Packages describing “server” as local USE flag

Package“server” Flag Description
app-i18n/fcitxBuild a fcitx as server, disable this option if you want to use fcitx as an embedded library
app-misc/blink1Build and install REST API server (currently hard-coded to TCP port 8080)
app-shells/atuinEnable the autin server
app-text/pandoc-cliInclude support for running pandoc as an HTTP server.
dev-db/etcdInstalls etcd daemon
dev-db/mariadbBuild the server program
dev-db/mysqlBuild the server program
dev-db/percona-serverBuild the server program
dev-db/postgresqlDisable to build and install the clients and libraries only.
dev-debug/gdbInstall the "gdbserver" program (useful for embedded/remote targets)
dev-haskell/texmathCompile webserver.
dev-libs/log4cplusBuild the logging server
dev-libs/tntnetEnable tntnet server daemon
dev-python/paramikoEnable server feature
dev-ruby/rubygemsInstall support for the rubygems server
dev-vcs/cvsEnable server support
games-action/supermariowarCompile and install Super Mario War server files
games-board/cockatriceCompile server support
games-engines/minetestBuild Minetest server
games-engines/odamexBuild server target
games-fps/eduke32Enable support for multiplayer.
games-fps/prboom-plusBuild PrBoom-Plus server
games-fps/sauerbratenCompile server support
games-fps/turtlearenaBuild server target
games-fps/urbanterrorBuild binary for dedicated server
games-roguelike/tomenetCompile server
games-strategy/freecivEnable server support. Disabling this will also make it impossible to start local games.
games-strategy/hedgewarsEnable local server
games-strategy/ufoaiBuild the dedicated server
games-strategy/wesnothEnable compilation of server
media-plugins/vdr-streamdevCompile the VDR plugin vdr-streamdev-server that allows remote systems to access the vdr using streamdev-specific VTP and HTTP protocol
media-sound/snapcastBuild and install Snapcast server component
media-sound/supercolliderBuild with internal server
media-sound/xmms2Build xmms2 player daemon (otherwise only clients are built)
net-analyzer/2pingInstall the server init scripts.
net-analyzer/ossec-hidsBuild "server" installation target
net-analyzer/zabbixEnable zabbix server
net-firewall/fwknopBuild fwknopd server
net-fs/cvmfsInstall the cvmfsd program and init script
net-ftp/tftp-hpaCompile and install the tftp server
net-irc/quasselBuild the server binary. If this USE flag is disabled, the 'core' server binary for quassel is not built, and cannot be used. You need this enabled on the server, but you might want to disable it on the client.
net-libs/libsshBuild with SSH server support
net-libs/xrootdInstall xrootd server and related plug-ins
net-mail/cyrus-imapdEnable building server binaries
net-misc/dhcpInstall the dhcpd and dhcrelay programs
net-misc/freerdpBuild server binaries
net-misc/gsaslBuild server component
net-misc/knockInstalls the knockd server daemon.
net-misc/moshBuild network server
net-misc/tigervncBuild TigerVNC server
net-misc/turbovncBuild the server (vncserver, Xvnc)
net-misc/uftpInstall uftp server daemon
net-vpn/frpBuild and install frp server (frps)
net-vpn/torEnable tor's relay module so it can operate as a relay/bridge/authority
sci-biology/ucsc-genome-browserInstall genome browser Web application. If this flag is off, only libraries and utilities from the suite are installed.
sci-chemistry/molequeueBuild the serve application
sys-auth/seatdEnable standalone seatd server, replacement to (e)logind
sys-cluster/torqueEnable compilation of pbs_server and pbs_sched
virtual/mysqlBuild server (mysqld)
www-servers/civetwebBuild standalone server
x11-wm/xpraBuild server-side code

All packages providing a “server” USE flag (31)