
The sci-astronomy category contains software that can be used in astronomical and related scientific environments.

calcmyskySimulator of light scattering by planetary atmospheres
cdsclientCollection of scripts to access the CDS databases
celestiaOpenGL 3D space simulator
cplESO common pipeline library for astronomical data reduction
ds9-binData visualization application for astronomical FITS images
erfaEssential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
esomidasEuropean Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System
esorexESO Recipe Execution Tool to exec cpl scripts
fitshSoftware package for astronomical image processing
fitspngFITS to PNG converter
funtoolsFITS library and utlities for astronomical images
galaxyStellar simulation program
gasganoESO astronomical data file organizer
gnuastroGNU Astronomy Utilities
idlastroAstronomical user routines for IDL
kstarsDesktop Planetarium
missfitsPerforms basic maintenance and packaging tasks on FITS files
montageToolkit for assembling FITS images into mosaics
palPositional Astronomy Library
psfexExtracts models of the Point Spread Function from FITS images
pyephemAstronomical routines for the Python programming language
pysirilPython library to interface Python to a SiriL script
scampAstrometric and photometric solutions for astronomical images
sextractorExtract catalogs of sources from astronomical FITS images
sirilA free astronomical image processing software
sirilicPreparing acquisition files for processing with the SiriL software
skymakerProgram that simulates astronomical images
sofa_cLibrary for algorithms for models in fundamental astronomy
stellarium3D photo-realistic skies in real time
stiffConverts astronomical FITS images to the TIFF format
stuffTool for automatic generation of astronomical catalogs
swarpResample and coadd astronomical FITS images
wcslibAstronomical World Coordinate System transformations library
wcstoolsWorld Coordinate System library for astronomical FITS images
weightwatcherCombine weight maps and polygon for astronomical images weighting
xephemInteractive tool for astronomical ephemeris and sky simulation
xfitsviewViewer for astronomical images in FITS format


Packages: 37

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