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The dev-embedded category contains libraries and utilities relevant to embedded programming.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
dev-embedded/at89prog-0.7-r2.ebuild (New Package)
146926 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/m-asl (new ebuild)
158403 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/cc65 (new ebuild)
178641 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/k8048 (new ebuild)
193911 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/icd2prog-0.3.0 (new ebuild)
211144 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/palm-novacom dev-embedded/PalmSDK new ebuilds (palm-mojo-sdk, novaterm, novacom)
278769 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/jal fails to build with non-GNU/bfd linker (gold and other platforms)
369193 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/gnoduino - GTK UI for arduino IDE
435056 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/pk2cmd-1.21rc1 - Version bump.
464034 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/arduino: add "core-only" (-java) support
492960 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/logic-sniffer - an (alternative) OLS client
498864 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
>=dev-embedded/picp-0.6.8 should install picdevrc file
507756 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/gpsim - ld: -warn-once: unknown option
536442 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/arduide - Qt based Arduino IDE
565940 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/bossa: program ARM microcontrollers from ATMEL
570664 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/arduino didnt install when uucp group does not exists
592044 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/arduino-1.0.5-r1 exception no javagtk in java.library.path
603496 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/fossasia: Open Source Pocket Science Lab
660766 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/openocd: change default sheevaplug port
668548 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/dfu-programmer-0.7.2-r1 udev rule does not handle bind
674634 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/stlink - typo in installed udev rules comment
678296 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-embedded/arduino-builder: incomplete LICENSE
695236 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/jlink - Tools for Segger J-Link JTAG adapters
703160 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2022.07 does not respect LDFLAGS
726860 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/powersoftplus-libftdi-0.1.8-r1 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME
726862 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-embedded/pk2cmd-1.20-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line
729712 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/micronucleus: Tool/firmware/bootloader for Atmel µCs (ebuild attached)
743814 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-embedded/arduino-1.8.13: Needs patched astyle for source code formatting
751562 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2024.01-r1 calls ld directly
816243 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/gnusim8085-1.3.7 fails to compile: main.c:51:14: error: LC_ALL undeclared (first use in this function)
830700 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/kobs-ng- fails to compile: mtd.c:2909:57: error: expected expression before struct
830701 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/picp-0.6.8 fails to compile: serial.c:16:10: fatal error: termio.h: No such file or directory
830702 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/stlink: collision with dev-util/qstlink2
832577 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-embedded/arduino records crossdev/avr-* unnecessarily in world file
832637 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2022.01 fails to compile: kwboot.c:627:20: error: struct termios has no member named c_ospeed
834089 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project
842102 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload
842105 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-embedded/arduino-1.8.19: multiple bundled jars, some with vulnerabilities
847817 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/libdisasm patches from google/breakpad
851498 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2024.01-r1 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])
860300 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/gpsim-0.31.0 fails to compile (MUSL): fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory
864331 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/kobs-ng- fails to compile (MUSL): mtd.h:182:9: error: unknown type name 'loff_t'
864334 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/arduino-ctags-20161123-r1 - /.../types.h: error: redeclaration of enumerator FALSE
876724 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)
891743 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)
893306 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-embedded/include-0.4.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)
900689 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/upslug2-11 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)
900691 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/arduino version bump
915984 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/pk2cmd: new source are available
918950 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/gpsim-0.32.1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): conftest.c
922300 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/sdcc-4.3.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): -O2
922301 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/rpi-eeprom-21.0_p1 version bump to rpi-eeprom-21.5_p1
930063 - Assigned to crabbed halo ablution
dev-embedded/libftdi-1.5-r6 fails to compile: string sub-command REGEX, mode MATCHALL needs at least 5 arguments total to command
934233 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/arduino-builder-1.5.4-r1 / dev-embedded/arduino-1.8.19-r1: missing -tools
937614 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/esptool-4.7.0-r3 fails tests: FAILED - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command python3.12, -m, esptool, --chip, esp8266, merge_bin, --format, uf2, -o, tmpk9u_2qrf, 0x100, tmp139__nvq, 0x1000, tmps
942583 - Assigned to Martin Dummer
dev-embedded/picotool-2.0.0 fails to compile: cli.h:504:28: error: int64_t has not been declared
942584 - Assigned to Matthew Smith
dev-embedded/arduino-ctags-20161123-r2 has unrecognized configure options: --disable-readlib
942901 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/arduino-ctags-20161123-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] Unrecognized configure options:
942904 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/sdcc-4.3.0-r1 fails to compile: lkelf.c:857:1: error: conflicting types for elf; have void(int)
944321 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/dfu-programmer-1.0.0 fails to compile: dfu-bool.h:5:5: error: expected identifier before false
944880 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/gputils-1.5.2 fails to compile: gptypes.h:30:3: error: expected identifier before false
944881 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/jal-0.4.62-r1 fails to compile: global.h:27:16: error: expected identifier before false
944882 - Assigned to Embedded Gentoo Team
dev-embedded/platformio-6.1.11 fails tests: ImportError: cannot import name constants from twisted.python (unknown location)
944883 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-embedded/picotool-2.1.0: Version bump
944956 - Assigned to Matthew Smith
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