
Virtual for Text::Tabs and Text::Wrap, also distributed as Text::Tabs+Wrap

Pkgcheck Warnings

  • All Versions
    • NonexistentDeps
      RDEPEND: nonexistent packages: =dev-lang/perl-5.36*, ~perl-core/Text-Tabs+Wrap-2021.81.400
    • NonexistentBlocker
      nonexistent blocker RDEPEND="!>perl-core/Text-Tabs+Wrap-2023.51.100-r999": no matches in repo history
    • LaggingStable
      slot(0), stabled arches: [ amd64, ppc, ppc64, sparc, x86 ], lagging: [ ~arm, ~arm64, ~hppa ]
  • 2023.51.100
    • NonexistentBlocker
      nonexistent blocker RDEPEND="!>perl-core/Text-Tabs+Wrap-2023.51.100-r999": no matches in repo history
    • LaggingStable
      slot(0), stabled arches: [ amd64, ppc, ppc64, sparc, x86 ], lagging: [ ~arm, ~arm64, ~hppa ]
  • 2021.81.400-r1
    • NonexistentDeps
      RDEPEND: nonexistent packages: =dev-lang/perl-5.36*, ~perl-core/Text-Tabs+Wrap-2021.81.400

Pkgcheck is used regularly to generate QA reports. Pkgcheck is a pkgcore-based QA utility for ebuild repos.