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sys-apps/portage does not set sticky bit on $PORTAGE_TMPDIR
149062 - Assigned to Gentoo Security
app-portage/emerge-delta-webrsync-3.5.1-r2 should not automatically sync to the past
154209 - Assigned to Portage team
app-portage/emerge-delta-webrsync-3.5.1-r2 store portage-YYYYMMDD* files in /usr/portage/distfiles instead of /var/delta-webrsync
156221 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage doesn't show all possible updates unless --with-bdeps=y is specified
274454 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage (2.1 and 2.2 branches) : emerge should warn that there are ewarns/errors to read
276481 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: change the way dependency conflicts are reported
297785 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage should support logrotate
324729 - Assigned to Portage team
=sys-apps/portage-2.2rc68: rsync tries to transfer non-existent files with FEATURES=installsources and debugedit-5.1.9
334065 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage- endless ebuild-ipc timed out during write after 15 seconds
337764 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: kill background subprocess of ebuilds, such as dbus-launch
344555 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: fetch should fallback to default mirror ( as the last fetch try if everything else fails (including ebuild's fetch URI)
354555 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage add support for cpv[useflagslist] as pkgcore have
359659 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage- add support for stripping PE32
378559 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage (and echangelog): Automated ChangeLog generation has different behavior for Manifest file
388997 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage : missing RDEPEND on less
406003 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha120 crashing when compile fails
427748 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: app-arch/libarchive - dependency conflict (subslot related?)
465414 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: action_info support to log output to a file
468802 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: support --binhost-profile to avoid superfluous syncing
470006 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: emerge --info readability improvement request
482250 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.2.1: Unclear Portage output when non-multilib =media-libs/tiff-4.0.3-r4:0 is p.keyworded instead of multilib =media-libs/tiff-4.0.3-r5:0 for multilib media-libs/lcms:2
482756 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: outputs QA notice when automake is called from _automake_version
501712 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: --depclean --with-bdeps=n doesn't allow to remove dev-lang/python:3.3 while it's unused
504828 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.2.18: slot conflict with -k, no slot conflict without -k
546920 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: suggestion to make --ask behaviour depend on os.isatty()
548814 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage restores old value of CXX which is no longer valid
555374 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage add /usr/local to install-qa-check.d/20deprecated-directories
556824 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage fails to switch from sys-apps/systemd[python] to dev-python/python-systemd (prefer choices that match the latest unmasked version)
558168 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.2.23: floods console with "USE flags should not start with a '+':"
565000 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.2.24: enhance make.conf.example SMTP example
568072 - Assigned to Portage team
>sys-apps/portage- (all python-r1 versions of it) broken by new eclass changes - mv: cannot stat ‘/var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/portage-2.2.26/image/usr/bin/archive-conf’: No such file or directory
569260 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
sys-apps/portage-2.2.28: spurious / confusing output during gcc reinstall
582572 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: qcheck =dev-lang/ghc-7.10.3 reports multiple missing files in /usr/lib64/ghc-7.8.4/
583986 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage - "emerge --exclude" should support repository selector
587154 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage - emerge: Add an option to ignore already downloaded files
587400 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.3.0: does not list all packages causing rebuilds
601272 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: emerge --oneshot portage does not update if EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS enables --selective
646466 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage --depclean can incorrectly mark slotted packages for removal
652138 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage emerge GPG verification doesn't work behind Tor exits
657776 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.3.40: hangs for a long time on updating keys
658592 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: extended attributes merging error with CONFIG_EXT4_FS_SECURITY=n
659486 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.3.40-r1: Permission denied using EGIT_REPO_URI
660250 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage cannot sync with rsync after external IP address changed
660482 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: PORTAGE_BINHOST uses package only from binhost on the right when an identical package exists in multiple binhost
661332 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: allow override of key refresh mechanism
661376 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: glsa-check unexpected behavior when running in post update
662644 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-2.3.48 does not support --usepkg
664874 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage request: make portage's rsync PDEPEND an (on-by-default) USE=rsync IUSE=+rsync PDEPEND
750827 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: llvm-11.1.0 and clang-11.1.0 dependency conflict when upgrading from 11.0.1 versions
771183 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-3.0.17-r2 fails tests: SimpleEmergeTestCase: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
778356 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: support git binary diffs as patches
835964 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-3.0.35 ignores RDEPEND "<sys-devel/lld-14" of dev-lang/zig-0.9.1 and happily installs binary package sys-devel/lld-14.0.6
868513 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage feature request: allow specifying default etc-update and dispatch-conf file for auto resolution during emerge
887585 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: zz-autounmask is created in the deprecated "packages.keywords" directory instead of "packages.accept_keywords", causing a warning
908108 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage-3.0.49 - why does it want to rebuild mesa ?
910212 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-3.0.49-r1 fails tests
911729 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage removes /dev/null if gpg binpkg signing key fails to unlock
912808 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage missing license
912862 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: Clean up DEPEND list
914192 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-3.0.55 RuntimeError: can't fork at interpreter shutdown with python-3.12
917033 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage-3.0.51: does dependency resolution timer include waiting for lockfile?
917260 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage-3.0.55 crashes while Performing Global Updates
918597 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage takes a very long time before merging when network drives are mounted
919033 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage should not have a hard dependency on app-portage/getuto
919359 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: emerge throws backtrace when trying to pkgmove signed binpkgs
919419 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-3.0.57: [ERROR] Exception in callback AsynchronousTask._exit_listener_cb
920258 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-3.0.59-1 - PORTAGE_BINHOST does not support ipv6 for ssh
921400 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage-3.0.61-r1: Option -D pulls adwaita-icon-theme without telling exactly why
922174 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage: random/package: build failure because a DEPEND is not scheduled before
923327 - Assigned to Portage team
=sys-apps/portage-3.0.63 exits with python stack about async
925907 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
=sys-apps/portage-3.0.61-r1: emerge --unstable-update ...?
926088 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage-3.0.63: in some cases fails to record files belonging to a package
926727 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage does not terminate on first ^C but needs a second one
928513 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: install-qa-check.d/60bash-completion warns about git subcommand completion file from dev-vcs/git-machete
928869 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage: Failing to sign binpkg on remote login
930345 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage-3.0.61: --getbinpkg(only) does not run getuto, and throws an error when keys are not present
930730 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage-3.0.63-r1 unsatisfied dependency on firefox not reported properly
934917 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage: FEATURES=pid-sandbox interferes with dev-libs/openssl passphrase prompt (USE=secureboot, USE=modules-sign)
935733 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
sys-apps/portage - --getbinpkgonly does not respect abi_x86_32 useflag
936625 - Assigned to LLVM support project
sys-apps/portage full complete graph feature request
938932 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage - wrong merge order for perl rebuild (dev-vcs/git-2.44.2 [doc?] compile fail: Can't locate XML/LibXML/
938961 - Assigned to Portage team
sys-apps/portage- breaks emerge --sync with sync-type=webrsync
940120 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage- FEATURES="noclean" deletes source files
942760 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage- FEATURES="installsources" doesn't install sources
942873 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage: emerge & quickpkg generated respective binpkg have internal format discrepancy one with another
945031 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
=sys-apps/portage- `sync-webrsync-verify-signature: no` is not respected when using `sync-type: webrsync` to execute `emerge --sync`
945861 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage- ROOT= (and al) emerge issues
946198 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
sys-apps/portage- - emerge throws an ".../", line 1383, in __del__ TypeError: 'NoneType' object does not support the context manager protocol" since upgraded to python 3.13
947690 - Assigned to Portage team
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