
The dev-lang category contains various programming language implementations and related tools.

absThe ABS programing language
ada-bootstrapBinary bootstrap compiler for GNAT (Ada compiler)
algol68gAlgol 68 Genie compiler-interpreter
ammonite-repl-binScala language-based scripting and REPL
arcNew dialect of Lisp, works well for web applications
ats2Functional programming language with dependent types
basAn interpreter for the classic dialect of the programming language BASIC
bffA brainfuck interpreter
boogieSMT-based program verifier
cfortranHeader file allowing to call Fortran routines from C and C++
c-intercalC-INTERCAL - INTERCAL to binary (via C) compiler
clipsTool for building Expert Systems (native version)
clipsjniTool for building Expert Systems (Java version)
cll1hC<<1 programming language system
clojureGeneral-purpose programming language with an emphasis on functional programming
closure-compiler-binJavaScript optimizing compiler
coffee-scriptA little language that compiles into javascript
crystalThe Crystal Programming Language
cueopen-source data validation language and inference engine
cxprologA WAM based Prolog system
dafnyDafny is a verification-aware programming language
dafny-binVerification-aware programming language
duktapeEmbeddable Javascript engine
dzaima-bqnA BQN language implementation written in Java, also know as dbqn
eislInterpreter and compiler compatible with the ISLisp standard
elixirElixir programming language
elpiEmbeddable Lambda Prolog Interpreter in OCaml
erlangErlang programming language, runtime environment and libraries (OTP)
escoCombine interpreter of esoteric languages
execlineA non-interactive scripting language
f2cFortran to C converter
fennelLisp-like language that compiles to Lua
fpcFree Pascal Compiler
fuzionA language with a focus on simplicity, safety and correctness
gdlGNU Data Language
gforthGNU Forth is a fast and portable implementation of the ANSI Forth language
ghcThe Glasgow Haskell Compiler
gleamA friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems!
gnat-gplGNAT Ada Compiler - GPL version
gnucobolA free/libre COBOL compiler
gnuprologjavaGNU Prolog for Java is an implementation of ISO Prolog as a Java library
goA concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language
go-bootstrapBootstrap package for dev-lang/go
gprologNative Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains (FD)
grassA Sass compiler written purely in Rust
haxeMulti-target universal programming language
iconVery high level language
idris2Purely functional programming language with first class types
informDesign system for interactive fiction
interprologInterProlog is a Java front-end and enhancement for Prolog
ispcIntel SPMD Program Compiler
janetA dynamic Lisp dialect and bytecode vm
jerryscriptUltra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things
jimtclSmall footprint implementation of Tcl programming language
jintJavascript Interpreter for .NET
jsonnetA data templating language for app and tool developers
juliaHigh-performance programming language for technical computing
julia-binHigh-performance programming language for technical computing
jwasmMASM-compatible TASM-similar assembler (fork of Wasm)
kotlin-binStatically typed language that targets the JVM and JavaScript
lazarusfeature rich visual programming environment emulating Delphi
lfeLisp-flavoured Erlang
lisaacAn object prototype based language
logtalkOpen source object-oriented logic programming language
luaA powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications
luajitJust-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
luauGradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua
maudeHigh-level specification language for equational and logic programming
mercuryMercury is a modern general-purpose logic/functional programming language
mercury-extrasAdditional libraries and tools that are not part of the Mercury standard library
micropythonPython implementation for microcontrollers
mltonStandard ML optimizing compiler and libraries
mmixDonald Knuth's MMIX Assembler and Simulator
moarvmA 6model-based VM for NQP and Raku
mondMond is a scripting language for .NET Core
monoMono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter
mono-basicVisual Basic Compiler and Runtime
mrustcMutabah's Rust Compiler
mujsAn embeddable JavaScript interpreter written in C
nasmgroovy little assembler
nekoNeko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language
neluaStatically-typed systems programming language inspired by Lua
nimCompiled, garbage-collected systems programming language
nprologInterpreter and compiler to be compatible with Arity/Prolog32
nqpNot Quite Perl, a Raku bootstrapping compiler
ocamlProgramming language supporting functional, imperative & object-oriented styles
oorexxOpen source implementation of Object Rexx
orcThe Oil Runtime Compiler, a just-in-time compiler for array operations
parrotVirtual machine designed to compile and execute bytecode for dynamic languages
pccpcc portable c compiler
perlLarry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
phpThe PHP language runtime engine
pico8Fantasy console for making and playing tiny games and other computer programs
polymlPoly/ML is a full implementation of Standard ML
pypyA fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (2.7) language
pypy3-exePyPy3.11 executable (build from source)
pypy3-exe-binPyPy3.11 executable (pre-built version)
pythonAn interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python-execPython script wrapper
python-exec-confConfiguration file for dev-lang/python-exec
qoreQore, the embeddable multithreaded scripting language
qu-prologExtended Prolog supporting quantifiers, object-variables and substitutions
RLanguage and environment for statistical computing and graphics
rakudoA compiler for the Raku programming language
rapydscript-ngPythonic JavaScript that doesn't suck
regina-rexxPortable Rexx interpreter
rubyAn object-oriented scripting language
rustSystems programming language from Mozilla
rust-binSystems programming language from Mozilla
rust-commonCommon files shared between multiple slots of Rust
sasscA libsass command line driver
scala-binThe Scala Programming Language
scrapscriptFunctional, content-addressable programming language
smlnjStandard ML of New Jersey compiler and libraries
snobolPhil Budne's port of Macro SNOBOL4 in C, for modern machines
souffleDatalog compiler, synthesizes C++ program from logic specification
sparkSoftware development for high-reliability applications
spidermonkeyMozilla's JavaScript engine written in C and C++
squirrelA interpreted language mainly used for games
swigSimplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
swi-prologVersatile implementation of the Prolog programming language
tccA very small C compiler for ix86/amd64
tclTool Command Language
teyjusHigher-order logic programming language Lambda Prolog
tkTk Widget Set
tuprologtuProlog is a light-weight Prolog for Internet applications and infrastructures
typescriptSuperset of JavaScript with optional static typing, classes and interfaces
uasmUASM is a free MASM-compatible assembler
valaCompiler for the GObject type system
whitespaceWhitespace, an esoteric programming language
xsbXSB is a logic programming and deductive database system
yapYAP is a high-performance Prolog compiler
yasmAn assembler for x86 and x86_64 instruction sets
zigA robust, optimal, and maintainable programming language
zig-binA robust, optimal, and maintainable programming language


Packages: 135

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