Add GNOME support

Packages describing “gnome” as local USE flag

Package“gnome” Flag Description
dev-qt/qtwaylandBuild the GNOME-like decoration plugin (loaded by default with GNOME)
media-sound/qmmpEnable Gnome hotkey support (requires QtDBus)
net-libs/glib-networkingExtract HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy configuration stored using GSettings
net-libs/gnome-online-accountsUse gnome-base/gnome-control-center to set GNOME online accounts preferences
net-libs/libproxyEnable support for reading proxy settings from GNOME
x11-misc/gpasteEnable proper gnome support and enable gnome shell extension.
x11-misc/mugshotAdd support for gnome-base/gnome-control-center

All packages providing a “gnome” USE flag (25)