autodock | A suite of automated docking tools |
autodock_vina | Program for drug discovery, molecular docking and virtual screening |
avogadro2 | Advanced molecule editor and visualizer 2 |
bodr | The Blue Obelisk Data Repository listing element and isotope properties |
cara-bin | Analysis of NMR spectra and Computer Aided Resonance Assignment |
chemex | Program to fit chemical exchange induced shift and relaxation data |
chemical-mime-data | A collection of data files to add support for chemical MIME types |
chemtool | A GTK program for drawing organic molecules |
clashlist | Build lists of van der Waals clashes from an input PDB file |
cluster | Build lists of collections of interacting items |
dssp | The protein secondary structure standard |
easychem | Chemical structure drawing program - focused on presentation |
elem | periodic table of the elements |
gelemental | Periodic table viewer with detailed information on the chemical elements |
gnome-chemistry-utils | Programs and library containing GTK widgets and C++ classes related to chemistry |
gperiodic | Periodic table application for Linux |
gromacs | The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package |
GromacsWrapper | Python framework for Gromacs |
ksdssp | An open source implementation of sci-chemistry/dssp |
MDAnalysis | A python library to analyze and manipulate molecular dynamics trajectories |
modeller | Homology or comparative modeling of protein three-dimensional structures |
molden | Display molecular density from GAMESS-UK, GAMESS-US, GAUSSIAN and Mopac/Ampac |
moldy | Molecular dynamics simulations platform |
molequeue | Abstract, manage and coordinate execution of tasks |
molmol | Publication-quality molecular visualization package |
molsketch | A drawing tool for 2D molecular structures |
mopac7 | Autotooled, updated version of a powerful, fast semi-empirical package |
mpqc | The Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry Program |
msms-bin | MSMS very efficiently computes triangulations of Solvent Excluded Surfaces |
mustang | MUltiple STructural AligNment AlGorithm |
openbabel | Interconverts file formats used in molecular modeling |
ParmEd | Parameter and topology file editor and molecular mechanical simulator engine |
pdbcat | Manipulate and process PDB files using tools such as Perl, awk, etc |
pdbcns | Convert atom names for amino acids/nucleic acid bases between PDB and CNS format |
pdbmat | Calculate Tirion's model from pdb structures |
probe | Evaluates atomic packing within or between molecules |
propka | pKa-value prediction of ionizable groups in protein and protein-ligand complexes |
psi | Suite for ab initio quantum chemistry computing various molecular properties |
pymol | A Python-extensible molecular graphics system |
raster3d | Generation high quality raster images of proteins or other molecules |
suitename | The ROC RNA Ontology nomenclature and conformer-list development |
surf | Solvent accesible Surface calculator |
theseus | Maximum likelihood superpositioning and analysis of macromolecular structures |
threeV | 3V: Voss Volume Voxelator |
tinker | Molecular modeling package that includes force fields, such as AMBER and CHARMM |
tm-align | Quick & Accurate Structural Alignment |
vmd | Visual Molecular Dynamics |
votca | Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications |
wxmacmolplt | Chemical 3D graphics program with GAMESS input builder |
xds-bin | Software for processing single-crystal X-ray monochromatic diffraction data |