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Bug Reports
net-voip/yate-2.0.0: runs as root
296468 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-voip/yate fails to build (parallel make issue)
312407 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-voip/yate- configure script fails to detect openssl
482550 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
=net-voip/yate- - Doesn't install h323 support.
486166 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/dump1090 should install HTML files for embedded webserver
528010 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-libs/libosmo-dsp-0.3 : configure: error: Package requirements (fftw3f >= 3.2.0) were not met:
595686 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-voip/yate-5.5.0-r1 : h323chan.cpp:3394:5: error: PTrace has not been declared
624578 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
media-radio/wsjtx-2.7.0_rc4 produces an executable with writable and executable sections
641732 - Assigned to The Gentoo Linux Hardened Team
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 : Mutex.cpp: error: expected initializer before _THROW
713440 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
net-wireless/rtl-sdr-2.0.1 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files
725144 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
media-radio/wsjtx-2.1.2 ebuild erroneously removes rigctld-wsjtx
727460 - Assigned to Thomas Beierlein
net-wireless/gr-osmosdr-0.2.0 : Add IUSE=airspyhf
727550 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/soapybladerf-0.4.1 : /.../bladeRF_Settings.cpp: error: bladerf_serial was not declared in this scope
729466 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-voip/yate calls ar directly
731686 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 fails to compile: frame.cpp:232:27: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type
741098 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/suwidgets-0.1.0 fails to compile
756409 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/dump1090 local web UI doesn't work
769881 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - configure: error: iSAC Fixed and iSAC Float can not be enabled both at the same time
774996 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-voip/yate-6.2.0: Patch for building with QT5
776340 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 missing module pgsqldb.yate
798957 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
media-radio/direwolf-1.7 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation
827382 - Assigned to Richard Freeman
media-radio/direwolf-1.6 - /.../dwgpsd.c: error: #error libgps API version might be incompatible.
827490 - Assigned to Richard Freeman
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - Mutex.cpp: error: PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP was not declared in this scope
830070 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
net-wireless/libxtrxdsp-0.0_p20200830 - /.../xtrxdsp.c: error: ifunc is not supported on this target
831186 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
net-wireless/dump1090-7.2: Version bump
845270 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/bladerf-2021.03 fails to compile (MUSL): Could not find Doxygen Unable to build libbladeRF API documentation
872521 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - sig/camel_map.cpp: error: type const char[1] cannot be narrowed to
880835 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/uhd- fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ssse3_pack_sc12.cpp:79:10: error: always_inline function _mm_shuffle_epi8 requires target feature ssse3, but would be inlined into function convert_star_4_to_sc12_item32_3 that is compile
886061 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/liblms7002m: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)
897180 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)
900298 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/uhd- fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): compat_check.hpp:67:40: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope
900404 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/dump1090 wrong license
906381 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 fails to configure: Project ERROR: sigutils development package not found
911396 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/sigdigger-0.3.0 - include/.../Library.h: fatal error: WFHelpers.h: No such file or directory
911983 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-libs/libad9361-iio-0.3 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
912827 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/uhd- - [clang] /.../dboard_iface.cpp: error: ambiguous conversion for functional-style cast from rep (aka long long) t
913561 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - YMD5.cpp: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class
918522 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/suscan-0.3.0 - /.../cfg.c: error: g_config_desc_count undeclared (first use in this function)
920313 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
media-radio/direwolf-1.6 - [clang] /.../string.h: error: expected parameter declarator
920830 - Assigned to Richard Freeman
net-wireless/sigdigger-0.3.0 - Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: opengl
922101 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/limesuite-23.11.0 - rm: cannot remove .../Desktop: No such file or directory
922785 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 - ./Version.h: fatal error: sigutils/version.h: No such file or directory
923705 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/uhd- fails to compile: rm: cannot remove tests: No such file or directory
924644 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/limesuite-23.11.0 - CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
925491 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-libs/liquid-dsp-1.6.0 fails tests: agc.proto.c:305: error: agc_crcf_set_gain(), gain must be greater than zero
926131 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/libxtrxdsp-0.0_p20200830 fails to compile: ld: undefined reference to xtrxdsp_iq16_ic16i_avx
927865 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 - GLWaterfall.cpp: error: GL_MULTISAMPLE was not declared in this scope
931238 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: opengl
935503 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/uhd- - [gcc-15] /.../ref_clk_calibration_iface.hpp: error: uint32_t has not been declared
942149 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
dev-python/pygccxml-2.5.0 fails tests: ERROR - KeyError: line
942979 - Assigned to Thomas Beierlein
net-wireless/gqrx: version bump: 2.17.6
946255 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
net-wireless/gnuradio needs to port away from x11-libs/qwt[qt5] to -qt6
948049 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/limesuite-23.11.0 - [texlive] [glibc] [gcc-15] gfir_lms.c: error: too many arguments to function correction; expected 0, have 1
949521 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/qdmr shall port to Qt6
949714 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
net-wireless/dump1090-10.0 - [gcc-15] interactive.c error: initializer-string for array of char is too long [-Werror=unterminated-string-initialization]
950449 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
Stabilization Bug Reports
net-wireless/hackrf-tools-2024.02.1 stabilization
930794 - Assigned to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos)
Keywording Bug Reports
net-wireless/rtl_433 ~arm keyword request
936377 - Assigned to Gentoo Radio project
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Packages Bugs (55)
Stabilization Bugs (1)
Keywording Bugs (1)