Enable bzip2 compression support

Packages describing “bzip2” as local USE flag

Package“bzip2” Flag Description
app-arch/libarchiveAllow accessing bzip2-compressed archives through libbz2 (which comes with app-arch/bzip2). This only affects libarchive's native support: bsdtar will keep using bunzip2 as a filter if that's not built-in.
dev-libs/libpcreAdd support for pcregrep command to search within bzip2-compressed files (via app-arch/bzip2).
dev-libs/libpcre2Add support for pcregrep command to search within bzip2-compressed files (via app-arch/bzip2).
media-libs/freetypeSupport bzip2 compressed PCF fonts.
media-libs/gst-plugins-badEnable bzip2 encoder/decoder plugin
media-libs/imlib2Bzip2 loader support
x11-libs/libXfont2Support bzip2 compressed PCF fonts.

All packages providing a “bzip2” USE flag (57)