
x11-drivers contain drivers that interface with the core X11 server.

nvidia-driversNVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver
xf86-input-elographicsElographics input driver
xf86-input-evdevGeneric Linux input driver
xf86-input-joystickX.Org driver for joystick input devices
xf86-input-libinputX.org input driver based on libinput
xf86-input-mtrackXorg Driver for Multitouch Trackpads
xf86-input-synapticsDriver for Synaptics touchpads
xf86-input-vmmouseVMWare mouse input driver
xf86-input-voidnull input driver
xf86-input-wacomDriver for Wacom tablets and drawing devices
xf86-video-amdgpuAccelerated Open Source driver for AMDGPU cards
xf86-video-astX.Org driver for ASpeedTech cards
xf86-video-atiATI video driver
xf86-video-dummyX.Org driver for dummy cards
xf86-video-fbdevvideo driver for framebuffer device
xf86-video-geodeAMD Geode GX and LX graphics driver
xf86-video-intelX.Org driver for Intel cards
xf86-video-mgaMatrox video driver
xf86-video-nouveauAccelerated Open Source driver for nVidia cards
xf86-video-qxlQEMU QXL paravirt video driver
xf86-video-r128ATI Rage128 video driver
xf86-video-siliconmotionSilicon Motion video driver
xf86-video-vesaGeneric VESA video driver
xf86-video-vmwareVMware SVGA video driver


Packages: 24

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