Add support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - DANGEROUS to arbitrarily flip

Packages describing “pam” as local USE flag

Package“pam” Flag Description
dev-db/mariadbEnable the optional PAM authentication plugin for the server
media-sound/jack2Add basic realtime configuration via sys-auth/realtime-base
media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kitAdd basic realtime configuration via sys-auth/realtime-base
net-misc/frrAdd support for PAM (via sys-libs/pam) to the Virtual Terminal Interface Shell (vtysh)
net-misc/hylafaxplushfaxd authentication via PAM
sys-apps/util-linuxbuild runuser helper
sys-auth/oath-toolkitBuild PAM module for pluggable login authentication for OATH
sys-fs/zfsInstall zfs_key pam module, for automatically loading zfs encryption keys for home datasets
sys-process/fcronEnable PAM support for fcron. This means that fcron will pass through the "fcron" stack before executing the jobs, and fcrontab will use the "fcrontab" stack to authenticate the user before editing its crontab file.

All packages providing a “pam” USE flag (103)