Available Versions

24.08.1  : 6 T EAPI 8 ~amd64?x86?alpha?arm ~arm64?hppa?mips?ppc?ppc64?riscv?sparc
24.05.2  : 6 T EAPI 8 amd64?x86?alpha?arm arm64?hppa?mips?ppc?ppc64?riscv?sparc
23.08.5  : 5 T EAPI 8 amd64 x86?alpha?arm arm64?hppa?mips?ppc ~ppc64?riscv?sparc


  • All users must upgrade to KDE PIM 6. KDE PIM 5 depends on deprecated kde-frameworks/kross:5, blocking deprecated dev-qt/qtscript:5 removal, and deprecated dev-qt/qtwebengine:5. x86 users: This is the end of the road for KDE PIM on x86. Export your data with kde-apps/pim-data-exporter, if necessary, and migrate to alternative PIM applications. Bugs #810493, #925720. Removal on 2024-09-31.
    Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (2024-08-31)

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