
The kde-frameworks category contains KDE Frameworks – add-on libraries for programming with Qt.

atticaFramework providing access to Open Collaboration Services
balooFramework for searching and managing metadata
bluez-qtQt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API
breeze-iconsBreeze SVG icon theme
extra-cmake-modulesExtra modules and scripts for CMake
frameworkintegrationFramework for integrating Qt applications with KDE Plasma workspaces
kapidoxFramework for building KDE API documentation in a standard format and style
karchiveFramework for reading, creation, and manipulation of various archive formats
kauthFramework to let applications perform actions as a privileged user
kbookmarksFramework for managing bookmarks stored in XBEL format
kcalendarcoreLibrary for interfacing with calendars
kcmutilsFramework to work with KDE System Settings modules
kcodecsFramework for manipulating strings using various encodings
kcolorschemeFramework for downloading and sharing additional application data
kcompletionFramework for common completion tasks such as filename or URL completion
kconfigFramework for reading and writing configuration
kconfigwidgetsFramework providing an assortment of configuration-related widgets
kcontactsAddress book API based on KDE Frameworks
kcoreaddonsFramework for solving common problems such as caching, randomisation, and more
kcrashFramework for intercepting and handling application crashes
kdavDAV protocol implemention with KJobs
kdbusaddonsFramework for registering services and applications per freedesktop standards
kdeclarativeFramework providing integration of QML and KDE work spaces
kdedCentral daemon of KDE workspaces
kdesuFramework to handle super user actions
kdnssdFramework for network service discovery using Zeroconf
kdoctoolsTools to generate documentation in various formats from DocBook files
kf-envEnvironment setting required for all KDE Frameworks apps to run
kfilemetadataLibrary for extracting file metadata
kglobalaccelFramework to handle global shortcuts
kguiaddonsFramework providing assorted high-level user interface components
kholidaysLibrary to determine holidays and other special events for a geographical region
ki18nFramework based on Gettext for internationalizing user interface text
kiconthemesFramework for icon theming and configuration
kidletimeFramework for detection and notification of device idle time
kimageformatsFramework providing additional format plugins for Qt's image I/O system
kinitHelper library to speed up start of applications on KDE workspaces
kioFramework providing transparent file and data management
kio-trash-desktop-fileKIO Trash KCM service desktop file
kirigamiLightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications
kitemmodelsFramework providing data models to help with tasks such as sorting and filtering
kitemviewsFramework providing additional widgets for item models
kjobwidgetsFramework providing assorted widgets for showing the progress of jobs
knewstuffFramework for downloading and sharing additional application data
knotificationsFramework for notifying the user of an event
knotifyconfigFramework for configuring desktop notifications
kpackageFramework to install and load packages of non binary content
kpartsFramework providing elaborate user-interface components
kpeopleKDE contact person abstraction library
kplottingFramework providing easy data-plotting functions
kptyFramework for pseudo terminal devices and running child processes
kquickchartsQtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
krunnerFramework for providing different actions given a string query
kserviceAdvanced plugin and service introspection
kstatusnotifieritemImplementation of Status Notifier Items
ksvgComponents for handling SVGs
ktexteditorFramework providing a full text editor component
ktexttemplateLibrary to allow separating the structure of documents from data they contain
ktextwidgetsFramework providing an assortment of widgets for displaying and editing text
kunitconversionFramework for converting units
kuserfeedbackFramework to collect user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys
kwalletFramework providing desktop-wide storage for passwords
kwidgetsaddonsAn assortment of high-level widgets for common tasks
kwindowsystemFramework providing access to properties and features of the window manager
kxmlguiFramework for managing menu and toolbar actions in an abstract way
modemmanager-qtModemManager bindings for Qt
networkmanager-qtNetworkManager bindings for Qt
oxygen-iconsOxygen SVG icon theme
prisonQRCode and data matrix barcode library
purposeLibrary for providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled
purpose-kaccounts-servicesKAccounts generated service files for nextcloud and google services
qqc2-desktop-styleStyle for QtQuickControls 2 that uses QWidget's QStyle for painting
solidProvider for platform independent hardware discovery, abstraction and management
sonnetFramework for providing spell-checking through abstraction of popular backends
syndicationLibrary for parsing RSS and Atom feeds
syntax-highlightingFramework for syntax highlighting
threadweaverFramework for managing threads using job and queue-based interfaces


Packages: 77

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