Add support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)

Packages describing “gtk” as local USE flag

Package“gtk” Flag Description
app-crypt/eid-mwAll dialogs are available, by using x11-libs/gtk+
app-misc/lircInclude GTK support which enables the use of lirc-setup
app-misc/vifmUse gtk+ to determine mimetypes
dev-db/postgisBuild graphical interface for shp2pgsql (shp2pgsql-gui)
dev-libs/libdbusmenuEnable support for GTK+2
dev-qt/qtbaseBuild the GTK platform theme plugin
dev-qt/qtwidgetsBuild the GTK platform theme plugin
games-emulation/higanUse GTK3 (Qt5 if disabled) user interface backend
gnome-extra/libgsfEnable use of gdk in thumbnailer
gui-libs/libdecorBuild GTK plugin
kde-plasma/plasma-metaEnable Breeze widget style and system settings module for GTK+
media-libs/clutterUse gdk-pixbuf from x11-libs/gtk+ as image rendering backend
media-libs/libgpodEnable ArtworkDB support
media-libs/xine-libBuild the gdkpixbuf-based image decoder plugin.
media-video/droidcamBuild the dev-cpp/gtkmm:3.0 client.
media-video/handbrakeInstall the GTK UI, ghb.
net-dialup/pppInstalls GTK+ password prompting program that can be used by PPP plugin for reading the password from a X11 input terminal
net-dns/avahiUse gtk3 for the avahi utilities to build the avahi-ui-gtk3 library
net-misc/puttyBuild the PuTTY client which requires x11-libs/gtk+. If disabled only the CLI tools puttygen, plink, pscp and psftp will be built
net-misc/youtube-viewerInstall the gtk3 GUI
sci-mathematics/why3Build the IDE x11-libs/gtk+
sys-devel/sparseBuild the test-inspect utility (requires x11-libs/gtk+:3)
sys-power/nvclockInstall the GTK+ based graphical interface
www-client/netsurfBuild GTK3 GUI
x11-misc/lightdmPull in the gtk+ greeter
x11-misc/wbarEnables the gtk-based wbar-config GUI

All packages providing a “gtk” USE flag (133)