Pkgcheck Warnings
- All Versions
- UnstableOnly
for arches: [ amd64, x86 ], all versions are unstable: [ 1.51.29337 ]
- 1.51.29337
- OldPackageNameDep
rdepend: '!games-puzzle/world-of-goo' uses old package name which is the source of a pkgmove, rename into 'games-puzzle/world-of-goo-hb' - OutdatedBlocker
outdated blocker RDEPEND="!games-puzzle/world-of-goo": last match removed 4.87 years ago - VariableOrderWrong
variable S should occur before RESTRICT
Pkgcheck is used regularly to generate QA reports. Pkgcheck is a pkgcore-based QA utility for ebuild repos.