anthy | Anthy -- free and secure Japanese input system |
bidiv | A commandline tool displaying logical Hebrew/Arabic |
cstools | A charset conversion tool cstocs and two Perl modules for Czech language |
dbskkd-cdb | SKK dictionary server based on cdb |
enca | Detect and convert encoding of text files |
fbterm | Fast terminal emulator for the Linux framebuffer |
fcitx | Fcitx 5 is a generic input method framework |
fcitx-anthy | Japanese Anthy input methods for Fcitx5 |
fcitx-chewing | Chewing Wrapper for Fcitx. |
fcitx-chinese-addons | Addons related to Chinese, including IME previous bundled inside fcitx4. |
fcitx-configtool | Configuration module for Fcitx |
fcitx-gtk | Gtk im module for fcitx5 and glib based dbus client library |
fcitx-hangul | Korean Hangul input method for Fcitx |
fcitx-lua | Lua support for fcitx |
fcitx-m17n | m17n-provided input methods for Fcitx5 |
fcitx-qt | Qt library and IM module for fcitx5 |
fcitx-rime | Chinese RIME input methods for Fcitx |
fcitx-sayura | Fcitx-Sayura is a Sinhala input method for Fcitx input method framework |
fcitx-table-extra | Provides extra table for Fcitx, including Boshiamy, Zhengma, Cangjie, and Quick |
fcitx-table-other | Provides some other tables for Fcitx, fork from ibus-table-others, scim-tables |
fcitx-unikey | Unikey (Vietnamese Input Method) engine support for Fcitx |
gnulib-l10n | Localization for gnulib |
ibus | Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS |
ibus-anthy | Japanese Anthy engine for IBus |
ibus-cangjie | Chinese Cangjie and Quick engines for IBus |
ibus-chewing | Chinese Chewing engine for IBus |
ibus-fbterm | IBus client for FbTerm |
ibus-handwrite | Hand write recognition/input for IBus |
ibus-hangul | Korean Hangul engine for IBus |
ibus-input-pad | Input Pad for IBus |
ibus-libpinyin | Intelligent Pinyin and Bopomofo input methods based on LibPinyin for IBus |
ibus-m17n | M17N engine for IBus |
ibus-pinyin | Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus |
ibus-rime | Chinese Rime Input Method Engine for IBus |
ibus-skk | Japanese SKK engine for IBus |
ibus-table | Tables engines for IBus |
ibus-table-chinese | Chinese tables for IBus-Table |
ibus-table-extraphrase | Chinese extra phrases for IBus-Table |
ibus-table-latin | Latin tables for IBus-Table |
ibus-table-others | Various tables for IBus-Table |
ibus-typing-booster | Completion input method for IBus |
ibus-unikey | Vietnamese UniKey engine for IBus |
im-chooser | Desktop Input Method configuration tool |
imsettings | Delivery framework for general Input Method configuration |
jfbterm | The J Framebuffer Terminal/Multilingual Enhancement with UTF-8 support |
kakasi | Converts Japanese text between kanji, kana, and romaji |
kanjipad | Japanese handwriting recognition tool |
kcc | Kanji code converter |
libcangjie | Library implementing the Cangjie input method |
libchewing | Intelligent phonetic (Zhuyin/Bopomofo) input method library |
libhangul | Library for hangul input method logic, hanja dictionary |
libime | Fcitx5 Next generation of fcitx |
libpinyin | Libraries for handling of Hanyu Pinyin and Zhuyin Fuhao |
librime | RIME (Rime Input Method Engine) core library |
librime-lua | Lua module for RIME |
libskk | GObject-based library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method |
man-pages-ja | Collection of manual pages translated into Japanese |
man-pages-l10n | A somewhat comprehensive collection of man page translations |
man-pages-ru | A collection of Russian translations of Linux manual pages |
man-pages-zh_CN | A somewhat comprehensive collection of Chinese Linux man pages |
mecab-skkserv | mecab-skkserv is a Kana-Kanji conversion server using MeCab |
mozc | Mozc - Japanese input method editor |
multiskkserv | SKK server that handles multiple dictionaries |
nabi | Simple Hanguk X Input Method |
nkf | Network Kanji code conversion Filter with UTF-8/16 support |
opencc | Library for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters |
poedit | GUI gettext translations editor |
pyzy | The Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library |
qkc | Quick KANJI code Converter |
rime-data | Data resources for Rime Input Method Engine |
scim | Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) is an Input Method (IM) development platform |
scim-anthy | Japanese input method Anthy IMEngine for SCIM |
scim-bridge | Yet another IM-client of SCIM |
scim-hangul | Hangul IMEngine for SCIM ported from imhangul |
scim-input-pad | Input pad for SCIM used to input symbols and special characters |
scim-m17n | An input module for Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) which uses m17n as backend |
scim-pinyin | Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) Smart Pinyin Input Method |
scim-sayura | Sayura Sinhala input method for SCIM |
scim-tables | Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) Generic Table Input Method Server |
scim-tomoe | Japanese input method Tomoe IMEngine for SCIM |
scim-uim | An input module for Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) which uses uim as backend |
skkfep | A SKK-like Japanese input method for console |
skk-jisyo | Jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software |
skktools | SKK utilities to manage dictionaries |
tagainijisho | Open-source Japanese dictionary and kanji lookup tool |
tegaki-zinnia-japanese | Handwriting model data of Japanese |
tomoe | Japanese handwriting recognition engine |
tomoe-gtk | Tomoe GTK+ interface widget library |
transifex-client | The Transifex command-line client |
translate-shell | Online command-line translator |
uchardet | An encoding detector library |
uim | A multilingual input method framework |
uim-tomoe-gtk | Japanese input method Tomoe IMEngine for uim |
unicode-cldr | Unicode Common Locale Data Repository |
unicode-data | Unicode data from |
unicode-emoji | UTS #51 Unicode Emoji |
xvnkb | Vietnamese input keyboard for X |
yaskkserv | Yet Another SKK server |
yaskkserv2 | Yet Another SKK server |
zinnia | Zinnia - Online hand recognition system with machine learning |
zinnia-tomoe | Handwriting model files trained with Tomoe data |