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The media-fonts category contains fonts.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
media-fonts/extraf-0.1 - extra console fonts (new ebuild)
162709 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/isabella: Ebuild Submission for John Stracke's Isabella Font
215390 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/junicode-0.6.15 - new ebuild
216406 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/manchu-font-2.006 - new ebuild
216423 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/ttf-mph2b-damase-001.000 - new ebuild
216528 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/corefonts fontconfig file ( /etc/fonts/conf.avail ) with proper settings
233729 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/vulcanius-1.04 new ebuild
270975 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/romancyrillicstd (new package)
294935 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/saweri (new package)
294936 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/tagdoc (new package)
294942 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/arphicfonts-0.2.20080216.1 has wrong spacing for letter U+02C8
300863 - Assigned to CJK Team
media-fonts/artwiz_ru-1: New ebuild
323277 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/corefonts-1-r6: weird bold fonts
373399 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/openfontlibrary-20110916: new ebuild for fonts from OpenFontLibrary
383279 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/gohufont-2.0 - a bitmap font for programming and terminal use
408207 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/opengostfont-0.3 - Open-source version of the fonts by Russian standard GOST 2.304-81
433786 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/roboto uses black/bold variant for "Roboto" name
464666 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/rujis-handwriting-font-2.0 - Ruji's Handwriting Font
488436 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/sil-padauk-2.8 has invalid postscript font names
489648 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/myanmar3: new package
489652 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/unifraktur - Blackletter fonts with advanced smart font technologies
501928 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/brill-2.06 - Brill Typeface by John Hudson for Brill Publishing House (TrueType)
532432 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/neris-1.00 - A display sans for one paragraph (or shorter) length text: quotes, openings, titles
532444 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/fira-mono-3.206 version bump
569780 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/droid: removal request
576506 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/ricty-3.2.0-r1 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)
586872 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/lato - high quality open-source font-family
589288 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/oldstandard-2.2 HOMEPAGE: Server not found
590238 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/leggie - a legible bitmap font for Xorg and the Linux console available in 3 sizes
601032 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
>=media-fonts/stix-fonts-2: SLOT or not?
601866 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/roboto-mono: monospaced addition to the Roboto type family
602140 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/osifont ebuild request: free TTF font for CAD projects, very close to IS0 3098
604322 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/monoid-0.61 defaults to wrong version of monoid
604796 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/ricty-3.2.0-r1 : <snip>: <snip> Segmentation fault $fontforge_cmd -script ${tmpdir}/${ricty_generator} 2> $redirection_stderr
635440 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/liberation-fonts - please restore 1.07.4
654498 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/culmus-0.120-r4 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)
656504 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
=media-fonts/alegreya-sans-2.008 installs ttf instead of otf
656540 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/ttf-wps-fonts: package with formulas fonts for wps-office
668478 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/aquafont media-fonts/aquapfont: dead upstream
669470 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/noto should add USE flags to limit size of installed contents
678432 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/ricty-3.2.0-r2 : make:.*Error Error .
681754 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/texcm-ttf: removal
692472 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/croscorefonts-1.31.0 should install /usr/share/fonts/croscorefonts/SymbolNeu.ttf or should not install 62-croscore-symbolneu.conf
698440 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/source-han-sans-2.001 version bump
699610 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/source-han-mono-1.002 - Pan-CJK OpenType/CFF mono font family
699614 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/opendesktop-fonts-1.4.2: Fontconfig warnings /etc/fonts/conf.avail/69-odofonts.conf
704724 - Assigned to CJK Team
media-fonts/tengwar-fonts unclear license, removed upstream
713504 - Assigned to Licenses team
media-fonts/oto-0.5 : u2c.h: error: expected ; before extern
716302 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
media-fonts/noto-cjk-20190416 media-fonts/noto-20200521 and media-fonts/noto-emoji-20200317 Use a slimmer distfile
739596 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/polarsys-b612-fonts-1.008: Wrong LICENSE
746725 - Assigned to Jan Henke
media-fonts/cm-unicode-0.7.0: please use otf fonts
749585 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/iosevka: build from source to allow different styles to be installed
769263 - Assigned to Arsen Arsenović
media-fonts/libertinus new package
772881 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/liberation-fonts-2.1.3 - !!! Couldnt download liberation-fonts-ttf-2.1.3.tar.gz. Aborting.
776022 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/dejavu-2.37 remove generic name assignment and aliasing
780402 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/piazzolla: new package
831375 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/liberation-fonts: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)
836069 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/culmus: automated shellcheck found errors
839186 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/oto-0.5 - ot.h: error: unknown type name _END_DECLS
855545 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
media-fonts/vlgothic: Version bump request (to fix a bug)
864981 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/unifont has incorrect LICENSE
880295 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/freefont has incorrect LICENSE
881589 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/encodings: failing to compile (/usr/bin/install: cannot stat './encodings.dir': No such file or directory)
882067 - Assigned to Gentoo X packagers
media-fonts/unifont-14.0.03 - /.../sh:line <snip>: unifont_csur.hex: No such file or directory
887689 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/culmus-0.120-r6 missing font
892776 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/gidole: new upstream
911933 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/ibm-plex update to 6.3.0
912669 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
media-fonts/baekmuk-fonts: incorrect licensing
913477 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/segoe-ui-font and media-fonts/segoe-ui-variable-font new packages - may be EULA encumbered
921931 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
media-fonts/signika: SRC_URI and HOMEPAGE are gone
937272 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/terminus-font: useflags has wrong names
939672 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/wqy-unibit-1.1.0_p1-r1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: which: command not found
941897 - Assigned to CJK Team
media-fonts/unifont-14.0.03 - [meson] [gcc-15] unicoverage.c: error: too many arguments to function nextrange
946003 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/terminus-font should support python3.13
946301 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/crosextrafonts-carlito: version bump
949625 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
media-fonts/adwaita-fonts: Review license handling
950697 - Assigned to Lukas Schmelting
Keywording Bug Reports
media-sound/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-r6: please keyword ~ppc & ~x86
933249 - Assigned to Professional Audio Applications Maintainers
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Keywording Bugs (1)