
The x11-plugins category contains plugin packages for various X11 applications.

allin1All in one monitoring dockapp: RAM, CPU, Net, Power, df, seti
asapmAPM monitor for AfterStep
asclockClock applet for AfterStep
asmemMonitor the utilization level of memory, cache and swap space
asmonWindowMaker/AfterStep system monitor dockapp
astimeAnalogue clock utility for X Windows
bfmDockapp and gkrellm plug-in combining timecop's bubblemon and wmfishtime
bubblemonA fun monitoring applet for your desktop, complete with swimming duck
cputnikcputnik is a simple cpu monitor dockapp
dockerOpenbox app which acts as a system tray for KDE and GNOME2
e16-eppletsEnlightenment DR16 epplets
gkrellaclockNice analog clock for GKrellM2
gkrellfireCPU load flames for GKrellM 2
gkrellkaman Image-Watcher-Plugin for GKrellM2
gkrellm-bgchangerPlugin for GKrellM2 to change your desktop background
gkrellm-bluezGKrellm plugin for monitoring bluetooth (Linux BlueZ) adapters
gkrellm-countdownA simple countdown clock for GKrellM2
gkrellm-cpupowerA Gkrellm2 plugin for displaying and manipulating CPU frequency
gkrellm-imoncA GKrellM2 plugin to control a fli4l router
gkrellmlaunchA Program-Launcher Plugin for GKrellM2
gkrellm-ledsGKrellM2 plugin for monitoring keyboard LEDs
gkrellm-mailwatchA GKrellM2 plugin that shows the status of additional mail boxes
gkrellmoonA GKrellM2 plugin of the famous wmMoonClock dockapp
gkrellm-pluginsMeta-package for all of the gkrellm plugins
gkrellm-radioA minimalistic GKrellM2 plugin to control radio tuners
gkrellmssA plugin for GKrellM2 that has a VU meter and a sound chart
gkrellm-trayiconsConfigurable Tray Icons for GKrellM
gkrellm-vaiobrightSuperslim VAIO LCD Brightness Control Plugin for Gkrellm
gkrellm-volumeA mixer control plugin for gkrellm
gkrellmwirelessA plugin for GKrellM that monitors your wireless network card
gkrellm-xkbXKB keyboard switcher for gkrellm2
gkrellshootGKrellm2 plugin to take screen shots and lock screen
gkrellstockGet Stock quotes plugin for Gkrellm2
gkrellsunA GKrellM plugin that shows sunrise and sunset times
gkrelltopa GKrellM2 plugin which displays the top three processes
gkrellweatherGKrellM2 Plugin that monitors a METAR station and displays weatherinfo
gkwebmonA web monitor plugin for GKrellM2
guificationsGuifications is a graphical notification plugin for pidgin
i8krellmGKrellM2 Plugin for the Dell Inspiron and Latitude notebooks
lurchOMEMO encryption for libpurple (XEP-0384)
pidgin-birthday-reminderPlugin for Pidgin that reminds you of your buddies birthdays
pidgin-bot-sentryBot Sentry is a Pidgin plugin to prevent Instant Message (IM) spam
pidgin-encryptionPidgin IM Encryption PlugIn
pidgin-extprefsExtra preferences that are desired but are not worthy for Pidgin
pidgin-gnome-keyringIntegrates Pidgin (and libpurple) with the system keyring
pidgin-gpgPidgin GPG/OpenPGP (XEP-0027) plugin
pidgin-hotkeysPidgin plugin to define global hotkeys for various actions
pidgin-indicatorAppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-led-notificationPidgin plugin to notify by writing user defined strings to (led control) files
pidgin-libnotifyPidgin-libnotify provides popups for pidgin via a libnotify interface
pidgin-mbpurplePidgin plug-in supporting microblog services like Twitter or identi.ca
pidgin-mprisGets current song from MPRIS-aware media players
pidgin-musictrackerA Pidgin now playing plugin to publicise the songs you are listening
pidgin-opensteamworksSteam protocol plugin for pidgin
pidgin-otr(OTR) Messaging allows you to have private conversations over instant messaging
pidgin-privacy-pleasePidgin plugin to stop spammers from annoying you
pidgin-sipePidgin Plug-in SIPE (Sip Exchange Protocol)
pidgin-skypewebSkypeWeb Plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-window_mergeA Pidgin plugin that merges the Buddy List window with a conversation window
pidgin-xmpp-receiptsImplementation of xmpp message delivery receipts (XEP-0184) for Pidgin
purple-libnotify-plusProvide libnotify interface to Pidgin and Finch
viciousModular widget library for x11-wm/awesome
wmacpiDockApp ACPI status monitor for laptops
wmacpiload-acWMACPILoad based dockapp to monitor CPU temp and battery time on ACPI kernels
wmacpimonDockApp monitors the temperature and Speedstep features in ACPI-based systems
wmailWindow Maker dock application showing incoming mail
wmamixerALSA mixer dockapp, fork of wmsmixer
wmapmWindowMaker DockApp: Battery/Power status monitor for laptops
wmapmloaddockapp that monitors your apm battery status
wmapplSimple application launcher for the Window Maker dock
wmbatteriesDock app for monitoring the current battery status and CPU temperature
wmbatteryA dockable app to report APM, ACPI, or SPIC battery status
wmbiffWMBiff is a dock applet for WindowMaker which can monitor up to 5 mailboxes
wmbinclocka nifty little binary clock dockapp
wmbioWindow Maker applet that shows your biorhythm
wmblobFancy but useless dockapp with moving blobs
wmbuttonDockapp application that displays nine configurable buttons
wmcalcA WindowMaker DockApp calculator
wmCalClockWMaker DockApp: A Calendar clock with antialiased text
wmcalendara calendar dockapp
wmcdplayCD player applet for WindowMaker
wmcliphistDockable clipboard history application for Window Maker
wmclocka dockapp that displays time and date (same style as NEXTSTEP(tm) OS)
wmclockmonA nice digital clock with 7 different styles either in LCD or LED style
wmcmsWindowMaker CPU and Memory Usage Monitor Dock App
wmcoincoinDockapp for browsing dacode news and board sites
wmcpA pager dockapp
wmcpuloadDockapp for monitoring CPU usage with a LCD display
wmcpuwatchdockapp showing the load of every logical CPU on the system
wmcubea dockapp cpu monitor with spinning 3d objects
wmdiskmona dockapp to display disk space usage
wmdotsmultishape 3d rotating dots
wmDownloaddockapp that displays how much data you've received on each eth and ppp device
wmdrawerDockapp which provides a drawer (retractable button bar) to launch applications
wmfireLoad monitoring dockapp displaying dancing flame
wmfishtimeA fun clock applet for your desktop featuring swimming fish
wmforkplopmonitors the forking activity of the kernel and most active processes
wmfortunea dockapp showing fortune-mod messages
wmfroga weather application, it shows the weather in a graphical way
wmfsmdockapp for monitoring filesystem usage
wmgetLibcurl based dockapp for automated downloads
wmgrabimagewmGrabImage grabs an image from the WWW and displays it
wmgtempCPU and SYS temperature dockapp
wmhdplopa dockapp for monitoring disk activities with fancy visuals
wmifinfoa dockapp for monitoring network interfaces
wmifsNetwork monitoring dockapp
wminetdockapp for monitoring internet connections to and from your computer
wmitimeOverglorified clock dockapp w/time, date, and internet time
wmixDockapp mixer for OSS or ALSA
wmlifedockapp running Conway's Game of Life (and program launcher)
wmloadyet another dock application showing a system load gauge
wmlongrunDockapp to monitor LongRun on a Transmeta Crusoe processor
wmmailoaddockapp that monitors one or more mailboxes
wmmanda dockable mandelbrot browser
wmMatrixWMaker DockApp: Slightly modified version of Jamie Zawinski's xmatrix screenhack
wmmemloaddockapp that displays memory and swap space usage
wmmenua popup menu of icons like in AfterStep, as a dockapp
wmmisca monitoring dockapp for system load, user amount, fork amount and processes
wmmixerA mixer designed for WindowMaker
wmmonDockable system resources monitor applet for WindowMaker
wmmon+smpDockapp CPU monitor resembling Xosview, support for smp
wmmoonclockdockapp that shows lunar ephemeris to a high accuracy
wmmpWindow Maker dock app client for mpd (Music Player Daemon)
wmmp3Mp3 player dock app for WindowMaker; frontend to mpg123
wmndWindowMaker Network Devices (dockapp)
wmnetWMnet is a dock.app network monitor
wmnetloadNetwork interface monitor dockapp
wmpagerA simple pager docklet for the WindowMaker window manager
wmpasmanPassword storage/retrieval in a dockapp
wmpinboardWindow Maker dock applet resembling a miniature pinboard
wmpinga simple host status monitoring dockapp
wmpop3Dockapp for checking pop3 accounts
wmpop3lbdockapp for checking up to 7 pop3 accounts
wmpowera dockapp to get/set power management status for laptops (APM, ACPI and CPUfreq)
wmpppPPP dial control and network load monitor with NeXTStep look
wmracka sound mixer and CD player dockapp
wmrecordA Dockable General Purpose Recording Utility
wmsmixerfork of wmmixer adding scrollwheel support and other features
wmSMPmonSMP system monitor dockapp
wmSpaceWeatherDockapp showing weather at geosynchronous orbit
wmstickynotesA dockapp for keeping small notes around on the desktop
wmSundockapp which displays the rise/set time of the sun
wmswallowA dock applet to make any application dockable
wmsysmona dockapp to monitor: CPU, Memory, Uptime, IRQs, Paging and Swap activity
wmsystemtraya system tray dockapp with the ability to display more than just four tray icons
wmsystrayWindow Maker dock app that provides a system tray for GNOME/KDE applications
wmtimeapplet which displays the date and time in a dockable tile
wmtimerDockable clock which can run in alarm, countdown timer or chronograph mode
wmtopDockapp for monitoring the top three processes using cpu or memory
wmtzDockapp that shows the time in multiple timezones
wmudmountFilesystem mounter using udisks to handle notification and mounting
wmweatherDockable weather monitor for standard METAR stations using ICAO location
wmweather+A dockapp for displaying data collected from METAR, AVN, ETA, and MRF forecasts
wmwifiwireless network interface monitor dockapp
wmworka dockapp that lets you easily track time spent on different projects
wmxkbDockable keyboard layout switcher for Window Maker
wmXNamedock-app showing you status of your XName hosted zones
wmxresDock application to select your display mode among those possible


Packages: 158

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