attica | Framework providing access to Open Collaboration Services |
baloo | Framework for searching and managing metadata |
bluez-qt | Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API |
breeze-icons | Breeze SVG icon theme |
extra-cmake-modules | Extra modules and scripts for CMake |
frameworkintegration | Framework for integrating Qt applications with KDE Plasma workspaces |
kapidox | Framework for building KDE API documentation in a standard format and style |
karchive | Framework for reading, creation, and manipulation of various archive formats |
kauth | Framework to let applications perform actions as a privileged user |
kbookmarks | Framework for managing bookmarks stored in XBEL format |
kcalendarcore | Library for interfacing with calendars |
kcmutils | Framework to work with KDE System Settings modules |
kcodecs | Framework for manipulating strings using various encodings |
kcolorscheme | Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data |
kcompletion | Framework for common completion tasks such as filename or URL completion |
kconfig | Framework for reading and writing configuration |
kconfigwidgets | Framework providing an assortment of configuration-related widgets |
kcontacts | Address book API based on KDE Frameworks |
kcoreaddons | Framework for solving common problems such as caching, randomisation, and more |
kcrash | Framework for intercepting and handling application crashes |
kdav | DAV protocol implemention with KJobs |
kdbusaddons | Framework for registering services and applications per freedesktop standards |
kdeclarative | Framework providing integration of QML and KDE work spaces |
kded | Central daemon of KDE workspaces |
kdesu | Framework to handle super user actions |
kdnssd | Framework for network service discovery using Zeroconf |
kdoctools | Tools to generate documentation in various formats from DocBook files |
kf-env | Environment setting required for all KDE Frameworks apps to run |
kfilemetadata | Library for extracting file metadata |
kglobalaccel | Framework to handle global shortcuts |
kguiaddons | Framework providing assorted high-level user interface components |
kholidays | Library to determine holidays and other special events for a geographical region |
ki18n | Framework based on Gettext for internationalizing user interface text |
kiconthemes | Framework for icon theming and configuration |
kidletime | Framework for detection and notification of device idle time |
kimageformats | Framework providing additional format plugins for Qt's image I/O system |
kinit | Helper library to speed up start of applications on KDE workspaces |
kio | Framework providing transparent file and data management |
kio-trash-desktop-file | KIO Trash KCM service desktop file |
kirigami | Lightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications |
kitemmodels | Framework providing data models to help with tasks such as sorting and filtering |
kitemviews | Framework providing additional widgets for item models |
kjobwidgets | Framework providing assorted widgets for showing the progress of jobs |
knewstuff | Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data |
knotifications | Framework for notifying the user of an event |
knotifyconfig | Framework for configuring desktop notifications |
kpackage | Framework to install and load packages of non binary content |
kparts | Framework providing elaborate user-interface components |
kpeople | KDE contact person abstraction library |
kplotting | Framework providing easy data-plotting functions |
kpty | Framework for pseudo terminal devices and running child processes |
kquickcharts | QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts |
krunner | Framework for providing different actions given a string query |
kservice | Advanced plugin and service introspection |
kstatusnotifieritem | Implementation of Status Notifier Items |
ksvg | Components for handling SVGs |
ktexteditor | Framework providing a full text editor component |
ktexttemplate | Library to allow separating the structure of documents from data they contain |
ktextwidgets | Framework providing an assortment of widgets for displaying and editing text |
kunitconversion | Framework for converting units |
kuserfeedback | Framework to collect user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys |
kwallet | Framework providing desktop-wide storage for passwords |
kwidgetsaddons | An assortment of high-level widgets for common tasks |
kwindowsystem | Framework providing access to properties and features of the window manager |
kxmlgui | Framework for managing menu and toolbar actions in an abstract way |
modemmanager-qt | ModemManager bindings for Qt |
networkmanager-qt | NetworkManager bindings for Qt |
oxygen-icons | Oxygen SVG icon theme |
prison | QRCode and data matrix barcode library |
purpose | Library for providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled |
purpose-kaccounts-services | KAccounts generated service files for nextcloud and google services |
qqc2-desktop-style | Style for QtQuickControls 2 that uses QWidget's QStyle for painting |
solid | Provider for platform independent hardware discovery, abstraction and management |
sonnet | Framework for providing spell-checking through abstraction of popular backends |
syndication | Library for parsing RSS and Atom feeds |
syntax-highlighting | Framework for syntax highlighting |
threadweaver | Framework for managing threads using job and queue-based interfaces |