mate-base/mate-applets | Use dev-libs/libnl |
net-analyzer/net-snmp | Use dev-libs/libnl to fetch TCP statistics instead of using /proc/net/tcp (Linux only). |
net-analyzer/wireshark | Use dev-libs/libnl |
net-firewall/iptables | Build against libnfnetlink which enables the nfnl_osf util |
net-libs/libpcap | Use dev-libs/libnl to put wireless interfaces in monitor mode. |
net-wireless/aircrack-ng | Use netlink for channel control instead of WEXT |
net-wireless/hostapd | Adding support for using netlink to create VLANs |
sys-apps/ethtool | Enable netlink interface via net-libs/libmnl |
sys-auth/sssd | Add support for netlink protocol via dev-libs/libnl |
sys-block/nbd | Add support for netlink protocol via dev-libs/libnl |
sys-fs/quota | Compile daemon receiving quota messages via netlink |