a | Associative data structure functions for Emacs Lisp |
ace-window | Quickly switch windows in Emacs |
actionscript-mode | A major mode for GNU Emacs for editing Actionscript 3 files |
adaptive-wrap | Smart line-wrapping with wrap-prefix |
all-the-icons | Various icon fonts propertized for Emacs |
all-the-icons-dired | Display all-the-icons icon for each file in Emacs' dired buffer |
all-the-icons-ibuffer | Display all-the-icons icons for all buffers in Emacs' ibuffer |
all-the-icons-ivy-rich | Display icons for ivy buffers in Emacs |
amx | Alternative M-x interface for GNU Emacs |
analog | Monitor lists of files or command output |
anaphora | Anaphoric expressions for Emacs Lisp, providing implicit temporary variables |
ansi | Emacs library to convert strings into ansi |
apache-mode | Major mode for editing Apache configuration files |
apel | A Portable Emacs Library is a library for making portable Emacs Lisp programs |
apheleia | Reformat GNU Emacs buffers stably without moving point |
assess | Test support functions for Emacs |
async | Simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs |
atomic-chrome | Edit text area on Chrome with Emacs using Atomic Chrome |
auctex | Extensible package for writing and formatting TeX files in Emacs |
auto-complete | Auto-complete package |
autoconf-mode | Emacs major modes for editing autoconf and autotest input |
autothemer | Conveniently define themes for GNU Emacs |
avy | Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and quickly select |
avy-embark-collect | Use avy to jump to Embark Collect entries |
bbdb | The Insidious Big Brother Database |
biblio | Browse and import bibliographic references with Emacs |
binclock | Display the current time using a binary clock |
bind-chord | Key-chord binding helper for use-package-chords |
bind-key | Simple way to manage personal keybindings |
bison-mode | Emacs major mode for Bison, Yacc and Lex grammars |
blogmax | Blogging in Emacs |
bm | Visible bookmarks in buffer |
bnf-mode | GNU Emacs major mode for editing BNF grammars |
bongo | Buffer-oriented media player for Emacs |
boogie-friends | Emacs tools for interacting with Boogie, Dafny and Z3 (SMT2) |
boxquote | Quote text with a semi-box |
browse-kill-ring | An improved interface to kill-ring |
bubblet | A bubble-popping game |
bui | Buffer interface library for Emacs |
burly | Save and restore frames and windows with their buffers in Emacs |
buttercup | Behaviour-driven Elisp testing |
calfw | A calendar framework for Emacs |
cape | Completion At Point Extensions |
cask | Project management for Emacs package development |
cask-mode | Major mode for editing Cask files for Emacs |
cdlatex | Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math |
centaur-tabs | Customizable tabs plugin for GNU Emacs |
cfrs | Child Frame Read String, alternative to read-string |
chess | A chess client and library for Emacs |
cider | Clojure Interactive Development Environment for GNU Emacs |
circe | A great IRC client for Emacs |
citar | Emacs package to quickly find and act on bibliographic references |
citeproc-el | CSL 1.0.2 Citation Processor for Emacs |
cldoc | Show Common Lisp operators and variables information in echo area |
clojure-mode | Major mode for Clojure code |
closql | Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL |
cmake-font-lock | Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake |
cmake-mode | GNU Emacs mode for handling CMake build files |
color-browser | A utility for designing Emacs color themes |
color-moccur | Major mode for color moccur |
color-theme | Install color themes (includes many themes) |
commander | Emacs command line parser |
commenter | Set both single and multi line comment variables in Emacs Lisp |
company-coq | Collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode |
company-ebuild | Company backend for editing Ebuild files |
company-math | Completion back-ends for for math unicode symbols and latex tags |
company-mode | In-buffer completion front-end |
company-quickhelp | Company documentation popups for completion candidates |
compat | Compatibility libraries for Emacs |
consult | Consulting complete-read for GNU Emacs |
consult-flycheck | Consult integration for Flycheck |
corfu | Completion Overlay Region FUnction |
counsel | Versions of common Emacs commands customized to make the best use of ivy |
crontab-mode | Mode for editing crontab files |
crux | Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for GNU Emacs |
csharp-mode | A derived Emacs mode implementing most of the C# rules |
css-mode | A major mode for editing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) |
css-sort-buffer | Sort CSS buffer |
csv-mode | A major mode for editing comma-separated value files |
ctable | Table Component for Emacs Lisp |
cycle-buffer | Select buffer by cycling through |
dape | Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs |
dap-mode | Debug Adapter Protocol mode |
dash | A modern list library for Emacs |
dashboard | Extensible Emacs dashboard, with sections like bookmarks, agenda and more |
ddskk | One Japanese input methods on Emacs |
deferred | Deferred and Concurrent - simple asynchronous functions for Emacs Lisp |
deft | Quickly browse, filter and edit directories of plain text notes |
demap | Detachable minimap for Emacs |
denote | Simple notes for Emacs with an efficient file-naming scheme |
desktop+ | desktop+ extends standard desktop module |
desktop-entry-mode | GNU Emacs mode for handling freedesktop.org desktop entry files |
develock | An Emacs minor mode for highlighting broken formatting rules |
devil | Provides a modifier-free editing experience |
df-mode | Minor mode to show space left on devices in the mode line |
dictionary | Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server |
diff-hl | Highlight uncommitted changes, jump between and revert them selectively |
diminish | Hiding or abbreviation of the mode line displays (lighters) |
dircolors | Provide the same facility of ls --color inside Emacs |
dired-hacks | Collection of useful dired additions for GNU Emacs |
dired-sort-menu | Sort entries in Dired mode |
distel | Distributed Emacs Lisp for Erlang |
d-mode | Emacs major mode for editing D code |
docker | Emacs integration for Docker |
dockerfile-mode | GNU Emacs mode for handling Dockerfiles |
docker-tramp | Emacs TRAMP integration for docker containers |
doctest-mode | An Emacs major mode for editing Python source |
doom-modeline | Fancy and fast mode-line for Emacs inspired by minimalism design |
doom-themes | Opinionated megapack of modern color-themes for GNU Emacs |
doxymacs | Doxygen editing minor mode |
dropdown-list | Drop-down menu interface |
dts-mode | Emacs major mode for devicetree sources |
dune-format | Reformat OCaml's dune files automatically |
dwarf-mode | Emacs mode to browse DWARF information |
earthfile-mode | GNU Emacs major mode for editing Earthly Earthfiles |
ebib | BibTeX database manager for Emacs |
ebuild-mode | Emacs modes for editing ebuilds and other Gentoo specific files |
ebuild-run-mode | Major mode for Emacs buffers where ebuild commands run |
ecukes | Cucumber for Emacs |
edb | EDB, The Emacs Database |
edit-indirect | Edit regions in separate Emacs buffers |
edit-list | Edit a single list |
editorconfig-emacs | EditorConfig plugin for emacs |
edit-server | Service edit requests from a web browser for editing of textareas |
ef-themes | Colourful and legible themes for GNU Emacs |
eglot | A minimal Emacs LSP client for GNU Emacs |
eimp | Emacs Image Manipulation Package |
eldev | Emacs Lisp Development Tool |
eldoc-box | Child frame doc for Eglot and anything that uses ElDoc |
elfeed | Emacs web feeds client |
elfeed-protocol | Provide extra news client subscription protocols for elfeed |
elixir-mode | Emacs major mode for editing Elixir files |
el-mock | Mocking library for Emacs |
elpa-mirror | Create local package repository from installed Emacs Lisp packages |
elpher | Practical and friendly Gopher and Gemini client for GNU Emacs |
elpy | Emacs Python Development Environment |
elscreen | Frame configuration management for GNU Emacs modelled after GNU Screen |
emacs-aio | Async and await functions for Emacs Lisp |
emacs-ansilove | Display buffers as PNG images using ansilove in GNU Emacs |
emacs-bazel-mode | Emacs major modes for the Bazel build system support |
emacs-ccls | Emacs client for ccls, a C/C++ language server |
emacs-common | Common files needed by all GNU Emacs versions |
emacs-crystal-mode | GNU Emacs major mode for editing Crystal programming language files |
emacs-daemon | Gentoo support for Emacs running as a server in the background |
emacs-eat | Emulate A Terminal, in a region, in a buffer and in Eshell |
emacs-ebuild-snippets | Yasnippets for editing ebuilds and eclasses |
emacs-eix | Eix integration for GNU Emacs |
emacs-el-fetch | Show system information in Neofetch-like style inside Emacs |
emacs-ipython-notebook | Jupyter notebook client in Emacs |
emacs-jabber | A Jabber client for Emacs |
emacs-openrc | OpenRC integration for GNU Emacs |
emacsql | A high-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end |
emacs-w3m | emacs-w3m is an interface program of w3m on Emacs |
emacs-websearch | Query search engines from Emacs |
emacs-wget | Wget interface for Emacs |
embark | Conveniently act on minibuffer completions inside GNU Emacs |
embark-consult | Consult integration for Embark |
emhacks | Useful Emacs Lisp libraries, including gdiff, jjar, jmaker, swbuff, and tabbar |
emms | The Emacs Multimedia System |
emojify | Display emojis in Emacs, like :smile: or plain ASCII ones like :) |
engrave-faces | Convert font-lock faces to other formats |
epc | RPC stack for Emacs Lisp |
epl | A convenient high-level API for package.el |
erefactor | Emacs-Lisp refactoring utilities |
erlang-mode | A major mode for editing Erlang |
erobot | Battle-bots for Emacs! |
ert-async | Async support for ERT |
ert-runner | Opinionated Emacs Ert testing workflow |
eselect-mode | Emacs major mode for editing eselect files |
espuds | Common step definitions for Emacs Ecukes |
ess | Emacs Speaks Statistics |
esup | Benchmark Emacs Startup time without ever leaving it |
evil | Extensible vi layer for Emacs |
exec-path-from-shell | Ensure environment variables inside Emacs are the same as in shell |
exheres-mode | Major mode for editing files in exheres format |
expand-region | Emacs extension to increase selected region by semantic units |
external-completion | Let external tools control completion style in GNU Emacs |
exwm | Emacs X Window Manager |
f | Modern API for working with files and directories in Emacs |
fedi | Helper functions for Fediverse or other REST API clients for GNU Emacs |
fennel-mode | Emacs support for the Fennel programming language |
fff | Fast file finder for Emacs |
filladapt | Filladapt enhances the behavior of Emacs' fill functions |
flashcard | An Emacs Lisp package for drilling on questions and answers |
flim | A library to provide basic features about message representation or encoding |
flycheck | Modern on-the-fly syntax checking extension for GNU Emacs |
flycheck-clang-tidy | Flycheck syntax checker using clang-tidy |
flycheck-guile | Flycheck checker for the GNU Guile Scheme implementation |
flycheck-inline | Display Flycheck errors inline |
flycheck-nimsuggest | Emacs Flycheck backend for Nim language using nimsuggest |
flycheck-package | Flycheck checker for Emacs Lisp package metadata |
folding | A folding-editor-like Emacs minor mode |
forge | Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit |
fsharp-mode | Support for the F# programming language |
gap-mode | Major mode for editing and running GAP programs |
geiser | Generic interaction mode between Emacs and different Scheme implementations |
geiser-chez | Chez Scheme's implementation of the Geiser protocols |
geiser-chicken | Chicken Scheme's implementation of the Geiser protocols |
geiser-gambit | Gambit Scheme's implementation of the Geiser protocols |
geiser-guile | Guile's implementation of the Geiser protocols |
geiser-mit | MIT/GNU Scheme's implementation of the Geiser protocols |
ghub | Minuscule client library for the Git forge APIs |
git-modes | Emacs major modes for editing Git configuration files |
git-timemachine | Step through historic versions of git controlled files in GNU Emacs |
gnuplot-mode | Gnuplot mode for Emacs |
gnuserv | Attach to an already running Emacs |
god-mode | Minor mode for God-like command entering in GNU Emacs |
go-mode | An improved Go mode for emacs |
google-c-style | Provides the google C/C++ coding style |
gptel | Simple Large Language Model chat client for GNU Emacs |
graphql | GraphQL utilities |
graphviz-dot-mode | Emacs mode for editing and previewing Graphviz dot graphs |
groovy-emacs-modes | Groovy major mode, grails minor mode, and a groovy inferior mode |
gruvbox-theme | Gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme, now in Emacs |
h4x0r | Aid in writing like a script kiddie does |
haskell-mode | Mode for editing (and running) Haskell programs in Emacs |
haxe-mode | Major mode for editing Haxe files |
helm | Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework |
helm-system-packages | A Helm interface to the package manager of your operating system |
hexrgb | Functions to manipulate colors, including RGB hex strings |
highlight-indentation | Minor modes to highlight indentation guides in Emacs |
highline | Minor mode to highlight current line in buffer |
hl-todo | Highlight TODO and similar keywords in comments and strings |
howm | Note-taking tool on Emacs |
ht | The missing hash table library for Emacs |
htmlize | HTML-ize font-lock buffers in Emacs |
httpd | A HTTP server embedded in the Emacs |
hydra | Make Emacs bindings that stick around |
icicles | Minibuffer input completion and cycling |
igrep | An improved interface to "grep" and "find" |
indent-bars | Fast, configurable indentation guide-bars for Emacs |
inf-clojure | Major mode for Clojure code |
inform-mode | A major mode for editing Inform programs |
initsplit | Split customizations into different files |
ivy | Generic completion mechanism for Emacs |
ivy-rich | More friendly interface for ivy |
jam-mode | An Emacs major mode for editing Jam files |
jasmin | An Emacs major mode for editing Jasmin Java bytecode assembler files |
jinx | Enchanted Spell Checker for GNU Emacs |
jq-mode | Emacs major mode for editing jq queries |
js2-mode | Improved JavaScript editing mode for GNU Emacs |
js-comint | Run a JavaScript interpreter in an Emacs inferior process window |
jsonrpc | JSON-RPC library (GNU ELPA release, also part of Emacs) |
julia-mode | Emacs major mode for the Julia programming language |
julia-repl | Run an inferior Julia REPL in a terminal inside Emacs |
kaolin-themes | Set of eye pleasing themes for GNU Emacs |
key-chord | Map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands |
keywiz | Emacs key sequence quiz |
kind-icon | Completion kind icons |
lean-mode | Emacs mode for the Lean 3 theorem prover |
ledger-mode | An Emacs major mode for editing ledger files |
lice-el | License and header template for GNU Emacs |
llama | Compact syntax for short lambda |
load-relative | Relative loads for Emacs Lisp files |
lookup | An interface to search CD-ROM books and network dictionaries |
lsp-docker | Emacs library to leverage lsp-mode in the Docker environment |
lsp-java | Emacs Java IDE using Eclipse JDT Language Server |
lsp-mode | Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol |
lsp-treemacs | Integration between lsp-mode and treemacs |
lsp-ui | UI modules for lsp-mode |
lua-mode | An Emacs major mode for editing Lua scripts |
lv | Other echo area |
lyskom-elisp-client | Elisp client for the LysKOM conference system |
macrostep | Interactive macro-expander for Emacs |
macrostep-geiser | Emacs macrostep back-end powered by geiser |
magit | A Git porcelain inside Emacs |
magit-popup | Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos |
mailcrypt | Provides a simple interface to public key cryptography with OpenPGP |
marginalia | Marginalia in the minibuffer |
markdown-mode | Major mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files |
mastodon | Emacs client for Mastodon, federated microblogging social network |
math-symbol-lists | Lists of Unicode mathematical symbols and latex commands |
matlab | Major modes for MATLAB .m and .tlc files |
m-buffer | List Oriented Buffer Operations for Emacs |
mediawiki | MediaWiki client for Emacs |
meson-mode | A GNU Emacs major mode for Meson build-system files |
metamath-mode | Major GNU Emacs mode for metamath files |
mew | Great MIME mail reader for Emacs/XEmacs |
mic-paren | Advanced highlighting of matching parentheses |
mldonkey | An Emacs Lisp interface to the MLDonkey core |
mmm-mode | Enables the user to edit different parts of a file in different major modes |
moccur-edit | An improved interface to color-moccur for editing |
mocker | Simple mocking framework for Emacs |
modus-themes | Highly accessible themes for GNU Emacs |
mpg123-el | Emacs front-end to mpg123 audio player and OggVorbis audio player |
mu-cite | Message citation utilities for emacsen |
multiple-cursors | Multiple cursors for Emacs |
multi-term | Manage multiple terminal buffers in Emacs |
muse | An authoring and publishing environment for Emacs |
nagios-mode | Major mode for editing Nagios configuration files |
navi2ch | A navigator for the Japanese textboard 2ch |
nerd-icons | Emacs Nerd Font Icons Library |
nginx-mode | Emacs editing mode for Nginx config files |
nim-mode | Emacs major mode for the Nim programming language support |
ninja-mode | GNU Emacs mode for handling Ninja build files |
nix-mode | GNU Emacs major mode for editing Nix expressions |
noflet | Dynamic, local advice for Emacs-Lisp code |
no-littering | ELisp library that helps keeping Emacs configuration directory clean |
nxml-docbook5-schemas | Add support for DocBook 5 schemas to NXML |
nxml-gentoo-schemas | Extension for nxml-mode with Gentoo-specific schemas |
nxml-libvirt-schemas | Extension for nxml-mode with libvirt schemas |
nxml-svg-schemas | Extension for nxml-mode with SVG 1.1 schemas |
oauth2 | OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol |
ocaml-mode | Emacs mode for OCaml |
orderless | Completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order |
org-appear | Toggle Org mode element visibility upon entering and leaving |
org-contrib | Contributed packages to Org |
org-mode | An Emacs mode for notes and project planning |
org-modern | Modern style for your GNU Emacs Org buffers |
org-roam | Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode |
org-static-blog | Static site generator using Emacs's org-mode |
org-superstar-mode | Prettify headings and plain lists in Org mode (use UTF8 bullets) |
osm | OpenStreetMap tile-based viewer for GNU Emacs |
outline-magic | Outline mode extensions for Emacs |
package-build | Tools for assembling a package archive |
package-lint | Linting library for Emacs Lisp package metadata |
pandoc-mode | GNU Emacs minor mode for interacting with Pandoc |
paredit | Minor mode for performing structured editing of S-expressions |
pariemacs | sci-mathematics/pari emacs mode |
parsebib | Emacs Lisp library for reading .bib files |
parseclj | Clojure Parser for Emacs Lisp |
parseedn | EDN parser for Emacs Lisp |
pdf-tools | Emacs Lisp support library for PDF documents |
persist | Persist variables between Emacs sessions |
pfuture | Simple wrapper around asynchronous processes |
php-mode | GNU Emacs major mode for editing PHP code |
pinentry | GnuPG Pinentry server implementation for Emacs |
pkg-info | Provide information about Emacs packages |
planner | Maintain a local Wiki using Emacs-friendly markup |
plz | HTTP library with curl backend for GNU Emacs |
poke | Emacs meets GNU poke! |
poke-mode | Major mode for editing Poke programs |
polymode | Framework for Multiple Major Modes in Emacs |
po-mode | Major mode for GNU gettext PO files |
popup | Visual popup interface library for Emacs |
popwin | Popup window manager for Emacs |
posframe | Pop up a frame at point |
pos-tip | Show tooltip at point |
pov-mode | Major mode for Povray scene files |
powerline | GNU Emacs version of the Vim powerline |
powershell | GNU Emacs mode for editing and running PowerShell code |
projectile | A project interaction library for Emacs |
proofgeneral | A generic interface for proof assistants |
protbuf | Protect Emacs buffers from accidental killing |
psgml | A GNU Emacs Major Mode for editing SGML and XML coded documents |
puppet-mode | Emacs major mode for editing Puppet manifests |
pymacs | A tool that allows both-side communication between Python and Emacs Lisp |
python-mode | An Emacs major mode for editing Python source |
pyvenv | Python virtual environment interface for Emacs |
quack | Enhances Emacs support for Scheme |
queue | Queue data structure |
qwerty | Switch between QWERTY and DVORAK without changing the console keymap |
racket-mode | Emacs modes for Racket: edit, REPL, check-syntax, debug, profile, and more |
rainbow-delimiters | Highlight nested parentheses, brackets, and braces according to their depth |
rainbow-mode | Colorize strings that represent colors inside Emacs buffers |
raku-mode | Major mode for editing Raku code |
reazon | GNU Emacs implementation of miniKanren, logic programming language |
redo+ | Redo/undo system for Emacs |
reformatter | Define commands which run reformatters on the Emacs buffers |
regress | Regression test harness for Emacs Lisp code |
remember | Simplify writing short notes in emacs |
repology | Repology API access via Emacs Lisp |
request | Compatible layer for URL request |
rescript-mode | Emacs major mode for ReScript |
restclient | HTTP REST client tool for GNU Emacs |
revive | Resume Emacs |
rfcview | An Emacs mode that reformats IETF RFCs for display |
rg | GNU Emacs search tool based on ripgrep |
riece | A redesign of Liece IRC client |
rnc-mode | An Emacs mode for editing Relax NG compact schema files |
rpm-spec-mode | Emacs mode to ease editing of RPM spec files |
rudel | Collaborative editing environment for GNU Emacs |
rust-mode | A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code |
s | The long lost Emacs string manipulation library |
scad-mode | Emacs mode to edit OpenSCAD files |
scala-mode | Scala mode for Emacs |
scala-ts-mode | Emacs Scala Mode via Tree-Sitter |
scheme-complete | Scheme tab-completion and word-completion for Emacs |
scim-bridge-el | a SCIM-Bridge client for Emacs |
scss-mode | Major mode for editing SCSS files in Emacs |
semi | A library to provide MIME feature for GNU Emacs |
servant | ELPA server written in Emacs Lisp |
sesman | Generic session manager for Emacs based IDEs |
session | When you start Emacs, Session restores various variables from your last session |
setnu | Display line numbers in Emacs buffers |
setup | Macro to simplify repetitive configuration patterns |
sharper | .NET SDK CLI wrapper for GNU Emacs using Transient |
shell-split-string | Split Strings Using Shell-Like Syntax |
shrink-path | Fish-style path truncation for GNU Emacs |
shut-up | Reduce Emacs output of messages |
slime | SLIME, the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode (Extended) |
sly | Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE for GNU Emacs |
sml-mode | Emacs major mode for editing Standard ML |
sokoban | Implementation of Sokoban for Emacs |
spacemacs-theme | Emacs color theme that started as a theme for Spacemacs |
speed-type | Practice touch and speed typing |
spinner | Emacs mode-line spinner for operations in progress |
ssass-mode | Write Sass in Emacs without a Turing Machine |
ssh | Support for SSH sessions in Emacs shell buffers |
string-inflection | Convert symbol names between different naming conventions |
stripes | An Emacs mode that alternates the background color of lines |
sumibi | Statistical Japanese input method using the Internet as a large corpus |
sunrise-commander | Twin-pane file manager for Emacs inspired by Midnight Commander |
svg-lib | SVG tags, progress bars & icons |
swift-mode | Emacs support for Apple's Swift programming language |
swiper | Alternative to isearch that uses ivy to show overview of all matches |
switch-window | Offer a customizable visual way to choose a window to switch to |
systemd-mode | Major mode for editing systemd units in GNU Emacs |
system-packages | Manage your installed packages with Emacs |
tablist | Extended tabulated-list mode fro Emacs |
teco | TECO interpreter for GNU Emacs |
tempel | Templates with in-buffer field editing for GNU Emacs |
template | Use templates, decorate comments, auto-update buffers |
tempo-snippets | Visual insertion of tempo templates |
thinks | Insert text in a think bubble |
tp | Utilities to create transient menus for POSTing to an API for GNU Emacs |
transient | Transient commands abstraction for GNU Emacs |
treemacs | Tree style project file explorer |
treemacs-all-the-icons | GNU Emacs all-the-icons integration for treemacs |
treepy | Generic tree traversing tools for Emacs Lisp |
treesit-auto | Automatic installation, usage, fallback for tree-sitter modes in Emacs 29 |
ts | Emacs timestamp and date-time library |
tty-format | Text file backspacing and ANSI SGR as faces |
tuareg-mode | An Objective Caml/Camllight mode for Emacs |
twittering-mode | Emacs major mode for Twitter |
typescript-mode | TypeScript-support for Emacs |
typing | The Typing of Emacs -- an Elisp parody of The Typing of the Dead for Dreamcast |
uboat | Generate u-boat-death messages, patterned after Iron Coffins |
undercover | Test coverage library for Emacs |
undo-tree | Undo trees and visualization |
uptimes | Track and display emacs session uptimes |
use-package | Declaration macro for simplifying your Emacs configuration |
uxntal-mode | GNU Emacs major mode for the uxntal assembly language |
vertico | Vertical interactive completion |
vhdl-mode | VHDL-mode for Emacs |
visual-basic-mode | A mode for editing Visual Basic programs |
vm | The VM mail reader for Emacs |
volume | Tweak your sound card volume from Emacs |
vterm | Fully-featured terminal emulator based on libvterm |
vue-html-mode | Major Emacs mode for editing Vue.js templates |
vue-mode | Major Emacs mode for vue component based on mmm-mode |
w3mnav | Add Info-like navigation keys to the emacs-w3m web browser |
wanderlust | Yet Another Message Interface on Emacsen |
web-mode | Web template editing mode for Emacs |
webpaste | Paste parts of buffers to several pastebin-like services from Emacs |
web-server | Web server running Emacs Lisp handlers |
websocket | A websocket implementation in elisp |
wfnames | GNU Emacs mode to edit filenames, similar to wdired |
wgrep | Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files |
which-key | Display the key bindings following your currently entered keys |
whine | Complaint generator for GNU Emacs |
wikipedia-mode | Mode for editing Wikipedia articles off-line |
with-editor | Use the Emacsclient as the $EDITOR of child processes |
with-simulated-input | Emacs Lisp macro to simulate user input non-interactively |
ws-butler | Unobtrusively trim extraneous white-space *ONLY* in lines edited |
xclip | Emacs Interface to XClip |
xelb | X protocol Emacs Lisp Binding |
xrdb-mode | An Emacs major mode for editing X resource database files |
xslide | An Emacs major mode for editing XSL stylesheets and running XSL processes |
yaml | YAML parser in Emacs Lisp |
yaml-mode | A major mode for GNU Emacs for editing YAML files |
yasnippet | Yet another snippet extension for Emacs |
yasnippet-snippets | A collection of yasnippet snippets for many languages |
yatex | Yet Another TeX mode for Emacs |
zenburn | Zenburn color theme for Emacs |
zenburn-theme | Zenburn color theme for Emacs |
zenirc | A full-featured scriptable IRC client for the Emacs text editor |