
The app-i18n category contains internationalisation-related packages.

anthyAnthy -- free and secure Japanese input system
bidivA commandline tool displaying logical Hebrew/Arabic
cstoolsA charset conversion tool cstocs and two Perl modules for Czech language
dbskkd-cdbSKK dictionary server based on cdb
encaDetect and convert encoding of text files
fbtermFast terminal emulator for the Linux framebuffer
fcitxFcitx (Flexible Context-aware Input Tool with eXtension) input method framework
fcitx-anthyJapanese Anthy input methods for Fcitx
fcitx-chewingChewing Wrapper for Fcitx.
fcitx-chinese-addonsAddons related to Chinese, including IME previous bundled inside fcitx4.
fcitx-cloudpinyinInternet look-up support for Chinese Pinyin input methods for Fcitx
fcitx-configtoolConfiguration module for Fcitx
fcitx-gtkGtk im module for fcitx5 and glib based dbus client library
fcitx-hangulKorean Hangul input method for Fcitx
fcitx-libpinyinChinese LibPinyin input methods for Fcitx
fcitx-luaLua support for fcitx
fcitx-m17nm17n-provided input methods for Fcitx
fcitx-qtQt library and IM module for fcitx5
fcitx-qt5Fcitx input method module for Qt 5
fcitx-rimeChinese RIME input methods for Fcitx
fcitx-sayuraSinhala Sayura input method for Fcitx
fcitx-table-extraExtra Chinese table input methods for Fcitx
fcitx-table-otherProvides some other tables for Fcitx, fork from ibus-table-others, scim-tables
fcitx-unikeyVietnamese Unikey input methods for Fcitx
freewnnNetwork-Extensible Kana-to-Kanji Conversion System
ibusIntelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibus-anthyJapanese Anthy engine for IBus
ibus-cangjieChinese Cangjie and Quick engines for IBus
ibus-chewingChinese Chewing engine for IBus
ibus-fbtermIBus client for FbTerm
ibus-handwriteHand write recognition/input for IBus
ibus-hangulKorean Hangul engine for IBus
ibus-input-padInput Pad for IBus
ibus-libpinyinIntelligent Pinyin and Bopomofo input methods based on LibPinyin for IBus
ibus-m17nM17N engine for IBus
ibus-pinyinChinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus
ibus-rimeChinese Rime Input Method Engine for IBus
ibus-skkJapanese SKK engine for IBus
ibus-tableTables engines for IBus
ibus-table-chineseChinese tables for IBus-Table
ibus-table-extraphraseChinese extra phrases for IBus-Table
ibus-table-latinLatin tables for IBus-Table
ibus-table-othersVarious tables for IBus-Table
ibus-typing-boosterCompletion input method for IBus
ibus-unikeyVietnamese UniKey engine for IBus
im-chooserDesktop Input Method configuration tool
im-freewnnJapanese FreeWnn input method module for GTK+2
imsettingsDelivery framework for general Input Method configuration
jfbtermThe J Framebuffer Terminal/Multilingual Enhancement with UTF-8 support
kakasiConverts Japanese text between kanji, kana, and romaji
kanjipadJapanese handwriting recognition tool
kccKanji code converter
kcm-fcitxKDE configuration module for Fcitx
kinput2A Japanese input server which supports the XIM protocol
libcangjieLibrary implementing the Cangjie input method
libchewingIntelligent phonetic (Zhuyin/Bopomofo) input method library
libhangulLibrary for hangul input method logic, hanja dictionary
libimeFcitx5 Next generation of fcitx
libpinyinLibraries for handling of Hanyu Pinyin and Zhuyin Fuhao
librimeRIME (Rime Input Method Engine) core library
librime-luaLua module for RIME
libskkGObject-based library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method
man-pages-jaCollection of manual pages translated into Japanese
man-pages-l10nA somewhat comprehensive collection of man page translations
man-pages-ruA collection of Russian translations of Linux manual pages
man-pages-zh_CNA somewhat comprehensive collection of Chinese Linux man pages
mecab-skkservmecab-skkserv is a Kana-Kanji conversion server using MeCab
mozcMozc - Japanese input method editor
multiskkservSKK server that handles multiple dictionaries
nabiSimple Hanguk X Input Method
nkfNetwork Kanji code conversion Filter with UTF-8/16 support
openccLibrary for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters
poeditGUI gettext translations editor
pyzyThe Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
qkcQuick KANJI code Converter
rime-dataData resources for Rime Input Method Engine
scimSmart Common Input Method (SCIM) is an Input Method (IM) development platform
scim-anthyJapanese input method Anthy IMEngine for SCIM
scim-bridgeYet another IM-client of SCIM
scim-hangulHangul IMEngine for SCIM ported from imhangul
scim-input-padInput pad for SCIM used to input symbols and special characters
scim-m17nAn input module for Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) which uses m17n as backend
scim-pinyinSmart Common Input Method (SCIM) Smart Pinyin Input Method
scim-sayuraSayura Sinhala input method for SCIM
scim-tablesSmart Common Input Method (SCIM) Generic Table Input Method Server
scim-tomoeJapanese input method Tomoe IMEngine for SCIM
scim-uimAn input module for Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) which uses uim as backend
skkfepA SKK-like Japanese input method for console
skk-jisyoJisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
skktoolsSKK utilities to manage dictionaries
tagainijishoOpen-source Japanese dictionary and kanji lookup tool
tegaki-zinnia-japaneseHandwriting model data of Japanese
tomoeJapanese handwriting recognition engine
tomoe-gtkTomoe GTK+ interface widget library
transifex-clientThe Transifex command-line client
translate-shellOnline command-line translator
uchardetAn encoding detector library
uimA multilingual input method framework
uim-tomoe-gtkJapanese input method Tomoe IMEngine for uim
unicode-cldrUnicode Common Locale Data Repository
unicode-dataUnicode data from
unicode-emojiUTS #51 Unicode Emoji
xvnkbVietnamese input keyboard for X
yaskkservYet Another SKK server
yaskkserv2Yet Another SKK server
zinniaZinnia - Online hand recognition system with machine learning
zinnia-tomoeHandwriting model files trained with Tomoe data


Packages: 107

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