
The dev-scheme category contains libraries and utilities relevant to the Scheme programming language.

akkuLanguage package manager for Scheme
biglooPractical Scheme Compiler with many extensions
bytestructuresStructured access to bytevector contents
chezA programming language based on R6RS
chez-minikanrenCanonical miniKanren implementation (on Chez Scheme)
chibiMinimal Scheme implementation for use as an extension language
chickenScheme interpreter and native Scheme to C compiler
c-wrapperForeign function interface for C and Objective-C libraries
cycloneR7RS Scheme to C compiler
elkScheme implementation designed to be embeddable extension to C/C++ applications
escmescm - Embedded Scheme Processor
fibersLightweight concurrency facility for Guile Scheme
gambitGambit-C is a native Scheme to C compiler and interpreter
gaucheA Unix system friendly Scheme Interpreter
gauche-cdbCDB binding for Gauche
gauche-glOpenGL binding for Gauche
gauche-gtkGTK2 binding for Gauche
gauche-kakasiKakasi binding for Gauche
gauche-mecabMeCab binding for Gauche
gauche-qdbmQDBM binding for Gauche
gooshSmall process-control library for Guile
guileGNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
guile-colorizedColorized REPL for GNU Guile
guile-configGuile application configuration parsing library
guile-dbd-postgresqlGuile DBI driver for PostgreSQL
guile-dbd-sqlite3Guile DBI driver for SQLite
guile-dbiAn SQL database interface for Guile
guile-gcryptGuile bindings of libgcrypt
guile-giBindings for GObject Introspection and libgirepository for Guile
guile-gitGuile bindings of git
guile-gnutlsGuile-GnuTLS provides Guile bindings for the GnuTLS library
guile-hallGuile tooling to create and publish projects
guile-jsonJSON module for Guile
guile-libAn accumulation place for pure-scheme Guile modules
guile-libyamlSimple yaml module for Guile using the ffi-helper from nyacc
guile-lzlibGNU Guile library providing bindings to lzlib
guile-ncursesGuile FFI to ncurses library for text-based console UI
guile-nyaccGuile modules for generating parsers and lexical analyzers
guile-readerSimple framework for building readers for GNU Guile
guile-sqlite3Guile bindings of sqlite3
guile-sshLibrary providing access to the SSH protocol for GNU Guile
guile-zlibGNU Guile library providing bindings to zlib
guile-zstdGNU Guile bindings to the zstd compression library
jschemeA Scheme dialect with a simple Java interface called Javadot notation
kawaJava-based Scheme system & Language Framework
mit-schemeScheme interpreter, compiler, debugger and runtime library
owl-lispPurely functional dialect of Scheme
racketGeneral purpose, multi-paradigm Lisp-Scheme programming language
scmSCM is a Scheme implementation from the author of slib
scmxlateScmxlate is a configuration tool for software packages written in Scheme
sigschemeSigScheme is an R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
skribiloDocument production tool written in Guile Scheme
slibPortable Scheme library for all standard Scheme implementations
stklosFast and light Scheme implementation
tinyschemeLightweight scheme interpreter
xdgdirsDisplays names/values of XDG Basedir variables
ypsilonR6RS-compliant Scheme implementation for real-time applications


Packages: 57

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