Add support for X11

Packages describing “X” as local USE flag

Package“X” Flag Description
app-admin/gkrellmBuild both the X11 gui (gkrellm) and the server (gkrellmd). Disabling this flag builds the server only
app-admin/passUse x11-misc/xclip to copy passwords to the clipboard.
app-editors/featherpadLink application against X11 libraries which adds support for virtual desktop awareness and tab DND
app-editors/vimLink console vim against X11 libraries to enable title and clipboard features in xterm
app-misc/brootX11 clipboard interaction
app-misc/neofetchEnable support for detecting DEs, WMs, screen resolutions, and showing images from an X terminal
app-office/sc-imUse x11-misc/xclip for clipboard copy/paste
app-text/feathernotesLink application against X11 libraries which adds support for virtual desktop awareness and tab DND
app-text/zealEnable global shortcut support on X11
dev-libs/m17n-libBuild the Graphical User Interface API and utilities
dev-qt/qtbaseBuild the XCB platform plugin and enable X11 integration
dev-qt/qtguiBuild the XCB platform plugin and enable X11 integration
gui-libs/wlrootsEnable support for X11 applications (XWayland)
gui-wm/swayEnable support for X11 applications (XWayland)
gui-wm/wayfireEnable support for X11 applications (XWayland).
kde-apps/kio-extrasEnable support for XCursor thumbnails via x11-libs/libX11
kde-apps/ktouchEnable support for X11 Keyboard Layout Detection
kde-misc/kdeconnectEnable remote input mousepad plugin using x11-libs/libfakekey
kde-plasma/plasma-login-sessionsInstall X11 session file for Display Managers (default is Wayland if both enabled)
media-gfx/fbidaInstall the Motif based image viewer "ida"
media-gfx/graphvizBuilds unflatten, vimdot, builds plugin -Txlib, and enables support for x11 in various other modules (needs cairo)
media-libs/gst-plugins-baseEnable ximagesink and xvimagesink plugins; build GLX platform support if USE=opengl is enabled; build x11 windowing system support if USE=egl is enabled
media-libs/imlib2Use the X window system
media-radio/ax25-toolsEnable some X based configuration tools.
media-sound/pulseaudio-daemonBuild the X11 publish module to export PulseAudio information through X11 protocol for clients to make use. Don't enable this flag if you want to use a system wide instance. If unsure, enable this flag.
media-video/pipewireEnable audible bell for X11
media-video/vlcEnable support for e.g. fullscreen mode via X and the X C-language binding. It does not build a graphical interface
media-video/webcamoidEnable x11-libs/libX11 screen capture support
net-im/qtoxEnable auto-away support
net-print/hplipEnables scanner GUI dependencies with USE="scanner" where media-gfx/xsane is preferred over media-gfx/sane-frontends
sys-apps/ducUse X11 for the GUI instead of OpenGL. This is the recommended option
sys-apps/firejailEnable X11 sandboxing
sys-apps/hwlocuse the X Window System
x11-apps/igt-gpu-toolsEnable intel-gpu-overlay xlib/cairo backend
x11-libs/pangoBuild and install the legacy pangoxft library

All packages providing a “X” USE flag (543)