
The app-containers category contains container related software.

aardvark-dnsA container-focused DNS server
amazon-ecr-credential-helperAutomatically gets credentials for Amazon ECR on docker push/docker pull
apptainerThe container system for secure high-performance computing
buildahA tool that facilitates building OCI images
cadvisorAnalyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers
catatonitA container init that is so simple it's effectively brain-dead
cni-pluginsStandard networking plugins for container networking
conmonAn OCI container runtime monitor
containerdA daemon to control runC
containers-commonCommon config files and docs for Containers stack
containers-imageDefault config and docs related to Containers' images
containers-shortnamesConfigures default shortnames (aliases) for Containers
containers-storageDefault config and docs related to Containers' storage
cosigncontainer signing utility
cri-oOCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface
cri-toolsCLI and validation tools for Kubelet Container Runtime (CRI)
crunA fast and low-memory footprint OCI Container Runtime fully written in C
devcontainerReference implementation of the Development Containers specification
distroboxUse any Linux distribution inside your terminal (powered by docker/podman)
distrobuilderSystem container image builder for LXC and incus
dockerThe core functions you need to create Docker images and run Docker containers
docker-bench-securityTest for best practices around deploying docker containers
docker-buildxDocker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit
docker-clithe command line binary for docker
docker-composeMulti-container orchestration for Docker
docker-credential-helpersSuite of programs to use native stores to keep Docker credentials safe
docker-pushrmDocker CLI plugin to update container repository documentation
docker-registryDocker Registry 2.0
docker-swarmSwarm Classic: a container clustering system
earthlyBuild automation tool that executes in containers
flannelAn etcd backed network fabric for containers
grypeA vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
imgStandalone daemon-less unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI container image builder
incusModern, secure and powerful system container and virtual machine manager
k3dk3d creates k3s clusters in docker
komposeTool to move from docker-compose to Kubernetes
lxcA userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features
lxc-templatesOld style template scripts for LXC
lxdModern, secure and powerful system container and virtual machine manager
nerdctlDocker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose
netavarkA container network stack
nvidia-container-toolkitNVIDIA container runtime toolkit
podmanA tool for managing OCI containers and pods with Docker-compatible CLI
podman-composeA script to run docker-compose.yml using Podman
podman-tuiTerminal UI frontend for Podman
regDocker registry v2 command line client
runcrunc container cli tools
s6-overlayan s6-based init system for containers
senTerminal User Interface for docker engine
skopeoWork with remote container images registries
slirp4netnsUser-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces
snapdService and tools for management of snap packages
syftGenerate a Software Bill of Materials from container images and filesystems
umociManipulation tool for OCI images


Packages: 54

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