apgdiff | A simple PostgreSQL diff tool that is useful for schema upgrades |
barman | Administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers |
bucardo | An asynchronous PostgreSQL replication system |
cdb | Fast, reliable, simple package for creating and reading constant databases |
citus | Open-source postgresql extension for clustering/multi-node setups |
cockroach | open source database for building cloud services |
datadraw | feature rich database generator for high performance C applications |
dbeaver-bin | Free universal database tool (community edition) |
duckdb | high-performance analytical database system |
etcd | Highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery |
freetds | Tabular Datastream Library |
futuresql | Non-blocking Qt database framework |
gqlplus | a front-end for Oracle program sqlplus with command-line editing |
hsqldb | HSQLDB - Lightweight 100% Java SQL Database Engine |
influx-cli | The command line for influxdb |
influxdb | Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics |
innotop | A text-mode MySQL and InnoDB monitor like mytop, but with many more features |
kyotocabinet | A straightforward implementation of DBM |
libdbi | A database-independent abstraction layer in C |
libdbi-drivers | The libdbi-drivers project maintains drivers for libdbi |
libiodbc | ODBC Interface for Linux |
libodbc++ | Provides a subset of the well-known JDBC 2.0(tm) and runs on top of ODBC |
libzdb | A thread safe high level multi-database connection pool library |
litecli | CLI for SQLite with auto-completion and syntax highlighting |
litedb | .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file |
lmdb | An ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store |
lmdb++ | C++11 wrapper for the LMDB database library |
m17n-db | Database for the m17n library |
mariadb | An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL |
mariadb-connector-c | C client library for MariaDB/MySQL |
mariadb-connector-odbc | MariaDB Connector/ODBC |
mongodb | A high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented database |
mongodb-compass-bin | GUI for MongoDB |
mycli | CLI for MySQL Database with auto-completion and syntax highlighting |
mydumper | A high-performance multi-threaded backup (and restore) toolset for MySQL |
myodbc | ODBC driver for MySQL |
mysql | A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server |
mysql++ | C++ API interface to the MySQL database |
mysql-connector-c | C client library for MariaDB/MySQL |
mysql-connector-c++ | MySQL database connector for C++ (mimics JDBC 4.0 API) |
mysql-init-scripts | Gentoo MySQL init scripts |
mysqltuner | Makes recommendations for increased performance and stability for MySQL |
mysql-workbench | MySQL Workbench |
mytop | mytop - a top clone for mysql |
ocp | Oracle copy tool |
opendbx | OpenDBX - A database abstraction layer |
oracle-instantclient | Oracle 21c Instant Client with SDK |
percona-server | Fully compatible, enhanced and open source drop-in replacement for MySQL |
percona-toolkit | Advanced command-line tools to perform a variety of MySQL and system tasks |
percona-xtrabackup | Hot backup utility for MySQL based servers |
pg_activity | Realtime PostgreSQL database server monitoring tool |
pgagent | pgAgent is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL |
pg_background | Postgres Background Worker |
pgbadger | pgBadger is a PostgreSQL log analyzer |
pgbouncer | Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL |
pgcli | CLI for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting |
pgFormatter | PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier |
pg-gvm | Greenbone Library for helper functions in PostgreSQL |
pgLatLon | Spatial database extension for the PostgreSQL |
pglogical | Logical replication for PostgreSQL |
pgmemcache | A PostgreSQL API based on libmemcached to interface with memcached |
pgmodeler | PostgreSQL Database Modeler |
pgpool2 | Connection pool server for PostgreSQL |
pgrouting | pgRouting extends PostGIS and PostgreSQL with geospatial routing functionality |
pgtap | Unit testing for PostgreSQL |
pg_top | 'top' for PostgreSQL |
pgxnclient | PostgreSQL Extension Network Client |
phpmyadmin | Web-based administration for MySQL database in PHP |
phppgadmin | Web-based administration for Postgres database in php |
plr | R language extension for postgresql database |
postgis | Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL |
postgresql | PostgreSQL RDBMS |
pspg | A better pager for CLI database clients, and can substitute psql |
psqlodbc | Official ODBC driver for PostgreSQL |
qdbm | Quick Database Manager |
qt5-sqlcipher | Qt SQL driver plugin for SQLCipher |
recutils | Tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases |
redict | A persistent caching system, key-value, and data structures database |
redis | A persistent caching system, key-value, and data structures database |
repmgr | PostgreSQL Replication Manager |
rqlite | Replicated SQLite using the Raft consensus protocol |
slony1 | A replication system for the PostgreSQL Database Management System |
spatialite | A complete Spatial DBMS in a nutshell built upon sqlite |
spatialite-tools | A collection of CLI tools supporting SpatiaLite |
sqlcipher | Full Database Encryption for SQLite |
sqlcl-bin | Oracle SQLcl is the new SQL*Plus |
sqldeveloper | Oracle SQL Developer is a graphical tool for database development |
sqlite | SQL database engine |
sqlitebrowser | Light GUI editor for SQLite databases |
sqliteman | Powerful GUI manager for the Sqlite3 database |
sqlitestudio | Powerful cross-platform SQLite database manager |
sqlmap | An automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool |
textsearch_ja | Integrated Full-Text-Search for Japanese language using morphological analyze |
timescaledb | Open-source time-series SQL database |
tinycdb | A very fast and simple package for creating and reading constant data bases |
tokyocabinet | A library of routines for managing a database |
unixODBC | Complete ODBC driver manager |
vsqlite++ | VSQLite++ - A well designed and portable SQLite3 Wrapper for C++ |
wxsqlite3 | C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database |