
The dev-qt category contains packages for the Qt framework modules and directly related libraries and development applications from the upstream Qt Project. Do not add other packages to this category.

assistantTool for viewing on-line documentation in Qt help file format
designerWYSIWYG tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces with QtWidgets
linguistGraphical tool for translating Qt applications
linguist-toolsTools for working with Qt translation data files
pixeltoolQt screen magnifier
qdbusInterface to Qt applications communicating over D-Bus
qdbusviewerGraphical tool that lets you introspect D-Bus objects and messages
qdocQt documentation generator
qt3d3D rendering module for the Qt6 framework
qt5compatQt module containing the unsupported Qt 5 APIs
qtbaseCross-platform application development framework
qtbluetoothBluetooth support library for the Qt5 framework
qtchartsChart component library for the Qt6 framework
qtchooserTool to quickly switch between multiple Qt installations
qtconcurrentMulti-threading concurrence support library for the Qt5 framework
qtconnectivityBluetooth and NFC support library for the Qt6 framework
qtcoreCross-platform application development framework
qt-creatorLightweight IDE for C++/QML development centering around Qt
qtdatavis3d3D data visualization library for the Qt5 framework
qtdbusQt5 module for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol
qtdeclarativeQt Declarative (Quick 2)
qtdiagTool for reporting diagnostic information about Qt and its environment
qt-docsQt6 documentation and examples for Qt Creator and other tools
qtgamepadQt module to support gamepad hardware
qtgraphicaleffectsSet of QML types for adding visual effects to user interfaces
qtguiThe GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework
qthelpQt5 module for integrating online documentation into applications
qthttpserverHTTP server functionality for the Qt6 framework
qtimageformatsAdditional format plugins for the Qt image I/O system
qtlanguageserverImplementation of the Language Server Protocol for Qt
qtlocationLocation (places, maps, navigation) library for the Qt6 framework
qtlockedfileQFile extension with advisory locking functions
qtmultimediaMultimedia (audio, video, radio, camera) library for the Qt6 framework
qtnetworkNetwork abstraction library for the Qt5 framework
qtnetworkauthNetwork authorization library for the Qt6 framework
qtopenglOpenGL support library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated)
qtpathsCommand line client to QStandardPaths
qtplugininfoQt5 plugin metadata dumper
qtpositioningPhysical position determination library for the Qt6 framework
qtprintsupportPrinting support library for the Qt5 framework
qtquick3dQt module and API for defining 3D content in Qt QuickTools
qtquickcontrolsSet of Qt Quick controls to create complete user interfaces (deprecated)
qtquickcontrols2Set of next generation Qt Quick controls for the Qt5 framework
qtquicktimelineQt module for keyframe-based timeline construction
qtremoteobjectsInter-Process Communication (IPC) library for the Qt6 framework
qtscriptApplication scripting library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated)
qtscxmlState Chart XML (SCXML) support library for the Qt6 framework
qtsensorsHardware sensor access library for the Qt6 framework
qtserialbusQt module to access CAN, ModBus, and other industrial serial buses and protocols
qtserialportSerial port abstraction library for the Qt6 framework
qtshadertoolsQt APIs and Tools for Graphics Pipelines
qtsingleapplicationQt library to start applications only once per user
qtspeechText-to-speech library for the Qt6 framework
qtsqlSQL abstraction library for the Qt5 framework
qtstylepluginsAdditional style plugins for Qt5 (gtk2, cleanlook, plastic, motif)
qtsvgSVG rendering library for the Qt6 framework
qttestUnit testing library for the Qt5 framework
qttoolsQt Tools Collection
qttranslationsTranslation files for the Qt6 framework
qtvirtualkeyboardCustomizable input framework and virtual keyboard for Qt
qtwaylandWayland platform plugin for Qt
qtwaylandscannerTool that generates certain boilerplate C++ code from Wayland protocol xml spec
qtwebchannelQt WebChannel
qtwebengineLibrary for rendering dynamic web content in Qt6 C++ and QML applications
qtwebsocketsImplementation of the WebSocket protocol for the Qt6 framework
qtwebviewModule for displaying web content in a QML application using the Qt6 framework
qtwidgetsSet of components for creating classic desktop-style UIs for the Qt5 framework
qtx11extrasLinux/X11-specific support library for the Qt5 framework
qtxmlImplementation of SAX and DOM for the Qt5 framework
qtxmlpatternsXPath, XQuery, XSLT, and XML Schema validation library for the Qt5 framework


Packages: 70

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