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Added Packages

dev-perl/Test-ExpanderExpansion of test functionality that is frequently used while testing
dev-perl/Test2-Tools-ExplainExplain tools for Perl's Test2 framework
dev-perl/Scalar-ReadonlyFunctions for controlling whether any scalar variable is read-only
dev-python/libcstA concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties for Python
perl-core/Getopt-LongAdvanced handling of command line options
app-emacs/eldoc-boxChild frame doc for Eglot and anything that uses ElDoc
dev-build/melangeBuild APK packages from source code using declarative pipelines
app-crypt/badkeysCheck cryptographic keys for known weaknesses
dev-util/hyprwayland-scannerA Hyprland implementation of wayland-scanner, in and for C++
dev-vcs/git-credential-managerSecure Git credential storage supporing GitHub, Azure Repos, and other services

Updated Packages