towncrier)
831637 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/pyproj-3.3.0 - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pyproj._network
831833 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/black-21.12_beta0-r1 fails tests: cp: cannot create regular file primer.json: No such file or directory
831956 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/httpcore-0.14.5: fails tests
832295 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-1.3.4 - missing build dependency on cython
832517 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/h2-4.1.0-r1 fails tests
832578 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-socks-2.0.3: fails tests
832822 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-regressions-2.3.1: fails tests/ on SPARC
832825 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.5.1 fails tests: ImportError: Cannot load backend 'QtAgg'
833099 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
=dev-python/sphinx-4.4.0 USE=doc error: deploying.rst:162:unknown document: readthedocs:tutorial/index
833618 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohttp-socks-0.7.1 fails tests on MUSL
834557 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apsw-3.35.4_p1 fails tests on MUSL
834560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/atpublic-2.3 fails tests on MUSL
834562 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/bpython-0.22.1 fails tests on MUSL
834566 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/django-auth-ldap-3.0.0 fails tests on MUSL
834587 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-configurations-2.3.2 fails tests on MUSL
834589 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-redis-5.2.0 fails tests on MUSL
834591 - Assigned to William Hubbs
dev-python/easyprocess-1.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL
834616 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/fakeredis-1.9.0 fails tests on MUSL
834617 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/gssapi-1.8.1 fails tests on MUSL
834619 - Assigned to Aaron W. Swenson
dev-python/httpx-0.22.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL (hang)
834620 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hypothesis-6.54.3 fails tests on MUSL
834652 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/jc-1.20.4 fails tests on MUSL
834654 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/joblib-1.1.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL
834655 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/krb5-0.4.0 fails tests on MUSL
834657 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lz4-4.0.2 fails tests on MUSL
834661 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/netaddr-0.8.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL
834681 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/packaging-21.3-r2 fails tests on MUSL
834707 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paramiko-2.11.0 fails tests on MUSL
834708 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/partd-1.2.0 fails tests on MUSL (hang)
834709 - Assigned to Gentoo Cluster Team
dev-python/paramiko-2.9.2-r1 failed to emerge with USE=doc
834714 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/portend-3.1.0 fails tests on MUSL (hang)
834775 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/pybtex-docutils-1.0.1 fails tests on MUSL
834812 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/pygresql-5.2.4 fails tests on MUSL
834813 - Assigned to PgSQL Bugs
dev-python/pytest-asyncio-0.19.0 fails tests on MUSL
834814 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-xprocess-0.18.1 fails tests on MUSL
834818 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psycopg-2.9.3 calls commands that do not exist
834823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/redis-4.1.4 fails tests on MUSL
834883 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/mrcfile-1.3.0 fails tests on x86
834884 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rq-1.11 fails tests on MUSL
834886 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/scikit-build-0.15.0 fails tests on MUSL
834887 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/seaborn-0.11.2 fails tests on MUSL
834888 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setproctitle-1.3.2 fails tests on MUSL
834889 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-60.9.2[test]: test_pip_upgrade_from_source fails "No module named 'jaraco' "
834890 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-gallery-0.10.1 fails tests on MUSL
834892 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/strict-rfc3339-0.7-r2 fails tests on MUSL
834895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tld-0.12.6 fails tests on MUSL
834952 - Assigned to Bernard Cafarelli
dev-python/translate-toolkit-3.7.2 fails tests on MUSL
834953 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zconfig-3.6.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL
835041 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twisted-22.1.0: twisted-regen-cache in pkg_postinst fails when ROOT != /
835460 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
=dev-lang/python-3.10.4 fails to build with "error: inlining failed in call to 'always_inline' 'mpd_del': target specific option mismatch"
835993 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ephemeral-port-reserve-1.1.4 fails tests on MUSL: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve
836416 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dulwich-0.20.35 fails tests
836436 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
dev-python/cherrypy-18.6.1 fails tests
836437 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pywinrm-0.4.2-r1 fails tests
836443 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/watchdog-2.1.9 fails tests
836477 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dbusmock-0.26.1 fails test test_dbus_method_called
836551 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/setuptools-61.3.0: tests failure: ERROR, FAILED
836749 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pywavelets-1.4.1 with USE=doc fails to build: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pywt._extensions._pywt'
836780 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/anyio-3.6.1 fails tests
837068 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/sphobjinv-2.2.2 - Could not import extension sphinx_removed_in (exception: No module named sphinx_removed_in)
839000 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/statsmodels-0.13.2: failed (test phase) (x86)
840770 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twisted-22.4.0: RealDeviceWithProtocolInformationTests and RealDeviceWithoutProtocolInformationTests fail
841818 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.9.12: fails test_flush_return_value test on hppa
842255 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyflakes-2.4.0 fails tests
845003 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ecdsa-0.18.0 fails tests
845378 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/xlsxwriter-3.0.3 fails tests: OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files:
846443 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-shell-utilities-1.3.0 fails tests
847631 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/ipyparallel-7.1.0 ImportError: cannot import name 'StaticModule' from 'setuptools.config'
847784 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pytest-aiohttp-1.0.4 fails test_loop_fixture test
850100 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython: Correct types of arguments to ScrolledWindow.SetScrollbars [upstream patch]
851030 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/cvxopt-1.3.0 - sandbox issue
851042 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/pypiserver-1.5.0-r2 fails test_auto_server test
851753 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/webcolors-1.12 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
851963 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dateutil - QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
851966 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cffi-1.15.0-r1 - QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
851969 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/botocore-1.27.7 fails tests on stable sparc
853031 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/translate-toolkit-3.7.3 - no theme named sphinx-bootstrap found (missing theme.conf?)
853913 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/feedparser-6.0.10 fails tests
855437 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-xlib-0.31-r1 fails tests on stable amd64
856370 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohttp: make: command: Command not found
856382 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/line-profiler-3.5.1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project
856841 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/numpy-1.23.1 fails tests
857102 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/rdflib-6.2.0 fails tests
858284 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pbr-5.9.0 fails test pbr.tests.test_core.TestCore.test_setup_py_keywords
858680 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/blinker-1.5 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bdocs/html/.
859334 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-62.6.0 fails test TestSetupRequires.test_setup_requires_with_allow_hosts
859436 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.15.0 fails test test_negate (Crypto.SelfTest.PublicKey.test_ECC_25519.TestEccPoint_Ed25519)
861206 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.9.1 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs
862390 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python-3.11.0_beta5-r1: Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by
863077 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.9.1 does not respect CFLAGS
863251 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/certifi-3021.3.16-r2: The license_file parameter is deprecated, use license_files instead
863338 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3-7.3.9_p4 - /.../environment:line <snip>: ./pypy3.9-c: No such file or directory
863374 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-python/bottle-0.12.23 fails tests
863560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.10.6_p2: test_distutils fails
865097 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyspnego-0.5.3 fails tests on stable amd64
865205 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/beautifulsoup4-4.11.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865381 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cachelib-0.9.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865473 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cattrs-22.1.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865475 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-0.29.32 fails tests (MUSL)
865477 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fsspec-2022.7.1 fails to compile (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pbr.pbr_json
865479 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/flask-sqlalchemy-2.5.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865491 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/django-4.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865493 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-cacheops-6.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865495 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/httpretty-1.1.4-r1 fails tests (MUSL)
865517 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/httpx-0.23.0 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named chardet
865519 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jedi-0.18.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865653 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jsonmerge-1.8.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL)
865655 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/myst-parser-0.18.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865783 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/natsort-8.2.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865785 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/notebook-shim-0.1.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865787 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pexpect-4.8.0-r3 fails tests (MUSL)
865863 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-22.2.2 fails tests (MUSL)
865865 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pgspecial-2.0.1 calls commands that do not exist: locale
865867 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycairo-1.21.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865929 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyx-0.15_p1 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pyx
866007 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/setuptools-65.1.1 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named jaraco
866011 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling-7.6.0 fails tests (MUSL)
866049 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/urllib3-1.26.12 fails tests (MUSL)
866169 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvicorn-0.18.2 fails tests (MUSL)
866171 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.16.0 fails tests (MUSL)
866173 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/waitress-2.1.2 fails tests (MUSL):
866175 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/websockets-10.3 fails tests (MUSL)
866177 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-python/pypy3: searches for ncurses in /usr/lib (not $(get_libdir)): skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -lncursesw
868498 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lxml: consider enabling threads by default (IUSE="+threads")
869734 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hatch-fancy-pypi-readme-22.6.0 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named jsonschema
869767 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/termcolor-2.0.0:0 - ModuleNotFoundError: Error getting the version from source `vcs`: No module named 'jsonschema'
869821 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/scipy bundles boost
872983 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/anyio-3.6.1 failed to rebuild with USE=doc
873220 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python-3.11[pgo] does not build without installing compiler-rt-sanitizers
873925 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/weasyprint-56.1 fails tests
874288 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
app-eselect/eselect-python: "eselect python set N" should output a confirmation of the selected option
874618 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/h5py-3.7.0 fails tests: OSError: Unable to create file (page buffering is disabled for parallel)
875623 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3: unrecognized command-line option '-rtlib=compiler-rt'
876307 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pylint-2.15.4 fails tests
876823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy 1.9.2 fails to build
877515 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/freezegun-1.2.2 test failures: AssertionError: FakeDate(2013, 4, 9) != datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 8, 19, 0) when in an timezone negatively offset from UTC
877603 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyjwt-2.5.0: requires non-existing `types-cryptography` when imported with extras==crypto
878151 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
app-admin/awscli-1.25.89: fails tests/functional/ test
878303 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nbconvert-7.1.0 fails tests
878461 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/m2crypto-0.38.0 tests hang [test_twisted_wrapper (tests.test_ssl.TwistedSSLClientTestCase) ... Unhandled Error]
879583 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.11.0_p1: test failures in test_posix
880131 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/libsass-0.22.0 - error: invalid argument -std=gnu++<snip> not allowed with C
881339 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/scipy-1.9.3 - Wheel build failed
882261 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pandas-1.5.0: full-support should install dev-python/tabulate
882287 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/inflect-6.0.2 build error no wheel returned
882415 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/psutil-5.9.3 fails tests: ERROR: psutil.tests.test_system.TestSensorsAPIs.test_sensors_battery: AssertionError: None is not an instance of <class 'bool'>
882767 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/anyio-3.6.1 fails tests (INTERNALERROR> AttributeError: 'NonBaseMultiError' object has no attribute '_exceptions'. Did you mean: 'exceptions'?)
882771 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/cloudpickle-2.2.0 fails tests (TypeError: cannot pickle 'classmethod_descriptor' object)
882777 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cryptography-38.0.4 fails tests
883385 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.10.1[+test] - /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/MatrixProduct.h:1042:9: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer
883937 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/httpx-socks-0.7.5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
887347 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tiny-proxy-0.1.1 fails tests (hang)
887349 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/amodem-1.15.3-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
887847 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apipkg-3.0.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
887849 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dirty-equals-0.5.0 fails tests with pypy3 7.3.10 (?)
887859 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/elementpath-3.0.2 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): Error: unsupported locale setting
887935 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/irc-20.1.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
888013 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/oslo-config-9.0.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named sphinx
888193 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/shapely-2.0.0 - AttributeError: module 'versioneer' has no attribute 'get_cmdclass'
889368 - Assigned to 3D Printing Team
dev-python/ijson-3.2.0_p0 fails tests
889710 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/h5py-3.7.0 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
890300 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/xarray-2022.12.0 - fails 7 tests on ppc
890549 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-4.1.4 fails tests test_pass_connection_between_threads and test_thread_sharing_count
890829 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/flask-babel-4.0.0 fails to compile: no theme named furo found (missing theme.conf?)
891037 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-7.2.0 fails tests
891131 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-21.3.0 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command [pkg-config, --cflags-only-I, poppler-qt5] returned non-zero exit status 1
891611 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/emcee-3.1.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM):[TempHDFBackend] Fatal Python error: Aborted
892215 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/ifaddr-0.2.0 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Fatal Python error: Aborted
892217 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/meshio-5.3.4 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM):[mesh0] Fatal Python error: Aborted
892219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/amqp-5.1.1-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
892259 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/netcdf4-1.5.8 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): python3.9: H5CS.c:224: H5CS_pop: Assertion fstack->nused > 0 failed
892265 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pytest-trio-0.8.0-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Reason: UndefinedError("logo is undefined")
892349 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/discid-1.2.0-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
892351 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytidylib-0.3.2-r2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Fatal Python error: Aborted
892383 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/shapely-2.0.0 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named numpy
892557 - Assigned to 3D Printing Team
dev-python/readme-renderer-37.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): FAILED[test_rst_008.rst] - assert <p>He..
892603 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sh-1.14.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): ERROR: test_piped_exception2 (__main__.FunctionalTests)
892605 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/sphinx-notfound-page-0.8.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)
892609 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tornado-6.2-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: Python directive method get_signature_prefix() must return a list of nodes. Return value was coroutine
892619 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/yarl-1.8.2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): FAILED - AssertionError: ..
892621 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/myst-parser requires <dev-python/sphinx-5.2
892720 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jupyter-console-6.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - pexpect.e..
893808 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/jupyter-client-8.0.2 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: Kernel died before replying to kernel_info
893810 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/jupyter-server-2.2.1 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized
893812 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/kombu-5.3.0_beta2 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM): error in kombu setup command: tests_require must be a string or list of strings containing valid version requirement specifiers; Expected end or semicolon (after name and no valid version s
893814 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/trimesh-3.19.3 fails tests: FAILED - assert False
893846 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/resolvelib-0.9.0 fails tests: FAILED with new dev-python/packaging
894034 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/openstacksdk-1.0.1 fails tests: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
894280 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/llfuse-1.4.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): llfuse.c:41887:21: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to uintptr_t (aka unsigned long) from pthread_t (aka struct __pthread ) [-Wint-conversion]
895360 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
=dev-python/pip-23.0 fails to install packages with "--user"
895410 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvicorn-0.20.0 fails tests: "RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'MainThread'."
895486 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/starlette-0.25.0 fails tests: "RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'MainThread'."
895488 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tagpy-2022.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): id3.cpp:268:43: error: reference to optional is ambiguous
895514 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pillow: libraqm dependency missing
895948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.24.2 fails to compile: numpy.distutils.fcompiler.CompilerNotFound
896164 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/blessed-1.20.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
896178 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/pip pip3 un-documented --user flag
896434 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scripttest-1.3.0-r2 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
897922 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyrate-limiter-2.10.0 fails tests: FAILED[monotonic1]
898140 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/ubelt: bundles a ton of libraries
898514 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/olefile-0.46-r2 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
898524 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fonttools-4.38.0-r1 fails tests (CYTHON3-SYSTEM): collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
898670 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.12.0_alpha6 - : error: Incorrect number of arguments. uuid3 requires a namespace and a name. Run python -m uuid
900410 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fonttools-4.39.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): AttributeError: module pythran has no attribute __version__
900507 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.24.2 fails to compile on s390 & ia64
900751 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyscreenshot-3.1 fails tests
901113 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygame-2.5.2-r1 calls cc directly
901273 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/trio-0.22.0-r1 failed to emerge
901401 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/pytest-qt-4.2.0 fails tests
901999 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/flask-babel-3.0.1-r2 fails tests
903899 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-7.2.2 fails TestInvocationVariants.test_cmdline_python_namespace_package
903909 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygame-2.2.0: test phase aborts
903974 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvicorn-0.21.1 fails tests: test_asgi_return_value[H11Protocol-WebSocketProtocol
904203 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rich-13.3.4 fails tests
904274 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyspelling-2.8.2: fails tests
904297 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nox-2023.04.22 fails tests: pypy3: error: Can not specify both --no-color and --force-color
904948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/notebook-6.4.12 fails tests: "ValueError: No template sub-directory with name 'latex' found in the following paths:"
905102 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pexpect-4.8.0-r3 fails test TestCaseEnv::test_spawn_uses_env
905647 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lmdb-1.4.1 fails to compile: UndefinedError("'style' is undefined")
905735 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/statsmodels-0.13.5 fails tests
905736 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pulsectl: requires media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon for testing
905790 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/pypy3: ctypes broken with dev-libs/libffi[debug]
905840 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/osc-lib-2.8.0 fails tests
906052 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/keystoneauth1-5.2.0 fails tests: AttributeError: MockHTTPResponse object has no attribute close
906661 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/autopage-0.5.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): AssertionError: 0 != 11
906696 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/click-8.1.3 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906697 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/httpbin-0.7.0-r5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): test_digest_auth - test_digest_auth_wrong_pass
906721 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jsonpickle-3.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM):
906722 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/myst-parser-1.0.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906724 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/podman-4.5.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM):
906778 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/amqp-5.1.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): Could not import extension sphinx_celery.apicheck (exception: No module named 'six')
906780 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyamg-5.0.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): <- Fatal Python error: Aborted
906781 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyparted-3.12.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): FAIL: runTest (tests.test__ped_disktype.DiskTypeStrTestCase)
906783 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/pytest-httpserver-1.0.7 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906833 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python3-saml-1.15.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906835 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/requests-cache-1.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906837 - Assigned to Jason A. Donenfeld
dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.3.0-r2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906838 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/responses-0.23.1-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906839 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-pytest-0.0.5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906840 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-bibtex-2.5.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906841 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/tasklib-2.5.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tzdata
906842 - Assigned to Matt Turner
dev-python/tzlocal-5.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906845 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ubelt-1.2.4 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906846 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/execnet-1.9.0-r1 fails tests: AttributeError: type object Gateway has no attribute _trace
907053 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/distlib-0.3.6 fails tests: FAIL: test_custom_shebang (test_scripts.ScriptTestCase)
907070 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pywlroots-0.16.4 - build/.../wlroots._ffi.c: fatal error: .../libinput.h: No such file or directory
907218 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.24.2: tests TestUfunc::test_identityless_reduction_huge_array and TestKind::test_all fail
907228 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyrsistent-0.19.3 fails tests
907257 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/virtualenv-20.23.0 fails tests (hang)
907289 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-aiohttp-1.0.4 fails tests
908812 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3-7.3.12: update from 7.3.11 leads to broken portage if EPYTHON=pypy3
908823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/asteval-0.9.30 fails tests: AssertionError: ImportError != None
908825 - Assigned to Pacho Ramos
dev-python/tox-4.6.3 fails tests: AttributeError: PluginManager object attribute list_plugin_distinfo is read-only
908866 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/yarl-1.9.2 fails tests
909553 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/websockets-11.0.3-r1 fails tests if sys-apps/pkgcore is not installed
909567 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/markdown-exec-1.6.0 fails tests
910053 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/importlib-metadata-6.8.0 fails tests
910055 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/polib-1.2.0 fails tests with >=sys-devel/gettext-0.22
910477 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygobject-3.44.1 fails tests with pypy3
910478 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/cssutils-2.7.1: fails TestErrorHandler::test_handlers test
910652 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mss-9.0.1 fails tests (hang)
910722 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/charset-normalizer missing md__mypyc module
911128 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pbr-5.11.1 requires <dev-python/sphinx-7
911134 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/twisted: blocks on old dev-python/priority
911136 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/indexed-gzip-1.8.3 installs more files with FEATURES=test
911247 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-1.5.3: fails TestDataFramePlots::test_plain_axes test with matplotlib-3.7.0
911622 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/zeroconf-0.72.0 - AttributeError: CAnalysedBaseTypeNode object has no attribute name
911644 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python incomplete LICENSE information
911861 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/coverage-7.2.7 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): AssertionError: assert inside foo
912000 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/numexpr-2.8.4: user-sandbox causes memory allocation to fail during emerge with ample memory in reserve
912054 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
dev-python/mypy-1.5.0 fails tests
912057 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paste-3.5.3 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
912067 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/radon-6.0.1 - Reason: ThemeError(Local asset file paths must not contain query strings: _static/MathJax.js?config=TeX-A
912694 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-23.2.1 fails tests
912717 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.0-r1 fails tests
912814 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/watchfiles-0.21.0-r1 fails tests (hang)
913002 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.12.0: fails tests on hppa
913021 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/pip-23.2.1: fails TestDiagnosticPipErrorPresentation_ASCII::test_complete_color, TestDiagnosticPipErrorPresentation_Unicode::test_complete_color tests
913022 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/selenium-4.12.0: "Unable to obtain driver for firefox using Selenium Manager"
913889 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python: installs Makefile at /usr/lib/python3.11/config-3.11-${CHOST}/Makefile with INSTALL path hardcoded (possibly including Portage tmpdir if upgraded itself)
913919 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/meson-python-0.14.0: failed (compile phase): error: Could not find ninja version 1.8.2 or newer.
913950 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.11.5 does not respect LDFLAGS for _bootstrap_python
914430 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/notebook: unbundle mathjax-3.x?
914447 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/flake8-7.0.0 - Could not import extension sphinx-prompt (exception: No module named sphinx-prompt)
914554 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psycopg-3.1.10: test_connect_timeout[asyncio] and test_ctrl_c_handler fail
914560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dockerpty needs dev-python/docker as dependency
915228 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pikepdf-8.4.1 fails tests
915396 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/bcrypt-4.0.1 - ERROR: dev-python/bcrypt-4.0.1::gentoo failed (unpack phase):
916206 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
>=dev-python/mypy-1.6.0: Sandbox violation if MYPY_CACHE_DIR is set
916299 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-2.1.2: fails tests on big endian
916502 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mypy-1.14.0 [native-extensions]: sets -Werror and forces -O3
916577 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-21.3.0 - Wheel build failed
917328 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/greenlet-3.0.1 fails test test_unhandled_std_exception_as_greenlet_function_aborts
917356 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.26.2: Includes faulty float16 implementation on ppc64
917544 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.13_p2 broken : RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
917693 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cysignals-1.11.4 - [clang] build/.../implementation.c: error: cysignals must be compiled without _FORTIFY_SOURCE
918934 - Assigned to Michael Orlitzky
dev-python/mkdocs-static-i18n-1.2.0: multiple test failures
919155 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyrate-limiter tests stuck in infinite loop
920329 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.13 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): pypy_module__cffi_backend.c:1879:19: error: assignment to char from incompatible pointer type const char const [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
920768 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apsw- hangs on emerge
920953 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cloudpickle-3.0.0 fails test test_recursion_during_pickling Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
921265 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.8.2-r1 fails tests: module 'luaotfload-main' not found
921294 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/psutil-5.9.6: fails tests: FAIL: psutil.tests.test_posix.TestProcess.test_nice: AssertionError: '-' != 19
921957 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/networkx-3.2.1: fails test
921958 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.26.2: fails TestKind::test_int test
921960 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.11.4 fails tests on x86
922256 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mypy-1.7.1 fails tests: mypy/test/ - AssertionError: test_module.Y.__mutable_keys__
922514 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyamg-5.0.1: tests hang on x86
922739 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/tables-3.9.2 - /.../b2nd.h: fatal error: blosc-private.h: No such file or directory
922901 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiocache-0.12.2 fails tests
922994 - Assigned to Bernard Cafarelli
dev-python/hvac-2.1.0 fails tests: error: unrecognized arguments: --dist worksteal
923047 - Assigned to William Hubbs
dev-python/jaraco-envs-2.6.0 fails tests:
923050 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/magic-wormhole-0.13.0 fails tests: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: locale
923070 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nbclient-0.9.0 fails tests: RuntimeError: Kernel didnt respond in 60 seconds
923072 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpydoc-1.6.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert {1: [EX01, SA01]} == {2: [EX01]}
923073 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pgspecial-2.1.1 fails tests: AssertionError: assert [None, [(public, postgres), (schema1, postgres), (schema2, postgres), (schema3, postgres)], [Name, Owner], SELECT 4] == [None, [(public, pg_database_owner), (schema1, postgres), (schema2, pos
923076 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/poetry-1.7.1 fails tests: assert 0 == 1
923078 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pydot-2.0.0 fails tests: AssertionError: "dot" with args [-Tjpe, tmpf68z0w11] returned code: 1
923133 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyenchant-3.2.2-r1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
923134 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.13 fails to compile: [platform:Error] platcheck_67.c:108:25: error: field s has incomplete type
923138 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-mpl-0.16.1 fails tests: except ImportError:
923141 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-twisted-1.14.0 fails tests
923164 - Assigned to Matt Jolly
dev-python/pytest-xdist-3.5.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert 1 == 0
923219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/spdx-tools-0.8.2 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tzdata
923235 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/unrardll-0.1.7 fails tests: test_extract (test.test_basic.BasicTests.test_extract) .. gcmodule.c:113: gc_decref: Assertion "gc_get_refs(g) > 0" failed: refcount is too small
923270 - Assigned to Agostino Sarubbo
dev-lang/python-3.12.1_p1[pgo] fails to build: error: Error in reading profile code.profclangd: unsupported instrumentation profile format version
923459 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ansible-compat-4.1.11 fails tests: FAILED - FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: null ->
923632 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheroot-10.0.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert wrong version number in [SSL] record layer failure
923790 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/contourpy-1.2.0 fails tests:[nan1-inf-inf-mpl2014] Fatal Python error: Aborted
923791 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cryptography-41.0.7 fails 12 tests
923795 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipyparallel-8.6.1 fails tests: TypeError: < not supported between instances of str and datetime
923824 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyftpdlib-1.5.9 fails tests
923895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyglet-2.0.10 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
923896 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pandas-2.2.0-r1 fails tests: pandas/tests/frame/ - AttributeError: 'pyarrow.lib.RecordBatchReader' object has no attribute 'equals'
923967 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyarrow-15.0.0 fails to configure on sparc: CMake Error at cmake_modules/SetupCxxFlags.cmake:42 (message): Unknown system processor
923968 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-python/sympy-1.12-r1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
924016 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/cython-3.0.8 fails tests on x86: AssertionError: Failed doctest test for cpp_stl_any.cast_test
924027 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/typing-extensions-4.9.0 fails tests: AssertionError: Items in the first set but not the second:
924040 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/vcrpy-6.0.1 fails tests
924042 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wurlitzer-3.1.0 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
924043 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/yappi-1.6.0 fails tests: (tests.test_functionality.StatSaveScenarios.test_merge_multithreaded_stats) ... python3.11: Objects/typeobject.c:3823: _PyType_Lookup: Assertion `!PyErr_Occurred()' failed.
924044 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/tables-3.9.2: undefined symbol register_blosc2
924223 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/bitarray-2.9.2 fails tests: MemoryError
924280 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/exceptiongroup-1.2.0 fails tests: AssertionError: RecursionError not raised
924334 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-lsp-black-2.0.0 fails tests with >=dev-python/black-24.2.0
924425 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/argh-0.31.2 fails tests: collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
924753 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/bottleneck-1.3.7 fails tests: FAILED - assert 983040 == 0
924863 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
app-text/htmlmin-0.1.12-r1 fails tests: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
924968 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/a2wsgi-1.10.1 fails tests (hang)
925066 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-5.1.5 problems with installed bash completions
925263 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.8 fails to compile on MUSL+LTO
925318 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mypy-1.8.0: install change log
925500 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/astroid-3.1.0 fails tests
925592 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ujson-5.9.0 fails to compile: pypy_decl.h:709:25: error: initialization of void ()(size_t) {aka void ()(unsigned int)} from incompatible pointer type void ()(long unsigned int) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
925593 - Assigned to Sven Wegener
dev-python/contourpy-1.2.0: Meson version is 1.1.1 but project requires >= 1.2.0
925615 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/humanize-4.9.0 fails tests: OverflowError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t
925678 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/parsedatetime-2.6-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Tuples differ: ((2026, 2, 28, 22, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1) != ((..
925854 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.11.1 fails to compile: tensor.h:156:31: error: invalid conversion from const pybind11::ssize_t {aka const long int} to const int [-fpermissive]
925856 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/setuptools-69.1.1 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'
925872 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-mpd2-3.1.1 fails tests: AssertionError: Mock got idle "database"
925875 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tagpy-2022.1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
925916 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/textdistance-4.6.1 fails tests:[alg2] Fatal Python error: Aborted
925917 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/trio-0.24.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Regex pattern did not match
925925 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/yapf-0.40.2 fails tests: AssertionError: Traceback (most recent call last):
925935 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aws-xray-sdk-2.13.0 fails tests: FAILED - assert 0 == 1
926306 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/numpy-1.26.4 fails to compile: array_method.c:809:44: error: passing argument 3 of strided_loop from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
926469 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/kombu-5.3.5 fails tests: TypeError: LockError.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: message
926492 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/consonance-0.1.5: fails tests
926610 - Assigned to Conrad Kostecki
dev-python/scipy-1.13.1 fails tests on ppc64 BE: scipy/ndimage/tests/[*] - assert 28 == -21
926623 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/python-distutils-extra-2.47 fails tests
926631 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twine-5.0.0 fails tests: FAILED[unsupported Metadata-Version] - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class twine.exceptions.InvalidDistribution>
926758 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/superqt-0.6.2 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
927056 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/aiosmtpd-1.4.5 fails tests
927352 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/h5py-3.10.0-r1 fails to compile: defs.c:14832:85: error: passing argument 4 of H5Dread_chunk from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
927684 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/xarray-2024.2.0 fails tests on 32-bit: test_array_repr_dtypes_unix, TestDataset::test_repr_multiindex, TestDataArray::test_repr_multiindex, TestDataArray::test_repr_multiindex_long
927711 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cysignals-1.11.4: segmentation fault in tests
927915 - Assigned to Michael Orlitzky
dev-python/cython-3.0.9 FAIL TEST at /usr/bin/python3.11 -m pip install .
927995 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mkdocstrings-python: blocks on <dev-python/markdown-3.6
928229 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cryptography-42.0.5 crashes on loong when built with dev-lang/rust
928333 - Assigned to Randy Barlow
dev-python/asgiref-3.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - assert not True
928356 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jaraco-test-5.4.0 fails tests: FAILED
928418 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/openpyxl-3.1.2 fails tests: FAILED - AttributeError: TestDrawing object has no attribute drawing
928484 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-mpl: version bump, need to deal with tests
928498 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pulsectl-asyncio-1.1.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: 0.0 not greater than 0
928510 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.7-r1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
928561 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pysimdjson-6.0.2 fails tests: FAILED - RuntimeError: BIGINT_ERROR: Big integer value that cannot be represented us..
928562 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/python-glanceclient-4.5.0 fails tests: ERROR: test_download_has_no_stray_output_to_stdout (test_shell.ShellTestRequests)
928564 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/jedi-0.19.1: tests fail when running portage using pypy3
928660 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psutil-5.9.8: Fails test test_posix.TestSystemAPIs.test_disk_usage: AssertionError: 1898898468864 != 16709320704 within 4194304 delta (1882189148160 difference)
928663 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-7.4.4: Fails test test_unhandled_thread_exception_warning_error
928732 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.11.9 - Python/ceval_gil.h: warning: a function declaration without a prototype
928855 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pdm-2.13.3 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 3.12 == 3.10
928964 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/deepdiff-7.0.1 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: deepdiff.helper.Opcode() argument after must be a mapping, no..
928984 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dbus-next-0.2.3-r1 fails tests: FAILED - OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
930017 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tldextract-5.1.2 fails test tests/
930121 - Assigned to Patrick Lauer
dev-python/python-novaclient-18.6.0 fails tests: ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)
930359 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/sqlparse-0.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: couldnt record exception context for exception RecursionError..
930383 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/toolz-0.12.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 1 is None
930410 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/urwid-2.6.10 fails tests: AttributeError: wrapper_descriptor object has no attribute __code__
930411 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.10 fails test: End-to-end coverage_cmd_src_pkg_layout
930482 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/argcomplete-3.3.0 fails tests: AssertionError
931234 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipyparallel-8.8.0 fails MPI tests and hang at « tests/ <- ipyparallel/tests/ »
931237 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/oslo-log-5.5.1 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: TestLoggingFixture object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?
931334 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/pybind11-2.12.0 fails tests: FAILED - assert --- actual / +++ expected
931335 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/pymdown-extensions-10.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: False is not true
931345 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/pymongo-4.7.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: 2 != 1
931346 - Assigned to Ultrabug
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.16 fails to compile: [translation:ERROR] AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute _getattr
931349 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-jose-3.3.0-r1 fails tests: FAILED[ECDSAECKey-CryptographyECKey] - AssertionError: assert -----BEGIN PUBLIC yVOKnTm88Q==n-----END PUBLIC KEY----- == -----BEGIN PUBL
931555 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/sphinx-autoapi-3.0.0 fails tests: FAILED - sphinx.errors.SphinxWarning: cannot cache unpickable configuration value: autoapi_prepare_jinja_env (because it contains a function, class, or module o
931563 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-rtd-theme-2.0.0 fails tests: FAILED
931566 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-programoutput-0.17-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Unexpected return code 1 from command not found in directive deprecated is already registered, i
931574 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/terminado-0.18.1 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: TermTestCase object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?
931600 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/testscenarios-0.5.0-r3 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: TestGenerateScenarios object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?
931601 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/psycopg-3.1.19 fails tests:[asyncio] Fatal Python error: Aborted
931740 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p1 5 test failures
931773 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/libcst-1.3.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError
931848 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/simsimd-4.3.1 fails to compile: lib.c:666:26: error: initialization of PyObject ()(PyObject , PyObject ) {aka struct _object ()(struct _object , struct _object )} from incompatible pointer type PyObject ()(PyObject ) {aka struct _object ()(str
931855 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p1 - test FAILED
931921 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pexpect-4.9.0 fails tests (hang)
931969 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psutil-5.9.8 fails tests: FAIL: psutil.tests.test_contracts.TestAvailProcessAPIs.test_memory_maps: AssertionError: False != True
931984 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-scm-8.1.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert, 5, 16) ==, 5, 15)
931986 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p1 fails [116/423] test_compileall
932004 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.11.9: test_interpreters test__xxsubinterpreters hangs
932016 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycairo: ImportError: /.../ undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_get_width
932153 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyenchant-3.2.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: language fr-1990 advertised but non-existent
932305 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p2 - [ncurses-6.5] find: build: No such file or directory
932320 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 fails to compile: new_allocator.h:172:33: error: void operator delete(void, std::size_t) called on pointer <unknown> with nonzero offset [1, 576460752303423489] [-Werror=free-nonheap-object]
932357 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/ipython-8.24.0 fails tests: FAILED[headless-headless-agg] - AssertionError: assert None == headless
932358 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paho-mqtt-2.1.0 fails tests: ERROR - RuntimeError: Client exited with code -2, expected 0
932446 - Assigned to Matt Turner
dev-python/pydantic-2.7.1 fails tests: FAILED - NotImplementedError: Pydantic does not support mixing more than one of TypeVar bounds, constraints and defaults
932519 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pydata-sphinx-theme-0.15.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED[real] - assert 0 == 1
932520 - Assigned to Andrew Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/aiosmtpd-1.4.6 fails tests on hppa: assert has_smtps is True
933077 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-subprocess-1.5.0 fails tests
933098 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p3 - ./jit_stencils.h: error: _PyCriticalSection_BeginSlow undeclared (first use in this function)
933279 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/pypy: wire up PGO
933396 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p3 - OSError: [Errno 14] Bad address
933400 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.30.1 adds -Werror flag on its own
933512 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.16 - [gcc-15] translation failed
933596 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2 fails tests: FAILED
934490 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/pysmi needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
934494 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tifffile-2024.6.18 fails tests: FAILED[None] - AssertionError: assert DateTime not in <tifffile.TiffTags @0x000078D1FA13CA60>
934551 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pluggy-1.5.0 lacks dependency on dev-python/semantic-version
934570 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-2.2.2-r1 fails tests: AssertionError: Attributes of DataFrame.iloc[:, 7] (column name="h") are different
934575 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/sympy is masked on ppc64 23.0 profile but message suggests it should not be
934761 - Assigned to matoro
dev-python/pillow-10.3.0 fails to compile
934777 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
>=dev-python/pikepdf-9.0.0 fails to compile
934925 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/requests-cache-1.2.0 fails test: tests/compat/
934926 - Assigned to Jason A. Donenfeld
dev-python/neovim-remote: Add PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_12 python3_13"
935138 - Assigned to Jeffrey Lin
dev-python/urllib3-2.2.2 fails tests on mips: 44 failed, 2 errors
935248 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
>=dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta3[-jit] fails to compile on riscv: Python/perf_jit_trampoline.c:375:6: error: #error "Unsupported target architecture"
935252 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-24.1.1 fails tests on ppc, loong: SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed certificate (_ssl.c:1004)'))
935433 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheroot-10.0.1 fails tests on mips: SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:2563)'))
935502 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-reraise-2.1.2 fails tests: FAILED - assert False
935622 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-xprocess-1.0.2 fails tests with "Connection refused"
935670 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/agate-1.11.0: fails test tests/
935682 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/django-configurations-2.5.1 fails test test_database_url_value
935773 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/loky-3.4.1 fails tests: FAILED - assert 2 == 1
935878 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dns-lexicon-3.17.0 fails tests: FAILED - lexicon.exceptions.ProviderNotAvailableError: This provider (fakeprovider) is not supported by Lexicon
935884 - Assigned to Patrick Lauer
dev-python/easy-thumbnails-2.8.5 fails tests: AssertionError: 2 != 4
935885 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/flaky-3.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError
935886 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hatchling-1.25.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert my_app-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl == my_app-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl
935896 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/moto-5.0.11 fails tests: FAILED - requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=testcors.localhost, port=6789): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NameResolution
935918 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/peewee-3.17.7 calls commands that do not exist: locale
935920 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.3.0-r4 fails tests: "requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: Not supported URL scheme http+unix"
936014 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheroot-10.0.1 fails tests: "requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: Not supported URL scheme http+unix"
936015 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/xmlschema-3.3.1 fails tests: AssertionError: test.xsd != test.xsd
936087 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.19.0-r1 fails tests/ and tests/
936262 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/readme-renderer-43.0 fails 3 tests: test_rst_bibtex.rst, test_rst_contents.rst, test_rst_linkify.rst
936264 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-24.0 fails test when /tmp/test exists
936321 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numexpr-2.10.1 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected:
936895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.16 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] [translation:ERROR] Exception: seeing a prebuilt rpython.rlib.rthread.Lock instance
936954 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.12.4_p3 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] sandbox issue
937223 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-71.0.4 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
937233 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/beartype-0.18.5 fails to compile: FAILED - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command python3.10, -m, mypy, --config-file, mypy.ini, beartype) returned non-zero exit status 1
937575 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/breathe-4.35.0-r1 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
937576 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/capturer-3.0-r1 fails tests (hang)
937577 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-polymorphic-3.1-r1 fails tests
937606 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/executing-2.0.2_pre20240626 fails tests: FAILED - executing._exceptions.VerifierFailure: ast.Call is not created from GET_ITER
937607 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/keyrings-alt-5.0.1 fails tests: FAILED - ValueError: Username cannot be blank
937623 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/selenium-4.23.1 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
937706 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twisted-24.7.0 fails tests: builtins.KeyError: 'twisted.words.test.test_xmlstream.GenericXmlStreamFactoryTestsMixin.test_addAndRemoveBootstrap'
937733 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-2.0.0 fails src_compile on ppc64 power9
937757 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyproject-api-1.7.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert [magic>3, requests>2] == [magic >3, requests >2]
937803 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/vdirsyncer-0.19.2-r2 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 0 == 1
937806 - Assigned to Amy Liffey
dev-python/virtualenv-clone-0.5.7 fails tests: FAILED - UnicodeDecodeError: utf-8 codec cant decode byte 0xba in position 10: invalid start byte
937807 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.14.0-r1 fails to compile: error: reference to non-static member function must be called
937909 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/path-17.0.0 fails tests: "AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute '__code__'. Did you mean: '__call__'?"
938210 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pythran-0.16.1-r1 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
938303 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python:2.7, dev-python/pypy: possibly rebase our branch on top of
938366 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.13.5 - [llvm] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
938436 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/oslo-utils-7.4.0 calls commands that do not exist: mkisofs
938457 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/tree-sitter-0.22.3: fails tests
938593 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipykernel: still requires <dev-python/pytest-8
939418 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin-1.3.0 installs more files with FEATURES=test
939563 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/psutil-6.0.0 fails test psutil.tests.test_process.TestProcess.test_reused_pid
939572 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/widgetsnbextension-4.0.13 QA Notice setuptools warnings detected: Package 'widgetsnbextension.static' is absent from the `packages` configuration.
939710 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/flask-cors-5.0.0 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected: Unknown distribution option: 'test_suite' Unknown distribution option: 'tests_require'
939720 - Assigned to W. Trevor King
dev-lang/python-3.12.6 fails test_socket test
939728 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scikit-build-0.18.0: fails tests (AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'add')
939783 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-lang/python-3.12.6 emerge fails with endian problems
939851 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-2.2.1 fails to compile: quicksort.cpp:86:51: error: no matches converting function QSort_AVX512_SPR to type void ()(using TF = using np::meta::FixedWidth<short int>::Type = using std::conditional<true, short int, short int>::type = short
939900 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/importlib-metadata-8.5.0 fails tests
940057 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/spyder-6.0.1 fails to start with error: "ImportError: cannot import name 'QTextCodec' from 'qtpy.QtCore'", when using pyside{2,6} as the QtPy backend.
940202 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohappyeyeballs-2.4.2 installs modules that are not byte-compiled
940456 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/croniter-3.0.3 fails tests: FAILED - OverflowError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t
940513 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/denonavr-1.0.0 fails tests: FAILED - denonavr.exceptions.AvrTimoutError: TimeoutException: No response can be found for GET request on description.xml amongst:
940514 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/mypy-1.11.2 fails to compile: cc1: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes after a total of 524722176 bytes
940517 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tree-sitter-0.23.0 fails test_hash test
940523 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/poetry-core-1.9.0 fails tests: FAILED[name @ file:.-invalid URL] - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class poetry.core.version.requirements.InvalidRequirement>
940531 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-daemon-2.3.2 fails tests
940616 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-gnupg-0.5.3 fails tests: AssertionError: 0 != 1
940617 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/qtawesome-1.3.1 fails tests: python3.12: typeobject.c:5027: _PyStaticType_Dealloc: Assertion _Py_IsImmortal((PyObject )type) failed
940618 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/pbr-6.1.0 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected: Package 'pbr.tests.testpackage' is absent from the `packages` configuration.
940626 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: mount != (:re:.)
940634 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/stripe-10.12.0 fails tests: FAILED[asyncio] - stripe._error.InvalidRequestError: Request req_123: Request validation error: validator 0x59
940635 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/traitlets-5.14.3 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert {} > {DEBUG, INFO}
940636 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe: add USE=pgo
941111 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.12.6_p4 fails GDB-related tests
941296 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rapidfuzz-3.10.0 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../string: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template std::char_traits<unsigned int>
941408 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohttp-3.10.9 fails tests
941420 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/anyio-4.6.0 fails tests
941427 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pysmi-1.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - pysnmp.proto.error.ProtocolError: Unknown named bit set
941676 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-httpbin-2.1.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert None is not None
941677 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-74.1.3 fails test: test_nowarn_accidental_env_marker_misconfig
941686 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-tabs-3.4.7 fails tests: FAILED[index] - AssertionError: FILES DIFFER:
941747 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-mpl: add python 3.13
941848 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twisted-24.7.0 - fails 6 Exception tests in twisted.conch.test.test_manhole tests (test_ExceptionWithCustomExcepthook, test_Exception)
941903 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pikepdf-9.3.0 - FAILED
942023 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../ error: type struct grpc_fd violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]
942152 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0 - [gcc-15] ./.../time.h: error: VLOG was not declared in this scope
942208 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0 test_processes_terminate timeout
942351 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0: sandbox access violation at /usr/lib/pypy3.10/urllib/__pycache__
942357 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0 fails tests test_socket and test_curses
942398 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0-r2 fails to compile: container_memory.h:66:27: error: uintptr_t does not name a type [-Wtemplate-body]
942399 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0 test failures (test failure : test_posix ; test_math )
942401 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.11 - fails runTest (__main__.EndToEndTest.runTest) and fails to complete testsuite
942426 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.13.0 fails test test_os.TimerfdTests
942439 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dnspython-2.7.0: fails several tests with 'cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: ECDSA with deterministic signature (RFC 6979) is not supported by this version of OpenSSL.'
942513 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheetah3-3.3.3 fails tests
942539 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/google-api-core-2.22.0 fails tests: environment: line 2500: 281 Segmentation fault ${@}
942540 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/grpcio-status-1.67.0 fails tests: environment: line 2499: 503 Segmentation fault ${@}
942541 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/imageio-2.36.0 fails tests: FAILED - SyntaxError: no more images in GIF file
942542 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.17 - error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]
942560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pockets-0.9.1-r3 fails tests: FAILED - AttributeError: EagerFormattingAdapter object has no attribute merge_extra
942586 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygame-2.6.1 fails tests: AssertionError: 7 != 8
942606 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2: sip_corewxWindow.cpp:48:18: fatal error: gdk/gdkx.h: No such file or directory
942761 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/django-bootstrap5-24.3 fails tests: python3.12: No module named django
942776 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cmd2-2.5.1 fails tests: FAILED - assert False
942803 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/autopep8-2.3.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cac[43 chars]hen !=
942858 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/build-1.2.2_p1 fails tests: FAILED[False-1-kwarg_origins1] - AssertionError: assert 3 == 2
942859 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/colorclass-2.2.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert not Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cache size in cachen
942860 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/eradicate-2.3.0 fails tests: AssertionError: Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cac[43 chars]he
942861 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/livereload-2.7.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert (None, None) == foo, None)
942908 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ml-dtypes-0.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - assert 1.70141e+38 > 0
942909 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/cramjam-2.9.0 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: module experimental has no attribute igzip
942946 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mypy-1.13.0 - [meson] [libtool] mypyc/ error: Argument sources to Extension has incompatible type list[str]; expected list[str | PathLike[str]] [a
942959 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scripttest-1.3.0-r2 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: stderr output not expected
942978 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygccxml-2.5.0 fails tests: ERROR - KeyError: line
942979 - Assigned to Thomas Beierlein
dev-python/sphinx-8.1.3 fails test tests/test_util/
942988 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pydantic-2.10.0_beta1: circular import error in pydantic.validate_call
943177 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aioresponses-0.7.6 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: RequestInfo.__new__() missing 1 required positional argument: real_url
943227 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/blake3: bundles dev-libs/blake3
943281 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pkginfo-1.11.2 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 2.3 == 2.1
943310 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyrfc3339-2.0.1 fails tests: FAILED - zoneinfo._common.ZoneInfoNotFoundError: No time zone found with key Eastern
943311 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyopengl-accelerate-3.1.8 - [meson] src/numpy_formathandler.c: error: passing argument 1 of (int ( )(PyArrayObject , PyObject )) (PyArray_API + 832) from incom
944781 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyarrow-18.0.0 does not build with useflag "-parquet"
944828 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-python/beautifulsoup4-4.12.3 fails tests
944926 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pymongo-4.10.1 - lto1: internal compiler error: resolution sub id <snip> not in object file
945376 - Assigned to Ultrabug
dev-lang/pypy- calls cc directly
945507 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-cinderclient-9.6.0 fails tests: v3.test_auth.AuthenticateAgainstKeystoneTests.test_auth_redirect .. DEBUG:cinderclient.client:Load http response text error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
945718 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/wand-0.6.13 fails tests (hang)
945816 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
=dev-lang/python-3.12.8: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gpep517'
945864 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fonttools-4.55.2: differing files per wheel
945948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.12.8: fails with 'ImportError: /usr/lib64/ version `OPENSSL_3.3.0' not found' if using binhost package with dev-libs/openssl-3.1* installed
946313 - Assigned to binhost project
dev-python/selenium Headless selenium (firefox > v115.16.1-r1) does not work
946594 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python: ebuild's use of CFLAGS_NODIST means `pip install` compiles C extensions without optimization or debugging info
946596 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zeep-4.3.1 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: Client.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument proxies
946660 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jaraco-collections-5.1.0 fails tests: FAILED
946845 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/levenshtein-0.26.1 - [llvm] string: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template std::char_traits<unsigned int>
946989 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-subunit-1.4.4 fails tests: FAIL: subunit.tests.test_subunit_tags.TestSubUnitTags.test_add_tag
947323 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rope-1.13.0-r1 installs the same files with USE=doc
947385 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hypercorn-0.17.3 fails tests: FAILED path-hypercorn.access-FileHandler] - IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: path
947404 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/docutils-0.21.2 fails tests: FAIL: test_publish (test_writers.test_html5_polyglot_parts.Html5WriterPublishPartsTestCase) (id=totest[system_messages-PIL][0])
947406 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/click-option-group-0.5.6 fails tests: FAILED - assert None
947479 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/jsonpickle-4.0.1: fails tests/ test on x86
947492 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.10.0: fails tests with ffmpeg errors
947493 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/uvicorn-0.34.0 not installable with USE=test: Hard-blocking dependencies
947623 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/markups-4.1.0 fails tests: AssertionError: .selector .nf { color: 0000FF not found in pre { line-height: 125%; }
948432 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scikit-build-core-0.10.7 fails tests: FAILED - assert {Metadata-Version: 2.1, Name: cmake-example, Version: 0.0.1, Requires-Python: >=3.7, Provides-Extra: test} <= {Metadata-Version: 2.2, Name: cmak
948563 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sqlalchemy-2.0.37 fails tests
948564 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/stack-data-0.6.3 fails tests: FAILED[.c { color: (999999|ababab); font-style: italic }] - AssertionError: assert None
948565 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-asyncio-0.25.2 fails tests
948892 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5 removal
949019 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.15.1 - should REQUIRE >=dev-build/meson-1.5
949224 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/hypercorn-0.17.3 fails tests
949370 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-8.1.3 fails tests
949539 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp-2.0.0 (etc) fails tests: 'SphinxTestApp' object has no attribute 'response_class'
949541 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/icalendar-6.1.1 fails tests with >=sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b
949691 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/pypy- Generating CFFI modules fails
949710 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.15.2: can't crosscompile, tries to use dev-python/numpy from CBUILD
950050 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/uvloop-0.21.0 fails tests
950110 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.15.2 can't crosscompile : fatal error: pybind11/pybind11.h: No such file or directory
950205 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/zstd: removal
950214 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zstandard-0.23.0-r2: [clang] cffi.CDefError: parse error
950259 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
net-misc/httpie: invalid requirements installed
950356 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/cloudpickle: please port to pypy3.11
951008 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jellyfish: please port to pypy3.11
951013 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/libcst: please port to pypy3.11
951014 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/minify-html: please port to pypy3.11
951015 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/patsy: please port to pypy3.11
951017 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/pygame: please port to pypy3.11
951020 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyinotify: please port to pypy3.11
951021 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyopengl: please port to pypy3.11
951025 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyproject-fmt: please port to pypy3.11
951026 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pythran: please port to pypy3.11
951030 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/taskgroup: please port to pypy3.11
951031 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/threadpoolctl: please port to pypy3.11
951032 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy: please port to pypy3.11
951035 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/sigstore-rekor-types: please port to pypy3.11
951036 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/spyder-kernels: please port to pypy3.11
951037 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
Stabilization Bug Reports
dev-python/wand-0.6.13: stabilization request
934529 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/pygobject-3.48.2-r1 STABLEREQ
938353 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.8: stablereq
940798 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psycopg-2.9.10: stablereq
941831 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/immutables-0.21: stablereq
942252 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/gfloat-0.4: stablereq
944537 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/regex-2024.11.6: stablereq
944551 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/contourpy-1.3.1: stablereq
945412 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-lang/python-3.9.21_p1, app-doc/python-docs-3.9.21: stablereq
945852 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
Gnome stabilization for December 2024
946484 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/twisted-24.11.0: stablereq
946764 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cramjam-2.9.1, dev-libs/isa-l-2.31.0: stablereq
947067 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycurl-7.45.4: stablereq
947068 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.10.0: stablereq, then cleanup old
947427 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/python-lsp-black-2.0.0-r1: stablereq
948300 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-libs/tree-sitter-0.24.3: stablereq
948301 - Assigned to Ali Abdel-Qader
x11-wm/qtile-0.30.0, dev-python/dbus-fast-2.24.4: stablereq
948692 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/mysqlclient-2.2.7: stablereq
948750 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/lmdb-1.6.2: stablereq
948759 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psycopg-3.2.4: stablereq
949143 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wrapt-1.17.2: stablereq
949156 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.9, dev-python/python-xlib-0.33: stablereq
949436 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/websockets-14.2: stablereq
949456 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-python/xarray-2025.1.2: stablereq
949754 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mpmath-1.4.0_alpha4: stablereq
949789 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/cfn-lint-1.25.1: stablereq
950421 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lxml-5.3.1: stablereq
950431 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pymongo-4.11.1: stablereq
950432 - Assigned to Ultrabug
dev-python/coverage-7.6.12: stablereq
950788 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/aiohttp-3.11.12: stablereq
950794 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/simplejson-3.20.1: stablereq
950802 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.12: stablereq
950809 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/symengine-0.14.0: stablereq
950813 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rpds-py-0.23.1: stablereq
950823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cppy-1.3.1: stablereq
950832 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/selenium-4.29.0: stablereq
950849 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-2.2.3: stablereq
950851 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
Keywording Bug Reports
app-admin/eclean-kernel: keyword
891511 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/pyamg: rekeyword
904497 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
re-keyword app-admin/salt-3006.0
904721 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
net-analyzer/wtfis, net-analyzer/shodan: rekeywording
913028 - Assigned to
dev-python/pipenv: rekeywording
916315 - Assigned to OzTiram
net-analyzer/fail2ban: rekeywording
926965 - Assigned to Sam James
re-keyword app-admin/salt-3007.1
933133 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/pytools: rekeyword
935816 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
media-video/subliminal: rekeywording
936076 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/pandas: Add ~ppc64 keyword
937754 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/uvicorn, dev-libs/libgit2: rekeyword
941645 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-httpx: keyword
941840 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/asyncssh: keyword request
942029 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
media-sound/beets: x86 rekeywording
946662 - Assigned to Guillaume Seren
app-text/calibre-7.22.0 ~arm64 rekywording
947173 - Assigned to Eli Schwartz
net-proxy/mitmproxy: rekeyword
947275 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/twine: rekeyword
948523 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/spyder-6.0.4: rekeyword request
949394 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/peewee ~arm64 keywording request
949504 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nox: rekeyword
949548 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycotap: keyword to match >=app-emulation/qemu-9.2.0
949902 - Assigned to Alfred Wingate
dev-python/sphinx-autodoc-typehints: rekeyword
949989 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipython: rekeyword
950384 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pydantic: rekeyword
950743 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zmq-anyio: keyword
950948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin: rekeyword
951153 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
Gentoo Bugzilla is where we track bugs of Gentoo and its packages; you are welcome to report, confirm and resolve bugs:
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Packages Bugs (856)
Stabilization Bugs (37)
Keywording Bugs (26)